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  #131   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Default Why gas is $5.00/gal

On 25/04/2011 2:54 PM, Harryk wrote:
Canuck57 wrote:
On 25/04/2011 9:50 AM, Harryk wrote:
Canuck57 wrote:
On 24/04/2011 8:29 PM, Lil Abner wrote:
On 4/23/2011 7:32 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Fri, 22 Apr 2011 19:33:15 -0400, Lil wrote:

Obama's oufit and Ayers has an agenda to socialize America
regardless of
or in spite of the cost to Middle America. They are in bed with Wall
Street on many issues.

face it. how can obama be BOTH a socialist AND a wall street pawn??

you right wingers are SSOOO stupid

in addition it's the RIGHT that deregulated us into a plutocracy
by wall street
How can China be Marxist and Capitalist.
There are many apparent contradictions.
Webster doesn't fit all the scenarios.
The essence is herd the people for the socialist cause.
Manage The People for the benefit of the upper regions of wealth
Side economics/govt. Corporatism.
We seem to be receiving from both camps.
Nothing like poor, discontented, crowded, but well monitored flexible
labor pool for both camps.
is this utopia or what?

It would be better to coin China an Authoritarian-capitalist society.
Not sure there is much Marxism there at all, in fact there is more in
the US as the US owns an auto manufacturer.

And once again you demonstrate how little you know of the real world.
Further, many of the state-owned companies are marvels of efficiency.
That said, the PRC is a communist country and there are continuing
instances of near slave labor factories and other facilities...

As for Marxism, well, a lot passes for Marxism, but isn't and never was,
in China and in other places.

Ya, but you vote for USSR -- United States Socialist Republic. The first
one failed, the second one isn't going to last long either.

I don't have any serious issues with modern European socialism, as
practiced in Scandinavia. I have friends there who are educated, middle
class types. They have jobs, good health care bennies, their kids go to
college for "almost free," and they have a decent retirement.

I lived in Norway for awhile in the early 80's. Great place to visit
but I sure would not want to live there. Prices of stuff like a beer
were more then than in the US today.

As long as you don't burn gas, don't have a boat, don't drink or smoke,
don't want a nice vehicle, don't mind 65% tax rate -- essentially
working for the government without the benefits....Norway is for you.
People are nice...but they are economically repressed.

But that is the bad part. The good part is I can see the attraction
provided the government isn't corrupt and you are a herd animal. And
some of the governments in that area are not corrupt. That is, they
don't bamboozle people retirement, work 40 years and it isn't there kind
of crap that so many other governments are doing. Or should I say
haven't bamboozled yet as invariably...

Real problem here is trust in government. Given mankind's overall
historical track records with governments, they all become corrupt in
given time.

I rather trust in my name, in my account and in may name for all matters
pension. Saved my tail too, was out of NorTel in 1995 before the 3
write downs and a wipe out. Just wish I could do the same with CPP/SS.

I can assure you that the road to prosperity is not paved with
fleabagger debt.
  #132   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Default Why gas is $5.00/gal

On 25/04/2011 10:09 AM, Harryk wrote:
Canuck57 wrote:
On 24/04/2011 9:19 AM, Harryk wrote:
Canuck57 wrote:

While big money buys elections, last I checked it didn't buy your vote.
Money buys advertising, they pick the Rep and Dem ponies, but you often
can vote for a third option. But you don't.

A third option? Most of the "third option" candidates who run in this
country are as bat**** crazy as you are.

So did you run?

I almost ran for public office once, when I lived in Michigan many years
ago and was very active in the state Democratic party.

And look at Michigan now. Sure left a fiscal mess between lefites and
union fleabaggers. I know buddies who left Michigan, no future.

Heck, if I was young, I would go to Brazil or Chile, happening places.

I can assure you that the road to prosperity is not paved with
fleabagger debt.
  #133   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2010
Posts: 1,909
Default Why gas is $5.00/gal

Canuck57 wrote:
On 25/04/2011 2:54 PM, Harryk wrote:
Canuck57 wrote:
On 25/04/2011 9:50 AM, Harryk wrote:
Canuck57 wrote:
On 24/04/2011 8:29 PM, Lil Abner wrote:
On 4/23/2011 7:32 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Fri, 22 Apr 2011 19:33:15 -0400, Lil wrote:

Obama's oufit and Ayers has an agenda to socialize America
regardless of
or in spite of the cost to Middle America. They are in bed with
Street on many issues.

face it. how can obama be BOTH a socialist AND a wall street pawn??

you right wingers are SSOOO stupid

in addition it's the RIGHT that deregulated us into a plutocracy
by wall street
How can China be Marxist and Capitalist.
There are many apparent contradictions.
Webster doesn't fit all the scenarios.
The essence is herd the people for the socialist cause.
Manage The People for the benefit of the upper regions of wealth
Side economics/govt. Corporatism.
We seem to be receiving from both camps.
Nothing like poor, discontented, crowded, but well monitored flexible
labor pool for both camps.
is this utopia or what?

It would be better to coin China an Authoritarian-capitalist society.
Not sure there is much Marxism there at all, in fact there is more in
the US as the US owns an auto manufacturer.

And once again you demonstrate how little you know of the real world.
Further, many of the state-owned companies are marvels of efficiency.
That said, the PRC is a communist country and there are continuing
instances of near slave labor factories and other facilities...

As for Marxism, well, a lot passes for Marxism, but isn't and never
in China and in other places.

Ya, but you vote for USSR -- United States Socialist Republic. The first
one failed, the second one isn't going to last long either.

I don't have any serious issues with modern European socialism, as
practiced in Scandinavia. I have friends there who are educated, middle
class types. They have jobs, good health care bennies, their kids go to
college for "almost free," and they have a decent retirement.

I lived in Norway for awhile in the early 80's. Great place to visit but
I sure would not want to live there. Prices of stuff like a beer were
more then than in the US today.

As long as you don't burn gas, don't have a boat, don't drink or smoke,
don't want a nice vehicle, don't mind 65% tax rate -- essentially
working for the government without the benefits....Norway is for you.
People are nice...but they are economically repressed.

But that is the bad part. The good part is I can see the attraction
provided the government isn't corrupt and you are a herd animal. And
some of the governments in that area are not corrupt. That is, they
don't bamboozle people retirement, work 40 years and it isn't there kind
of crap that so many other governments are doing. Or should I say
haven't bamboozled yet as invariably...

Real problem here is trust in government. Given mankind's overall
historical track records with governments, they all become corrupt in
given time.

I rather trust in my name, in my account and in may name for all matters
pension. Saved my tail too, was out of NorTel in 1995 before the 3 write
downs and a wipe out. Just wish I could do the same with CPP/SS.

My Norwegian friends are as middle class as it gets. Two of them own
nice homes, one has two cars, the other one car. Their kids have either
finished college or are close to it. They have no worries about medical
bills or a decent retirement. Both are or were oil platform workers. One
was seriously injured some years ago. and the government paid for him to
attend college and sustain his family until he could earn a teaching

In this country, the injured guy would have been pushed to the curb and
  #134   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Apr 2011
Posts: 1,051
Default Why gas is $5.00/gal

On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 14:00:13 -0600, Canuck57

Ya, but you vote for USSR -- United States Socialist Republic. The
first one failed, the second one isn't going to last long either.

gee. the US is a plutocracy, run by fundamentalist capitalists

how is that marxist?
  #135   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Apr 2011
Posts: 1,051
Default Why gas is $5.00/gal

On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 09:15:16 -0400, BAR wrote:

In article ,

On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 21:15:46 -0400, BAR wrote:

In article ,

On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 08:19:24 -0600, Canuck57

The fact that so many were blinded by liberalism debt greed, well, isn't
a righties fault. Just envy on the left as many sold at the bottom when
they should have been buying....but then again they had too much DEBT.

more cliches

any specifics?

no. i thought not. you ahve glen beck and rush and all the right wing

Bobby, have you gone through all 99 weeks of your unemployment yet?


but fortunately for you and your family

welfare goes on for a bit longer than that

Funny. My paychecks are from corporations. The last time I get a check
from the government it was for a tax refund.

did they privatize welfare? that where you getting your check

  #137   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Apr 2011
Posts: 1,051
Default Why gas is $5.00/gal

On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 09:57:40 -0600, Canuck57

On 24/04/2011 8:25 AM, wf3h wrote:
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 08:19:24 -0600,
any specifics?

no. i thought not. you ahve glen beck and rush and all the right wing

and NO specifics at all. none

Funny, your own government screws you with letting banks screw up, and
in fact government is one of the biggest delinquent debtors in the world
and you blame wall street.

HAHAHAHA he contradicts himself in ONE SENTENCE!!

'letting banks screw up' AND it's wrong to blame wall street?


What do you mean by specifics? Stock symbols? Take your pick. 9/10
stocks or better bough Jan-Mar 2009 are now up big time. But does help
when you pick some like TCK-B. But doesn't have to be that good to make

how about

elimiinating regulation of derivatives
letting the derivative market go to SIXTY TWO TRILLION dollars

do you READ your own ****??

Yep, while liberals and fleabagger were whining, crying, running with
fear I cleaned up.

first he says wall street SCREWED the country THEN he complains that
people are mad about it

and then he piles on his quaint, reader's digest view of economics

no wonder the right ****ed this country

Who has the largest debt in the world and hasn't make any serious
repayments in over 3 decades? USA Government. Who indirectly sets
interest rates? The government. Who said liberalized bad credit rules
and low down was OK for the banks? Government.

let's see

ALL of that was done by the right

ALL of that is due to supply side economics

ALL of that is from the chicago school...the most right wing view of
economics possible

BUT, somehow, he blames it on liberals. does he cite A SINGLE specific


a SINGLE action? nope.


he has his reader's digest view of the world and that's all he needs

he's right wing

  #138   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2010
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Default Why gas is $5.00/gal

On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 17:26:13 -0400, John H

On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 14:00:31 -0400, Wayne B wrote:

On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 06:43:55 -0400, John H

Remember...without corporations, there would be no unions. Then where would all the liberal whining
come from?

That's easy. They'd have to look in the mirror and blame the first
person they saw. After all it must be someone's fault that oil is
running out and the primary producing region is politically unstable.
Wait until they start rioting in Saudia Arabia. That's probably
coming at some point.

But for now, let's blame Harry unless it's really you John. You two
guys live closer to Washington than anyone else I know.

I keep calling 'Bama and asking him to make the government bigger. I'm thinking he could take over
the Lawn Maintenance and Landscaping services nationwide. Once he unionized them, he'd have more
ardent followers.

I'm not sure I follow the rationale that says we attack Kaddafi because he's attacking his people.
What would our government and military do if a bunch of us started shooting soldiers? Would we get
shot, or would 'Bama say we shouldn't be hurt?

You keep proving you're a racist asshole, actually.
  #139   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Default Why gas is $5.00/gal

On 25/04/2011 3:40 PM, Harryk wrote:
Canuck57 wrote:
On 25/04/2011 2:54 PM, Harryk wrote:
Canuck57 wrote:
On 25/04/2011 9:50 AM, Harryk wrote:
Canuck57 wrote:
On 24/04/2011 8:29 PM, Lil Abner wrote:
On 4/23/2011 7:32 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Fri, 22 Apr 2011 19:33:15 -0400, Lil wrote:

Obama's oufit and Ayers has an agenda to socialize America
regardless of
or in spite of the cost to Middle America. They are in bed with
Street on many issues.

face it. how can obama be BOTH a socialist AND a wall street pawn??

you right wingers are SSOOO stupid

in addition it's the RIGHT that deregulated us into a plutocracy
by wall street
How can China be Marxist and Capitalist.
There are many apparent contradictions.
Webster doesn't fit all the scenarios.
The essence is herd the people for the socialist cause.
Manage The People for the benefit of the upper regions of wealth
Side economics/govt. Corporatism.
We seem to be receiving from both camps.
Nothing like poor, discontented, crowded, but well monitored
labor pool for both camps.
is this utopia or what?

It would be better to coin China an Authoritarian-capitalist society.
Not sure there is much Marxism there at all, in fact there is more in
the US as the US owns an auto manufacturer.

And once again you demonstrate how little you know of the real world.
Further, many of the state-owned companies are marvels of efficiency.
That said, the PRC is a communist country and there are continuing
instances of near slave labor factories and other facilities...

As for Marxism, well, a lot passes for Marxism, but isn't and never
in China and in other places.

Ya, but you vote for USSR -- United States Socialist Republic. The
one failed, the second one isn't going to last long either.

I don't have any serious issues with modern European socialism, as
practiced in Scandinavia. I have friends there who are educated, middle
class types. They have jobs, good health care bennies, their kids go to
college for "almost free," and they have a decent retirement.

I lived in Norway for awhile in the early 80's. Great place to visit but
I sure would not want to live there. Prices of stuff like a beer were
more then than in the US today.

As long as you don't burn gas, don't have a boat, don't drink or smoke,
don't want a nice vehicle, don't mind 65% tax rate -- essentially
working for the government without the benefits....Norway is for you.
People are nice...but they are economically repressed.

But that is the bad part. The good part is I can see the attraction
provided the government isn't corrupt and you are a herd animal. And
some of the governments in that area are not corrupt. That is, they
don't bamboozle people retirement, work 40 years and it isn't there kind
of crap that so many other governments are doing. Or should I say
haven't bamboozled yet as invariably...

Real problem here is trust in government. Given mankind's overall
historical track records with governments, they all become corrupt in
given time.

I rather trust in my name, in my account and in may name for all matters
pension. Saved my tail too, was out of NorTel in 1995 before the 3 write
downs and a wipe out. Just wish I could do the same with CPP/SS.

My Norwegian friends are as middle class as it gets. Two of them own
nice homes, one has two cars, the other one car. Their kids have either
finished college or are close to it. They have no worries about medical
bills or a decent retirement. Both are or were oil platform workers. One
was seriously injured some years ago. and the government paid for him to
attend college and sustain his family until he could earn a teaching

In this country, the injured guy would have been pushed to the curb and

Depends, if a worker in a potentially hazardous work like oil, don't do
the job without LTD insurance -- your nuts not to.

Not likely he had a boat eh? He gave it to the government to manage
their lives.

And pretty bad when their indigenous population is shrinking as people
can't afford the 3 kids. If like socialist Canada, we are now below 1.5
children per family and falling.

Not is all as it seems until you have lived there. I have. And one
thing I have learned in _living_ in 4 countries is that our governments
are all full of sh1t. Fear, ignorance and ego's rule... manage the
herd... the real truths no one wants to hear. Hey, I am sure they have
a lot to offer, but so does the USA, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Chile,
Brazil, India, China just to name a few.

I can assure you that the road to prosperity is not paved with
fleabagger debt.
  #140   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Default Why gas is $5.00/gal

On 25/04/2011 3:50 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 14:00:13 -0600,

Ya, but you vote for USSR -- United States Socialist Republic. The
first one failed, the second one isn't going to last long either.

gee. the US is a plutocracy, run by fundamentalist capitalists

how is that marxist?

What a better way to foul up a good country with promise a lot
liberalism, socialism and marxism combined with an inbreed party system
of aristocracy that with money, picks them both. Rigged game, a ruse.

People need more parties, less back pocket people to go to DC.
Personally, I don't like either corrupt party be it Demwits or GOPers.
In reality, Paul Ryan's budget stuff was nothing more than a stage show.
Deflect the need for immediate cuts with BS. Right idea, but 250
times short of what was needed.

Economically, the USA is hopelessly f--ked with government greed and

I don't worry about true capitalists, many are leaving USA. The corrupt
ones is the ones that screw you. Buy the leaders, present the ruse of
an election. Make a 1/1000th effort at a budget cut that is meaningless
in size.....

Yep, the destruction of USA by the corrupt. So scary no one wants to
tell the truth any more.

The real answer is for like Belgium, shut down 80% of the government
until the finances are fixed. Over 300 days now with most of Belgium's
federal government laid off. Now many are saying it should be permanent
and it might happen.

You fleabaggers over estimate what big government really does for you
and underestimate the negative impacts of big governments.

I can assure you that the road to prosperity is not paved with
fleabagger debt.
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