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  #1   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default OT--Harry may get his wish... take on Saudi Arabia. Remember, I said long ago (right after the 9/11
attack), that Afghanistan was first, followed by Iraq, Iran, Syria, and
eventually maybe even Saudi Arabia. Here's what I wrote in November, 2001:

I've explained this to you before, but let me do it again since you have
trouble comprehending. Al-Qaeda is a "company" that trains hard-line
Islamics to wage terrorist attacks on Israel and the West...kind of like a
temp service The "company's" CEO is Bin Laden. It's training headquarters
are in Afghanistan. New "employees" from around the world go there to
train. Al-Qaeda then "temps" these people out to nations that want to wage
war on Israel and the West, but do so in secrecy.....Iraq, Iran, Syria,
Yemedn, Sudan, etc.....possibly even Saudi Arabia. The Bush
Administration's plan is to take out the training facility in order to
disrupt the flow of new "employees." That is the "supply route" for the
other countries I mentioned before. The next obvious step would be to go
after the contries themselves. Saudi Arabia and Sudan may be just as
guilty as Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Iran, but rest-assured that Iraq will be
our primary whipping boy...they will be used as an example to the other
"friendly" Muslim nations. Look at Bush's ultimatum to Saddam just issued
today....let our inspectors back in...or else. If that isn't a prelude of
future miltary action there, I don't know what is. Countries such as Saudi
Arabia that speak publicly about being our ally, but act privately
otherwise, will be put on notice. No military action will be necessary as
long as they comply with our privately issued mandates. The whole plan
seems so simple and obvious to me, yet the simple minds like yourself keep
whining about "doing nothing more than bombing Afghanistan"."

Here's what Richard Perle is saying in his new book:

Monday, Jan. 12, 2004 1:54 p.m. EST
Perle: Stop the Saudis, Stop Terror

In Richard Perle's new book, "An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror,"
he and David Frum have many suggestions for how the U.S. can put an end to
the terrorist threat we now face, not the least of which is terminating
Saudi Arabia's support for the extremist Wahabbi sect of Islam.

In an interview on Fox News' program "Dayside," Perle spoke with host Linda

He said we need to tell countries like Saudi Arabia that we have no interest
in dealing with them if they continue to support terror.

"They [the Saudis] have done a terrible thing for the world and for Islam.
They have taken a fringe group of extremists who believe in holy war ... and
they're prepared to use force and violence and suicidal missions to
accomplish that. ... This would be an irrelevant fringe group if it were not
for the billions of Saudi money behind it.

"It's time for us to say to the Saudis, 'This has to stop.'"

Perle said that it would be preferable to have the Saudis cooperate with us,
but if none of the ends we seek can be achieved through "kinder, gentler
means," then we should be willing to threaten an end of the rule of the Al
Saud family.

We must be "prepared to take it as far as we need to achieve the result."

In other words, the U.S. should be prepared to tell King Fahd, Crown Prince
Abdullah and their family that, should they not cease and desist funding
extremists and teaching hate in their madrasas (theological schools for the
interpretation of Islamic law), the U.S. "no longer has any interest in your
continuing in power."

Perle said it has taken the U.S. a long time to realize what the Saudis were
doing - funneling tens of billions to the Wahabbi sect - and that the
intelligence community "really let us down on this."

  #2   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default OT--Harry may get his wish...

NOYB wrote: take on Saudi Arabia. Remember, I said long ago (right after the 9/11
attack), that Afghanistan was first, followed by Iraq, Iran, Syria, and
eventually maybe even Saudi Arabia. Here's what I wrote in November, 2001:

I've explained this to you before, but let me do it again since you have
trouble comprehending. Al-Qaeda is a "company" that trains hard-line
Islamics to wage terrorist attacks on Israel and the West...kind of like a
temp service The "company's" CEO is Bin Laden. It's training headquarters
are in Afghanistan. New "employees" from around the world go there to
train. Al-Qaeda then "temps" these people out to nations that want to wage
war on Israel and the West, but do so in secrecy.....Iraq, Iran, Syria,
Yemedn, Sudan, etc.....possibly even Saudi Arabia.

Perle said it has taken the U.S. a long time to realize what the Saudis were
doing - funneling tens of billions to the Wahabbi sect - and that the
intelligence community "really let us down on this."

Tell this to the jack-off in the White House, who entertains the Saudi
royal family at his ersatz ranch in Texas.

Email sent to is never read.
  #3   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default OT--Harry may get his wish...

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
NOYB wrote: take on Saudi Arabia. Remember, I said long ago (right after the

attack), that Afghanistan was first, followed by Iraq, Iran, Syria, and
eventually maybe even Saudi Arabia. Here's what I wrote in November,


I've explained this to you before, but let me do it again since you have
trouble comprehending. Al-Qaeda is a "company" that trains hard-line
Islamics to wage terrorist attacks on Israel and the West...kind of

like a
temp service The "company's" CEO is Bin Laden. It's training

are in Afghanistan. New "employees" from around the world go there to
train. Al-Qaeda then "temps" these people out to nations that want to

war on Israel and the West, but do so in secrecy.....Iraq, Iran, Syria,
Yemedn, Sudan, etc.....possibly even Saudi Arabia.

Perle said it has taken the U.S. a long time to realize what the Saudis

doing - funneling tens of billions to the Wahabbi sect - and that the
intelligence community "really let us down on this."

Tell this to the jack-off in the White House,

I assume by "jack-off" you mean Bush (a rather Freudianistic irony in your
choice of words BTW).

If it's in a book by Perle, you can be sure that the word's already been
passed to Bush a long time ago. Perle is one of the "Vulcans".

who entertains the Saudi
royal family at his ersatz ranch in Texas.

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

  #4   Report Post  
Christopher Robin
Posts: n/a
Default OT--Harry may get his wish...

Harry Krause wrote in message ...

Tell this to the jack-off in the White House, who entertains the Saudi
royal family at his ersatz ranch in Texas.

The ACLU is out to destroy Jews like you, Hairball:

ACLU assaults Constitution

Posted: August 30, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2002

Mainstream America is reeling with absolute shock from the politically
correct decision of the University of North Carolina requiring
incoming freshmen to read "Approaching the Qu-ran: The Early

The book clearly is a defense of Islam that conveniently leaves out
verses that call for the murder of infidels. UNC Chancellor James
Moeser, defended his position of assigning the book saying, "It helps
us from demonizing a whole group of people with being an enemy simply
by practicing the same religion."

Apparently the sacred American Civil Liberties Union doctrines of the
separation of church and state only apply to Christians and Jews. How
else can you explain why the North Carolina ACLU went to court to
support the University of North Carolina's mandatory reading
assignment of the pro-Islam book for incoming freshmen?

UNC was challenged by concerned groups in the state, but the ACLU rode
to the rescue and a federal appeals court sided with the university.

Try to imagine the ACLU's legal response had UNC Chancellor Moeser
assigned all incoming freshmen to read the Old Testament or the Talmud
before being admitted. All hell would have broken loose. Yet, there is
no hesitation to demand freshmen students be indoctrinated with a
theological virus that birthed the murder of almost 3,000 Americans on

The First Amendment of the Constitution demands that the government
take no position on religion. It is expressly the will of the people.
Yet the ACLU in its relentless attack on any form of Christianity
comes to the defense of the Islamic faith in a tax-supported
University defying the establishment clause of the First Amendment of
the Constitution.

For those of you lost in the fog created by politically correct
educators and the absolutely biased ACLU to lead you into believing
that Islam is a faith of love and peace, please note this quote from
Winston Churchill:

That religion [Islam], which above all others was founded and
propagated by the sword – the tenets and principles of which are ...
incentives to slaughter and which in three continents had produced
fighting breeds of men – simulates a wild and merciless fanaticism.

This statement from the brilliant political mind that detected and
exposed the dangers of communism to the Western world with his "Iron
Curtain" speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Mo.

For those who believe Sir Winston was biased, let's turn to the actual
text of the Koran. All Americans need to know there are two editions
of the Koran: One in Arabic and the other in English. The English
version is much more mild than the hardcore fundamentalist Arabic

Sura 5, verse 85 prophesies an inevitable conflict between Muslims and
non-Muslims. "Strongest among men in enmity to the believers [Muslims]
wilt thou find the Jews and pagans."

Sura 9, verse 5 states: "Then fight and slay the pagans wherever you
find them. And seize them, beleaguer them and lie and wait for them in
every stratagem of war."

You can be sure the freshmen at UNC will not be reading these verses.
Neither will they read the following:

Sura 5:51 states: "O ye who believe [Muslims] take not the Jews or the
Christians for your friends and protectors. They are but friends and
protectors to each other. And he among you who turns to them [for
friendship] is of them." The message is clear. If you accept a Jew or
a Christian as a friend, you are not one of us. If you're not one of
us you're an infidel.

Islamic fundamentalists believe the Koran commands them to fight
Christians and Jews: "Fight against those who believe not in Allah,
nor in the last day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah
and his messenger [Mohammed] and those who acknowledge not the
religion of truth [Islam] among the people of the scripture
[Christians and Jews] until they pay the Jazyah [a special high tax to
be paid only by Christians and Jews who do not renounce their faith
and convert to Islam] with willing submission and feel themselves
subdued." (Surat At-Taubah 9:29)

Does this sound peaceful? Does this sound like someone you would like
to have for a next door neighbor? Taxing people into poverty who
refuse to convert to your faith is peaceful? Killing people who do not
submit to Islam is peaceful? Islam is a sister faith to Christianity?
Not hardly!

Daniel Pipes, historian, writing for Commentary Magazine's November
2001 issue, records the following shocking story:

In June 1991, Siraj Wahaj, a convert to Islam, was a recipient of the
American Muslim community's highest honors and had the privilege of
becoming the first Muslim to deliver the daily prayer in the U.S.
House of Representatives.

On that occasion he recited from the Koran an appeal to the Almighty
to guide American leaders "and grant them righteousness and wisdom."

A little over a year later, Siraj Wahaj was addressing an audience of
Muslims in New Jersey and articulated a completely different message
from his mild and moderate prayer given before the U.S. House of

He said: "If only Muslims were more clever politically, they would
take over the United States and replace its constitutional government
with a Caliphate [Islamic leadership body].

He continued saying: "If we were united and strong, we would elect our
own leader and give allegiance to him. Take my word, if the 6 to 8
million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us."

Is this loyal to America? Is this peaceful? Calling for the overthrow
of the United States government is a sister faith to Christianity? Not

Yet, at the politically correct University of North Carolina, freshmen
are required to read the literature that drives Islamic
fundamentalists to kill Christians and Jews – to say nothing of
destroying America.
  #7   Report Post  
Christopher Robin
Posts: n/a
Default OT--Harry may get his wish...

jps wrote in message . ..
In article ,
Harry Krause wrote in message ...

Tell this to the jack-off in the White House, who entertains the Saudi
royal family at his ersatz ranch in Texas.

The ACLU is out to destroy Jews like you, Hairball:

Are you competing with Karen of Oz for the ignorant puke of the month

The ACLU defends the right to distribute child pornography

Carl Maves wrote, "How many gay men, I wonder, would have missed out
on a valuable, liberating experience, one that initiated them into
their sexuality, if it weren't for so-called molestation?" (See the
full article titled, "Getting Over It" in The Advocate, page 85.)
The slogan for NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association, is
"Sex by eight or it's too late," meaning not eight p.m., but eight
years old. Time Magazine is always understanding of homosexual crime.
They printed a puff image piece on Peter Melzer, the editor of
NAMBLA's journal. In the article For the Love of Kids (Nov. 1, 93,
page 51) the ACLU defended this pervert arguing that if we condemn
"NAMBLA today, who is it tomorrow?" Melzer is also a New York City
public school teacher (surprised?). He published an article In Praise
of the Penises, on "how to make that special boy feel good." As to a
police report on Melzer?s alleged sex with a Filipino boy, according
to Time, there is no hard evidence that he abused this "or any other
boy in the U.S." Yeah, right.
The homosexuals chanted during their 1993 march on Washington, "Ten
percent is not enough! Recruit, recruit, recruit!" They want my
children. They want your children.
Examine the record of those who defend homosexual adoption of
children. Jim Joy, the executive director of Colorado?s ACLU, admitted
during a PBS televised debate that the written national policy of the
ACLU defends the right to distribute child pornography. As with many
leading voices, the ACLU?s opposition of child abuse is hypocrisy.
Every such video sold of a thirteen-year-old sexually exploits the
child again. So the ACLU, known to tolerate child abuse, sells
children out again by advocating their adoption by homosexuals.
Homosexual leaders blatantly voice tolerance for child sex abuse. A
prominent gay magazine, Out, quoted Damien Martin, the head of New
York's homosexual Harvey Milk High School, as saying, "No kid has ever
been hurt by [oral sex]" in September, 1994 on page 73. The leading
gay publication, The Advocate, in an article titled Getting Over It
pondered on May 5, 1992 about how many boys "would have missed out on
a valuable, liberating experience - one that initiated them into their
sexuality - if it weren?t for so-called molestation?"
Time magazine also lacks zero tolerance for homosexual child abusers.
They quoted the ACLU in defense of an aggressive advocate of
pedophilia. NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association exists
to promote homosexual sex with young boys. Leading gay-pride
organizers in New York and San Francisco allowed NAMBLA to march
undisguised in their parades repeatedly during the last two decades. A
Time article grotesquely titled For the Love of Kids in November, 1993
quoted the ACLU defending a New York City teacher, Peter Melzer who
edits the NAMBLA journal. Melzer published an article In Praise of the
Penises, on "how to make that special boy feel good." As to the police
report on Melzer's alleged sex with a Filipino boy, Time assured its
readers, there is no hard evidence that he abused this "or any other
boy in the U.S." In the U.S.
The media defends homosexuals who want to adopt children, but it also
supports homosexuals who openly advocate sex with kids. The national
media warmly eulogized Alan Ginsburg this past spring conveniently
ignoring this homosexual poet?s public endorsement of NAMBLA. In
Denver, a convicted pedophile, who says today he controls his
longings, is running for Denver School Board with the support of many
in the homosexual community. Long-time gay activist David Thorstad,
founding member of the Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights and former
president of the New York Gay Activists Alliance loudly protested when
in 1993 the March on Washington organizers broke with tradition and
excluded pedophiles like NAMBLA. With all the attention, they feared
the media would expose the homosexual acceptance of pedophilia. Talk
about paranoia.
The nation's largest gay publicist, Alyson Publications of Boston,
which distributes Daddy?s Roommate and other homosexual books for
kids, published Paedophilia: The Radical Case, hundreds of pages of
why and how seven year old boys should be brought to climax.
Another Alyson book, The Age Taboo on page 144 insists: "Boy-lovers...
are not child molesters. The child abusers are... parents who force
their staid morality onto the young people in their custody."
A Florida judge recently ruled unconstitutional their age-of-consent
law, following northern European nations in lowering the age at which
dirty old men can legally set their sights on boys. Liberal ideas have
taken their expected course with lawyers arguing that since
adolescents have the right over their own bodies regardless of what
parents or legislators think, then they can elect sex whenever and
with whomever they choose, with age discrimination ultimately
America's newspapers are their silent partners. Those who are soft on
child sex, or even those boldly endorsing it, have nothing to fear
from the mainstream media. Partly because of the media's silence, the
Clinton administration voted to give ILGA, the International Lesbian
and Gay Association consulting status at the United Nations even
though NAMBLA was a full and active member of that organization, even
appearing on its letterhead. Imagine, professed pedophiles advising on
international child law. NAMBLA remained at the UN until the outcry of
the religious right ousted them.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Thus the broadly overlapping groups, the homosexual community and the
open pedophiles, are longtime allies. Both groups work to break down
previously unquestioned sexual standards. The national Gay Rights
Platform of 1972 called for the repeal of all age-of-consent laws. Gay
activist Andy Humm bragged of his influence over the New York City
Council in the New York Native, August, 1983 and wrote that, "No one
should be denied basic civil rights because of his or her orientation,
whether the person be homosexual, heterosexual, transsexual,
transvestite, pedophile, sadist, masochist, asexual; whatever one can
We are not saying that gays will sexually molest a child. We are
saying that homosexuals have long given aid and comfort to pedophiles,
publicly. And we are saying that the media and other defenders of
homosexuals are the silent partners of those who work toward the day
when children are a sex commodity. The media rejects but intuitively
fears the connection between child molestation and homosexuality. It
therefore suppresses reports of the torrent of public advocacy for gay
pedophilia. Instead, the media wears out the same worn cliché that
homosexuals are no more likely to molest children than heterosexuals.
On homosexual initiation, sex researchers Masters and Johnson wrote in
Human Sexual Inadequacy that "Recruitment usually was accomplished by
an older male, frequently in his twenties, but occasionally men in
their thirties were the initiators: the teenager was left with the
concept that whether or not he continued as an active homosexual, he
would always be homophile-oriented."
Homosexuals do reproduce sexually, by molesting children. According to
a 1994 Out article titled "The Men From the Boys," the director of a
home for runaway youth admits that between 14 and 16 years of age, he
"probably had sex with well over a thousand people, most of them much
older than myself." This boy hardly met a homosexual adult who would
not have sex with him.
Of Canadians imprisoned for pedophilia, a 1991 report reveals that 91
percent of molesters of non-familial boys admitted to no lifetime
sexual contact other than homosexual according to Volume 6, page 323
of the Journal of Interpersonal Violence. In America, about one third
of the children sexually molested are boys, and about ninety percent
of them are hurt by men. The refereed scientific journal,
Psychological Reports in 1986 presented research in Volume 58 starting
on page 327 showing that homosexuals commit a far greater percentage
of child sex crimes than demographics alone account for.
Every man molesting a boy is committing a homosexual act. Young boys
do not excite straight men. To let a homosexual make the point in his
own words, the San Francisco Sentinel published a letter on March 26,
1992 headlined, "No Place for Homo-Homophobia" with the common
admission that, "The love between men and boys is at the foundation of
homosexuality. For the gay community to imply that boy-love is not
homosexual love is ridiculous." Activist pedophiles easily find media
Activists seeking special advantages for gays have recently admitted
that "Certainly it is true that `homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual
orientation' is not equivalent to racial minority status..."
(testimony of gay activist Robin Miller, before the Colorado State
Elections/ Licensing Committee, September 19, 1991, emphasis added).
They also say they consider the argument that divergent sexual
behavior or alleged desire doesn't equal ethnicity as "irrelevant" to
discussion of the issue.
Writing in the March 22, 1994 issue of the gay publication The
Advocate, gay business columnist Ed Mickens admits: "Today, it's rare
that anyone gets fired just for being gay." As syndicated columnist
Don Feder points out: "Mickens should know. He's the author of `The
100 Best Companies For Gay Men And Lesbians,' wherein are listed
corporate giants with `gay-friendly policies,' including training
programs that teach `sensitivity' on homosexual issues... A
conscientious Christian or Jew is far more likely to feel
uncomfortable in the politically correct workplace of the '90s than
the average homosexual" ("Gay-rights lobby stakes hopes on House
gambit," Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph, June 28, 1994, p. B5).
Self-identified lesbian writer Donna Minkowitz comments on the
"innateness" question in a recent Advocate article, entitled "Recruit,
recruit, recruit!": "Remember that most of the line about homosex
being one's nature, not a choice, was articulated as a response to
brutal repression. `It's not our fault!' gay activists began to
declaim a century ago, when queers first began to organize in Germany
and England. `We didn't choose this, so don't punish us for it!' One
hundred years later, it's time for us to abandon this defensive
posture and walk upright on the earth. Maybe you didn't choose to be
gay -- that's fine. But I did" (December 29, 1992).
When homosexual author James Spada, in The Spada Report, a survey of
homosexual attitudes and behavior (New American Library, 1979), asked
homosexual subjects "Have you ever had your rights denied you because
you are gay?" -- 72.1% of his respondents answered "No" and an
additional 10% gave no answer or said they "didn't know."
Gay militants Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen express clearly their
contempt for an American public they are confident they can "convert"
to acceptance and subsidy of the gay extremist agenda: "...By
conversion we actually mean something more profoundly threatening to
the American way of life. We mean conversion of the average American's
emotions, mind and will, through a planned psychological attack. We
mean `subverting' the mechanism of prejudice to our own ends -- using
the very process that made America hate us to turn their hatred into
warm regard -- whether they like it or not" (After the Ball, op. cit.,
pp. 153-154).
The State of Hawaii recently passed S.B. No. 1811, legislation giving
protected class status to "sexual orientation." In answer to an
inquiry regarding the bill's effects on church hiring, Attorney
General Warren Price wrote: " . . . Non-sectarian employees of the
church, church-sponsored activities or programs are not exempt. This
would include secretaries, janitors, gardeners, teachers, etc."
[emphasis added]
"Conservative Presbyterians failed to gain exemption from a gay rights
provision in New Jersey's anti-discrimination laws [to which "sexual
orientation" has recently been added]. The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals denied a request from the state presbytery of the Orthodox
Presbyterian Church for an injunction barring the state from enforcing
[a] gay and lesbian civil rights provision against it. The OPC had
argued that its First Amendment freedom would be violated if it were
forced to hire or retain homosexual employees" (PCA Bulletin
Supplement, April, 1993).
In fact, in Boulder, Colorado today, under a "gay rights" ordinance,
apartment dwellers and dorm-residing college students are being told
they are legally prohibited from asking if a prospective roommate is
gay. Furthermore, if they've been lied to and want to change
roommates, the financial burden is on them.
Wisconsin's former Governor Lee Sherman Dreyfus signed into law that
State's bill granting protected class status to "sexual orientation."
He was assured that the bill would have no effect on religious
institutions like the 40-year-old Rawhide Boys' Ranch, a home for
troubled boys. Shortly after Dreyfus left office, two male homosexuals
appeared at the Ranch, demanding to be hired as boys' counselors.
Dreyfus later wrote the bill's supporters, expressing his sense of
betrayal at the homosexual community's breach of promise. Evidence has
recently surfaced indicating that not only was the provocative action
Dreyfus complained of deliberate, it was planned by the Wisconsin
Governor's Council on Lesbian and Gay Issues. In minutes from an
October 19, 1985, meeting of that Council, under the heading
"RAWHIDE," we read: "Jim Thideman [one of eight members present] has
asked some people to apply for a job [at Rawhide] and pursue filing a
discrimination report with ERD upon refusal of employment, assuming it
will be that clear cut. Kathleen Nichols [another Council member]
reported that Char McLaughlan is acquainted with a lesbian with a son
at Rawhide who has been refused family counseling sessions if
accompanied by her lover. Follow-up is necessary to see if this woman
would be willing to file a complaint." According to sources at
Rawhide, heading off these conspiratorial plans cost in excess of
$30,000. Relief only came through passage of additional legislation
that exempted religious institutions like Rawhide. But Rawhide still
has outstanding debts remaining from this episode. Under legislation
granting special minority status to gays, we can expect a plethora of
similar nuisance suits and test cases to clog our legal system and
bleed defendants dry financially.
Homosexual activists frequently express deep hostility to traditional,
Judeo- Christian moral beliefs and values. Writings by gay activists
show contempt for and determination to do away with the institution of
the nuclear family. Gay social agendas detailed in Teal's The Gay
Militants, Jay and Young's Out of the Closets and Tobin and Wicker's
The Gay Crusaders specify that:
"The family as we know it be abolished... That homosexuals be placed
in positions of caregivers and permitted to become teachers, clergy,
counselors, therapists and social workers. That they be allowed to
participate in the rearing and education of children... That children
be placed in communal care away from their parents, with boys and
girls reared the same and cared for by adults who are under the
direction of lesbian women... That children should be reared in a
unisex role", etc. (as reported in Gay Is Not Good, pp. 104, 105,
Frank M. duMas, Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1979).
Gay activist Michael Swift echoed the frequent tone of such diatribes,
writing: "[The family] is a spawning ground of lies, betrayals,
mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence -- and will be abolished. The
family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must
be eliminated" (Gay Community News, Feb. 15, 1987)
Yet homosexual activists like Jeffrey Levi, formerly executive
director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, have stated on
numerous occasions their desire to see their lifestyle "affirmed" and
"recognized in the law." Levi's statement to the National Press Club
prior to gay extremists' 1987 "March on Washington" is highly
revealing in this regard:
"The demands of the March on Washington reflect what [our] agenda will
be in the years ahead. They include passage of the gay and lesbian
civil rights bill, an executive order dealing with that branch's
discriminatory policies -- from the military to security clearances;
passage of similar measures at the state level as well as repeal of
sodomy laws.
"But our agenda is becoming broader than that: we are no longer
seeking just a right to privacy and a right to protection from wrong.
We also have a right -- as heterosexual Americans have already -- to
see government and society affirm our lives.
"Now that is a statement that may make our liberal friends queasy. But
the truth is, until our relationships are recognized in the law --
through domestic partnership legislation or the definition of
beneficiary, for example -- until we are provided with the same
financial incentives in tax law and government programs to affirm our
family relationships, then we will not have achieved equality in
American society".
Self-styled "gaylegal" scholar William Eskridge reveals an even more
comprehensive perspective -- that of replacing American society's
currently operative norms to suit the "gay rights" agenda -- in a
recent article in one of America's most presitigious legal journals,
The Yale Law Review. No one can tag Eskridge's comments as
representing the "lunatic fringe" of the "gay rights" movement:
"...Bisexual, gay, and lesbian activists ought to deny the centrality
of heterosexuality, particularly as it has been developed around
rituals and taboos of manhood in American society. As Adrienne Rich
has suggested, bisexual, gay, and lesbian consciousness can undermine
claims that compulsory heterosexuality is the universal norm for our
society. Rich challenges Americans to rethink sexuality, not from the
assumption that everyone must be heterosexual if at all possible, but
from the assumption that people are polymorphously sexual, that there
is a `lesbian in us.'
"If Rich's point is true (and I believe it is), then the bisexual,
gay, and lesbian community should reject the image that we are a
subculture on the margins of mainstream heterosexual culture, for this
internalizes the traditional assumption that we are deviants from the
norm. Instead, legally as well as culturally, the norm is up for
grabs, and as a community we must contribute to the reformulation of
the norm.
(The Yale Law Journal, "A Social Constructionist Critique of Posner's
Sex and Reason: Steps Toward a Gaylegal Agenda," Volume 102, October
1992, Number 1, pp. 374-375)
In 1991, a California Superior Court ordered Shell Oil to pay $5.3
million for wrongful discharge of Jeffrey Collins, a homosexual
manager. Collins was terminated when his superiors discovered a memo
he wrote on an office computer advertising an off-the-job "safe sex"
party for gay men. The Court ruled that Collins' memo was "political
activity" protected under California Supreme Court precedent.
Julie Brienza, a former Supreme Court reporter for United Press
International, was terminated in 1991 when her supervisors learned
that Brienza used UPI's time, credentials and resources while writing
a free- lance story for a gay newspaper. Brienza has filed a $12
million lawsuit alleging "sexual orientation discrimination."
Pertinent in this regard is retired General William Weise's analysis
of a recent study of 102 cases during the period 1989-1992 of punitive
discharges of gays under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. 85% of
these discharges involved non- consenting victims. 63% of cases where
both participants were military members involved senior military
personnel victimizing subordinates. 49% involved homosexual
molestation of children by military personnel. Only 12% involved
off-base offenses (as reported in June 17, 1993 guest column,
"Goldwater currying favor with gay-rights lobby," Colorado Springs
Gazette Telegraph, pg. B-5, and "Army Investigation Release of Data on
Gay Crime," The Washington Times, June 9, 1993).

the Gay Rights community marched on Washington D.C. and made the
following demands:
Amend all federal Civil Rights Acts, other legislation and government
controls to prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public
accommodations and public services.
A presidential order prohibiting the military from excluding for
reasons of their sexual orientation, persons who of their own volition
desire entrance into the Armed Services; and from issuing less than
fully-honorable discharges for homosexuality; and the upgrading to
fully honorable all such discharges previously issued, with
retroactive benefits.
A presidential order prohibiting discrimination in the federal civil
service because of sexual orientation, in hiring and promoting; and
prohibiting discrimination against homosexuals in security clearances.
Elimination of tax inequities [favoring traditional families].
Elimination of bars to the entry, immigration and naturalization of
homosexual aliens.
Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared
and taught by [homosexuals], presenting homosexuality as a valid,
healthy preference and . . . a viable alternative to heterosexuality.
Federal funding of aid programs of [homosexual] organizations designed
to alleviate the problems encountered by [homosexuals].
Repeal of all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private
voluntary sexual liaisons; and laws prohibiting prostitution, both
male and female.
[L]egislation prohibiting insurance companies and any other
state-regulated enterprises from discriminating because of sexual
orientation, in insurance and in bonding or any other prerequisite to
employment or control of one's personal domain.
[L]egislation so that child custody, adoption, visitation rights,
foster parenting, and the like shall not be denied because of sexual
orientation or marital status.
Repeal of all laws prohibiting transvestism and cross dressing.
Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent. (Hint: They
are coming for your children!)
Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number
of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal
benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers.
Here's mo
Not one Boy Scout has ever been heterosexually molested by a scout
leader! Gays make up only 3% of the U.S., yet they have assaulted half
of the sexually molested children. One-third of these hurt kids are
boys, and the vast majority of those are molested by men
(Psychological Reports, 1986, vol. 58, pp. 327-337).
Gay activists admit that these boys are almost all molested by men.
But they absurdly maintain that a man who penetrates a boy is not
necessarily committing an act of homosexual molestation. (They should
read a dictionary).
Finally, we are afraid of homosexual influences in the schools. They
encourage kids to have homosexual sex. Of course they deny this, but
they lie. Denver's Planned Parenthood Resource Center gives a brochure
to high school girls titled I Think I Might be a Lesbian. The brochure
states: "You may feel very scared at the thought of having sex with
another woman. That's OK. Lots of us do, especially if it?s our first
time." Again: They encourage kids to have homosexual sex.
Then Planned Parenthood gives step-by-step instructions to our girls.
"We can give each other pleasure by holding, kissing, hugging,
stroking, rubbing our bodies to together, inserting our fingers into
each other?s vaginas, stimulating each other's genitals with our hands
and our tongues." The pamphlet gets far more disgusting than this but
I will spare you. They, though, do not spare our children. Planned
Parenthood goes on to recommend to our nations daughters "Other
wonderful things lesbians do together."
I don't want these morally bankrupt people getting near my children.
As the Planned Parenthood News boldly stated, "Our goal is to be ready
as educators to help young people obtain sex satisfaction before
Planned Parenthood is heavily influenced by its homosexual members, as
is the National Education Association. In 1996, the NEA passed
Resolution B-6 calling for promotion of homosexuality in all school
"observances and curricula."
Perhaps hoping to answer the criticism that public schools hardly
teach history anymore, now they are going to start teaching homosexual
history. That should teach parents to stop complaining.
Defending the sexual molestation of children in the nation's leading
gay magazine, Carl Maves wrote, "How many gay men, I wonder, would
have missed out on a valuable, liberating experience, one that
initiated them into their sexuality, if it weren't for so-called
molestation?" (See the full article titled, "Getting Over It" in The
Advocate, May 5, 1992, page 85.)
  #8   Report Post  
Christopher Robin
Posts: n/a
Default OT--Harry may get his wish...

Harry Krause wrote in message ...
jps wrote:

In article ,
Harry Krause wrote in message ...

Tell this to the jack-off in the White House, who entertains the Saudi
royal family at his ersatz ranch in Texas.

The ACLU is out to destroy Jews like you, Hairball:

Are you competing with Karen of Oz for the ignorant puke of the month

When did the Oooze of Oz work its way up to puke?

Hey Hairball, that beloved ACLU of yours defends the right to
distribute child pornograpy:

Carl Maves wrote, "How many gay men, I wonder, would have missed out
on a valuable, liberating experience, one that initiated them into
their sexuality, if it weren't for so-called molestation?" (See the
full article titled, "Getting Over It" in The Advocate, page 85.)
The slogan for NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association, is
"Sex by eight or it's too late," meaning not eight p.m., but eight
years old. Time Magazine is always understanding of homosexual crime.
They printed a puff image piece on Peter Melzer, the editor of
NAMBLA's journal. In the article For the Love of Kids (Nov. 1, 93,
page 51) the ACLU defended this pervert arguing that if we condemn
"NAMBLA today, who is it tomorrow?" Melzer is also a New York City
public school teacher (surprised?). He published an article In Praise
of the Penises, on "how to make that special boy feel good." As to a
police report on Melzer?s alleged sex with a Filipino boy, according
to Time, there is no hard evidence that he abused this "or any other
boy in the U.S." Yeah, right.
The homosexuals chanted during their 1993 march on Washington, "Ten
percent is not enough! Recruit, recruit, recruit!" They want my
children. They want your children.
Examine the record of those who defend homosexual adoption of
children. Jim Joy, the executive director of Colorado?s ACLU, admitted
during a PBS televised debate that the written national policy of the
ACLU defends the right to distribute child pornography. As with many
leading voices, the ACLU?s opposition of child abuse is hypocrisy.
Every such video sold of a thirteen-year-old sexually exploits the
child again. So the ACLU, known to tolerate child abuse, sells
children out again by advocating their adoption by homosexuals.
Homosexual leaders blatantly voice tolerance for child sex abuse. A
prominent gay magazine, Out, quoted Damien Martin, the head of New
York's homosexual Harvey Milk High School, as saying, "No kid has ever
been hurt by [oral sex]" in September, 1994 on page 73. The leading
gay publication, The Advocate, in an article titled Getting Over It
pondered on May 5, 1992 about how many boys "would have missed out on
a valuable, liberating experience - one that initiated them into their
sexuality - if it weren?t for so-called molestation?"
Time magazine also lacks zero tolerance for homosexual child abusers.
They quoted the ACLU in defense of an aggressive advocate of
pedophilia. NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association exists
to promote homosexual sex with young boys. Leading gay-pride
organizers in New York and San Francisco allowed NAMBLA to march
undisguised in their parades repeatedly during the last two decades. A
Time article grotesquely titled For the Love of Kids in November, 1993
quoted the ACLU defending a New York City teacher, Peter Melzer who
edits the NAMBLA journal. Melzer published an article In Praise of the
Penises, on "how to make that special boy feel good." As to the police
report on Melzer's alleged sex with a Filipino boy, Time assured its
readers, there is no hard evidence that he abused this "or any other
boy in the U.S." In the U.S.
The media defends homosexuals who want to adopt children, but it also
supports homosexuals who openly advocate sex with kids. The national
media warmly eulogized Alan Ginsburg this past spring conveniently
ignoring this homosexual poet?s public endorsement of NAMBLA. In
Denver, a convicted pedophile, who says today he controls his
longings, is running for Denver School Board with the support of many
in the homosexual community. Long-time gay activist David Thorstad,
founding member of the Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights and former
president of the New York Gay Activists Alliance loudly protested when
in 1993 the March on Washington organizers broke with tradition and
excluded pedophiles like NAMBLA. With all the attention, they feared
the media would expose the homosexual acceptance of pedophilia. Talk
about paranoia.
The nation's largest gay publicist, Alyson Publications of Boston,
which distributes Daddy?s Roommate and other homosexual books for
kids, published Paedophilia: The Radical Case, hundreds of pages of
why and how seven year old boys should be brought to climax.
Another Alyson book, The Age Taboo on page 144 insists: "Boy-lovers...
are not child molesters. The child abusers are... parents who force
their staid morality onto the young people in their custody."
A Florida judge recently ruled unconstitutional their age-of-consent
law, following northern European nations in lowering the age at which
dirty old men can legally set their sights on boys. Liberal ideas have
taken their expected course with lawyers arguing that since
adolescents have the right over their own bodies regardless of what
parents or legislators think, then they can elect sex whenever and
with whomever they choose, with age discrimination ultimately
America's newspapers are their silent partners. Those who are soft on
child sex, or even those boldly endorsing it, have nothing to fear
from the mainstream media. Partly because of the media's silence, the
Clinton administration voted to give ILGA, the International Lesbian
and Gay Association consulting status at the United Nations even
though NAMBLA was a full and active member of that organization, even
appearing on its letterhead. Imagine, professed pedophiles advising on
international child law. NAMBLA remained at the UN until the outcry of
the religious right ousted them.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Thus the broadly overlapping groups, the homosexual community and the
open pedophiles, are longtime allies. Both groups work to break down
previously unquestioned sexual standards. The national Gay Rights
Platform of 1972 called for the repeal of all age-of-consent laws. Gay
activist Andy Humm bragged of his influence over the New York City
Council in the New York Native, August, 1983 and wrote that, "No one
should be denied basic civil rights because of his or her orientation,
whether the person be homosexual, heterosexual, transsexual,
transvestite, pedophile, sadist, masochist, asexual; whatever one can
We are not saying that gays will sexually molest a child. We are
saying that homosexuals have long given aid and comfort to pedophiles,
publicly. And we are saying that the media and other defenders of
homosexuals are the silent partners of those who work toward the day
when children are a sex commodity. The media rejects but intuitively
fears the connection between child molestation and homosexuality. It
therefore suppresses reports of the torrent of public advocacy for gay
pedophilia. Instead, the media wears out the same worn cliché that
homosexuals are no more likely to molest children than heterosexuals.
On homosexual initiation, sex researchers Masters and Johnson wrote in
Human Sexual Inadequacy that "Recruitment usually was accomplished by
an older male, frequently in his twenties, but occasionally men in
their thirties were the initiators: the teenager was left with the
concept that whether or not he continued as an active homosexual, he
would always be homophile-oriented."
Homosexuals do reproduce sexually, by molesting children. According to
a 1994 Out article titled "The Men From the Boys," the director of a
home for runaway youth admits that between 14 and 16 years of age, he
"probably had sex with well over a thousand people, most of them much
older than myself." This boy hardly met a homosexual adult who would
not have sex with him.
Of Canadians imprisoned for pedophilia, a 1991 report reveals that 91
percent of molesters of non-familial boys admitted to no lifetime
sexual contact other than homosexual according to Volume 6, page 323
of the Journal of Interpersonal Violence. In America, about one third
of the children sexually molested are boys, and about ninety percent
of them are hurt by men. The refereed scientific journal,
Psychological Reports in 1986 presented research in Volume 58 starting
on page 327 showing that homosexuals commit a far greater percentage
of child sex crimes than demographics alone account for.
Every man molesting a boy is committing a homosexual act. Young boys
do not excite straight men. To let a homosexual make the point in his
own words, the San Francisco Sentinel published a letter on March 26,
1992 headlined, "No Place for Homo-Homophobia" with the common
admission that, "The love between men and boys is at the foundation of
homosexuality. For the gay community to imply that boy-love is not
homosexual love is ridiculous." Activist pedophiles easily find media
Activists seeking special advantages for gays have recently admitted
that "Certainly it is true that `homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual
orientation' is not equivalent to racial minority status..."
(testimony of gay activist Robin Miller, before the Colorado State
Elections/ Licensing Committee, September 19, 1991, emphasis added).
They also say they consider the argument that divergent sexual
behavior or alleged desire doesn't equal ethnicity as "irrelevant" to
discussion of the issue.
Writing in the March 22, 1994 issue of the gay publication The
Advocate, gay business columnist Ed Mickens admits: "Today, it's rare
that anyone gets fired just for being gay." As syndicated columnist
Don Feder points out: "Mickens should know. He's the author of `The
100 Best Companies For Gay Men And Lesbians,' wherein are listed
corporate giants with `gay-friendly policies,' including training
programs that teach `sensitivity' on homosexual issues... A
conscientious Christian or Jew is far more likely to feel
uncomfortable in the politically correct workplace of the '90s than
the average homosexual" ("Gay-rights lobby stakes hopes on House
gambit," Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph, June 28, 1994, p. B5).
Self-identified lesbian writer Donna Minkowitz comments on the
"innateness" question in a recent Advocate article, entitled "Recruit,
recruit, recruit!": "Remember that most of the line about homosex
being one's nature, not a choice, was articulated as a response to
brutal repression. `It's not our fault!' gay activists began to
declaim a century ago, when queers first began to organize in Germany
and England. `We didn't choose this, so don't punish us for it!' One
hundred years later, it's time for us to abandon this defensive
posture and walk upright on the earth. Maybe you didn't choose to be
gay -- that's fine. But I did" (December 29, 1992).
When homosexual author James Spada, in The Spada Report, a survey of
homosexual attitudes and behavior (New American Library, 1979), asked
homosexual subjects "Have you ever had your rights denied you because
you are gay?" -- 72.1% of his respondents answered "No" and an
additional 10% gave no answer or said they "didn't know."
Gay militants Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen express clearly their
contempt for an American public they are confident they can "convert"
to acceptance and subsidy of the gay extremist agenda: "...By
conversion we actually mean something more profoundly threatening to
the American way of life. We mean conversion of the average American's
emotions, mind and will, through a planned psychological attack. We
mean `subverting' the mechanism of prejudice to our own ends -- using
the very process that made America hate us to turn their hatred into
warm regard -- whether they like it or not" (After the Ball, op. cit.,
pp. 153-154).
The State of Hawaii recently passed S.B. No. 1811, legislation giving
protected class status to "sexual orientation." In answer to an
inquiry regarding the bill's effects on church hiring, Attorney
General Warren Price wrote: " . . . Non-sectarian employees of the
church, church-sponsored activities or programs are not exempt. This
would include secretaries, janitors, gardeners, teachers, etc."
[emphasis added]
"Conservative Presbyterians failed to gain exemption from a gay rights
provision in New Jersey's anti-discrimination laws [to which "sexual
orientation" has recently been added]. The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals denied a request from the state presbytery of the Orthodox
Presbyterian Church for an injunction barring the state from enforcing
[a] gay and lesbian civil rights provision against it. The OPC had
argued that its First Amendment freedom would be violated if it were
forced to hire or retain homosexual employees" (PCA Bulletin
Supplement, April, 1993).
In fact, in Boulder, Colorado today, under a "gay rights" ordinance,
apartment dwellers and dorm-residing college students are being told
they are legally prohibited from asking if a prospective roommate is
gay. Furthermore, if they've been lied to and want to change
roommates, the financial burden is on them.
Wisconsin's former Governor Lee Sherman Dreyfus signed into law that
State's bill granting protected class status to "sexual orientation."
He was assured that the bill would have no effect on religious
institutions like the 40-year-old Rawhide Boys' Ranch, a home for
troubled boys. Shortly after Dreyfus left office, two male homosexuals
appeared at the Ranch, demanding to be hired as boys' counselors.
Dreyfus later wrote the bill's supporters, expressing his sense of
betrayal at the homosexual community's breach of promise. Evidence has
recently surfaced indicating that not only was the provocative action
Dreyfus complained of deliberate, it was planned by the Wisconsin
Governor's Council on Lesbian and Gay Issues. In minutes from an
October 19, 1985, meeting of that Council, under the heading
"RAWHIDE," we read: "Jim Thideman [one of eight members present] has
asked some people to apply for a job [at Rawhide] and pursue filing a
discrimination report with ERD upon refusal of employment, assuming it
will be that clear cut. Kathleen Nichols [another Council member]
reported that Char McLaughlan is acquainted with a lesbian with a son
at Rawhide who has been refused family counseling sessions if
accompanied by her lover. Follow-up is necessary to see if this woman
would be willing to file a complaint." According to sources at
Rawhide, heading off these conspiratorial plans cost in excess of
$30,000. Relief only came through passage of additional legislation
that exempted religious institutions like Rawhide. But Rawhide still
has outstanding debts remaining from this episode. Under legislation
granting special minority status to gays, we can expect a plethora of
similar nuisance suits and test cases to clog our legal system and
bleed defendants dry financially.
Homosexual activists frequently express deep hostility to traditional,
Judeo- Christian moral beliefs and values. Writings by gay activists
show contempt for and determination to do away with the institution of
the nuclear family. Gay social agendas detailed in Teal's The Gay
Militants, Jay and Young's Out of the Closets and Tobin and Wicker's
The Gay Crusaders specify that:
"The family as we know it be abolished... That homosexuals be placed
in positions of caregivers and permitted to become teachers, clergy,
counselors, therapists and social workers. That they be allowed to
participate in the rearing and education of children... That children
be placed in communal care away from their parents, with boys and
girls reared the same and cared for by adults who are under the
direction of lesbian women... That children should be reared in a
unisex role", etc. (as reported in Gay Is Not Good, pp. 104, 105,
Frank M. duMas, Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1979).
Gay activist Michael Swift echoed the frequent tone of such diatribes,
writing: "[The family] is a spawning ground of lies, betrayals,
mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence -- and will be abolished. The
family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must
be eliminated" (Gay Community News, Feb. 15, 1987)
Yet homosexual activists like Jeffrey Levi, formerly executive
director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, have stated on
numerous occasions their desire to see their lifestyle "affirmed" and
"recognized in the law." Levi's statement to the National Press Club
prior to gay extremists' 1987 "March on Washington" is highly
revealing in this regard:
"The demands of the March on Washington reflect what [our] agenda will
be in the years ahead. They include passage of the gay and lesbian
civil rights bill, an executive order dealing with that branch's
discriminatory policies -- from the military to security clearances;
passage of similar measures at the state level as well as repeal of
sodomy laws.
"But our agenda is becoming broader than that: we are no longer
seeking just a right to privacy and a right to protection from wrong.
We also have a right -- as heterosexual Americans have already -- to
see government and society affirm our lives.
"Now that is a statement that may make our liberal friends queasy. But
the truth is, until our relationships are recognized in the law --
through domestic partnership legislation or the definition of
beneficiary, for example -- until we are provided with the same
financial incentives in tax law and government programs to affirm our
family relationships, then we will not have achieved equality in
American society".
Self-styled "gaylegal" scholar William Eskridge reveals an even more
comprehensive perspective -- that of replacing American society's
currently operative norms to suit the "gay rights" agenda -- in a
recent article in one of America's most presitigious legal journals,
The Yale Law Review. No one can tag Eskridge's comments as
representing the "lunatic fringe" of the "gay rights" movement:
"...Bisexual, gay, and lesbian activists ought to deny the centrality
of heterosexuality, particularly as it has been developed around
rituals and taboos of manhood in American society. As Adrienne Rich
has suggested, bisexual, gay, and lesbian consciousness can undermine
claims that compulsory heterosexuality is the universal norm for our
society. Rich challenges Americans to rethink sexuality, not from the
assumption that everyone must be heterosexual if at all possible, but
from the assumption that people are polymorphously sexual, that there
is a `lesbian in us.'
"If Rich's point is true (and I believe it is), then the bisexual,
gay, and lesbian community should reject the image that we are a
subculture on the margins of mainstream heterosexual culture, for this
internalizes the traditional assumption that we are deviants from the
norm. Instead, legally as well as culturally, the norm is up for
grabs, and as a community we must contribute to the reformulation of
the norm.
(The Yale Law Journal, "A Social Constructionist Critique of Posner's
Sex and Reason: Steps Toward a Gaylegal Agenda," Volume 102, October
1992, Number 1, pp. 374-375)
In 1991, a California Superior Court ordered Shell Oil to pay $5.3
million for wrongful discharge of Jeffrey Collins, a homosexual
manager. Collins was terminated when his superiors discovered a memo
he wrote on an office computer advertising an off-the-job "safe sex"
party for gay men. The Court ruled that Collins' memo was "political
activity" protected under California Supreme Court precedent.
Julie Brienza, a former Supreme Court reporter for United Press
International, was terminated in 1991 when her supervisors learned
that Brienza used UPI's time, credentials and resources while writing
a free- lance story for a gay newspaper. Brienza has filed a $12
million lawsuit alleging "sexual orientation discrimination."
Pertinent in this regard is retired General William Weise's analysis
of a recent study of 102 cases during the period 1989-1992 of punitive
discharges of gays under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. 85% of
these discharges involved non- consenting victims. 63% of cases where
both participants were military members involved senior military
personnel victimizing subordinates. 49% involved homosexual
molestation of children by military personnel. Only 12% involved
off-base offenses (as reported in June 17, 1993 guest column,
"Goldwater currying favor with gay-rights lobby," Colorado Springs
Gazette Telegraph, pg. B-5, and "Army Investigation Release of Data on
Gay Crime," The Washington Times, June 9, 1993).

the Gay Rights community marched on Washington D.C. and made the
following demands:
Amend all federal Civil Rights Acts, other legislation and government
controls to prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public
accommodations and public services.
A presidential order prohibiting the military from excluding for
reasons of their sexual orientation, persons who of their own volition
desire entrance into the Armed Services; and from issuing less than
fully-honorable discharges for homosexuality; and the upgrading to
fully honorable all such discharges previously issued, with
retroactive benefits.
A presidential order prohibiting discrimination in the federal civil
service because of sexual orientation, in hiring and promoting; and
prohibiting discrimination against homosexuals in security clearances.
Elimination of tax inequities [favoring traditional families].
Elimination of bars to the entry, immigration and naturalization of
homosexual aliens.
Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared
and taught by [homosexuals], presenting homosexuality as a valid,
healthy preference and . . . a viable alternative to heterosexuality.
Federal funding of aid programs of [homosexual] organizations designed
to alleviate the problems encountered by [homosexuals].
Repeal of all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private
voluntary sexual liaisons; and laws prohibiting prostitution, both
male and female.
[L]egislation prohibiting insurance companies and any other
state-regulated enterprises from discriminating because of sexual
orientation, in insurance and in bonding or any other prerequisite to
employment or control of one's personal domain.
[L]egislation so that child custody, adoption, visitation rights,
foster parenting, and the like shall not be denied because of sexual
orientation or marital status.
Repeal of all laws prohibiting transvestism and cross dressing.
Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent. (Hint: They
are coming for your children!)
Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number
of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal
benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers.
Here's mo
Not one Boy Scout has ever been heterosexually molested by a scout
leader! Gays make up only 3% of the U.S., yet they have assaulted half
of the sexually molested children. One-third of these hurt kids are
boys, and the vast majority of those are molested by men
(Psychological Reports, 1986, vol. 58, pp. 327-337).
Gay activists admit that these boys are almost all molested by men.
But they absurdly maintain that a man who penetrates a boy is not
necessarily committing an act of homosexual molestation. (They should
read a dictionary).
Finally, we are afraid of homosexual influences in the schools. They
encourage kids to have homosexual sex. Of course they deny this, but
they lie. Denver's Planned Parenthood Resource Center gives a brochure
to high school girls titled I Think I Might be a Lesbian. The brochure
states: "You may feel very scared at the thought of having sex with
another woman. That's OK. Lots of us do, especially if it?s our first
time." Again: They encourage kids to have homosexual sex.
Then Planned Parenthood gives step-by-step instructions to our girls.
"We can give each other pleasure by holding, kissing, hugging,
stroking, rubbing our bodies to together, inserting our fingers into
each other?s vaginas, stimulating each other's genitals with our hands
and our tongues." The pamphlet gets far more disgusting than this but
I will spare you. They, though, do not spare our children. Planned
Parenthood goes on to recommend to our nations daughters "Other
wonderful things lesbians do together."
I don't want these morally bankrupt people getting near my children.
As the Planned Parenthood News boldly stated, "Our goal is to be ready
as educators to help young people obtain sex satisfaction before
Planned Parenthood is heavily influenced by its homosexual members, as
is the National Education Association. In 1996, the NEA passed
Resolution B-6 calling for promotion of homosexuality in all school
"observances and curricula."
Perhaps hoping to answer the criticism that public schools hardly
teach history anymore, now they are going to start teaching homosexual
history. That should teach parents to stop complaining.
Defending the sexual molestation of children in the nation's leading
gay magazine, Carl Maves wrote, "How many gay men, I wonder, would
have missed out on a valuable, liberating experience, one that
initiated them into their sexuality, if it weren't for so-called
molestation?" (See the full article titled, "Getting Over It" in The
Advocate, May 5, 1992, page 85.)
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