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Default OT--Harry may get his wish... take on Saudi Arabia. Remember, I said long ago (right after the 9/11
attack), that Afghanistan was first, followed by Iraq, Iran, Syria, and
eventually maybe even Saudi Arabia. Here's what I wrote in November, 2001:

I've explained this to you before, but let me do it again since you have
trouble comprehending. Al-Qaeda is a "company" that trains hard-line
Islamics to wage terrorist attacks on Israel and the West...kind of like a
temp service The "company's" CEO is Bin Laden. It's training headquarters
are in Afghanistan. New "employees" from around the world go there to
train. Al-Qaeda then "temps" these people out to nations that want to wage
war on Israel and the West, but do so in secrecy.....Iraq, Iran, Syria,
Yemedn, Sudan, etc.....possibly even Saudi Arabia. The Bush
Administration's plan is to take out the training facility in order to
disrupt the flow of new "employees." That is the "supply route" for the
other countries I mentioned before. The next obvious step would be to go
after the contries themselves. Saudi Arabia and Sudan may be just as
guilty as Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Iran, but rest-assured that Iraq will be
our primary whipping boy...they will be used as an example to the other
"friendly" Muslim nations. Look at Bush's ultimatum to Saddam just issued
today....let our inspectors back in...or else. If that isn't a prelude of
future miltary action there, I don't know what is. Countries such as Saudi
Arabia that speak publicly about being our ally, but act privately
otherwise, will be put on notice. No military action will be necessary as
long as they comply with our privately issued mandates. The whole plan
seems so simple and obvious to me, yet the simple minds like yourself keep
whining about "doing nothing more than bombing Afghanistan"."

Here's what Richard Perle is saying in his new book:

Monday, Jan. 12, 2004 1:54 p.m. EST
Perle: Stop the Saudis, Stop Terror

In Richard Perle's new book, "An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror,"
he and David Frum have many suggestions for how the U.S. can put an end to
the terrorist threat we now face, not the least of which is terminating
Saudi Arabia's support for the extremist Wahabbi sect of Islam.

In an interview on Fox News' program "Dayside," Perle spoke with host Linda

He said we need to tell countries like Saudi Arabia that we have no interest
in dealing with them if they continue to support terror.

"They [the Saudis] have done a terrible thing for the world and for Islam.
They have taken a fringe group of extremists who believe in holy war ... and
they're prepared to use force and violence and suicidal missions to
accomplish that. ... This would be an irrelevant fringe group if it were not
for the billions of Saudi money behind it.

"It's time for us to say to the Saudis, 'This has to stop.'"

Perle said that it would be preferable to have the Saudis cooperate with us,
but if none of the ends we seek can be achieved through "kinder, gentler
means," then we should be willing to threaten an end of the rule of the Al
Saud family.

We must be "prepared to take it as far as we need to achieve the result."

In other words, the U.S. should be prepared to tell King Fahd, Crown Prince
Abdullah and their family that, should they not cease and desist funding
extremists and teaching hate in their madrasas (theological schools for the
interpretation of Islamic law), the U.S. "no longer has any interest in your
continuing in power."

Perle said it has taken the U.S. a long time to realize what the Saudis were
doing - funneling tens of billions to the Wahabbi sect - and that the
intelligence community "really let us down on this."