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  #81   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Default Winning elections is not good enough

On 18/02/2011 4:21 PM, wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:20:04 -0700,

On 18/02/2011 9:15 AM, Frogwatch wrote:
On Feb 18, 11:01 am, need wrote:
In , payer3389 says...

On 2/18/11 10:44 AM, Frogwatch wrote:
The Obamanations are not interested in democracy as shown by what is
happening in Wisconsin. When the other side wins the election, they
engage in an illegal walkout to prevent legislation. Remember "Card
Check" where they tried to deny people the right to vote on
unionization? They have no interest in Democracy, they are interested
in raw power.
Winning the election was not good enough because they do not recognize
who won. When that happens, the next step is..................

...right-wing racist-birthers like you move to another country?

Yes, we know you are trying to clear this group for your 2012 propaganda
run. Remember how each and every Progressive here answered Tim's call
for civility with a defined, NO, NO, NO!?

Here is your story.
Democrats, being thugs...

Here is another "brave" liberal, attacking old women...

Here is another advocate of "free speech"

I wonder if our friend Donnie was in this crowd?

Oh, did you notice Tim doesn't post here anymore?

The lefties do not recognize elections and routinely attack any
dissent and then blame everyone else. Their own shot Gifford and they
blamed Palin. Lefties eventually always resort to mass murder as
Obama's best friend Bill Ayers said he wanted when he said he wanted
to kill 20 million Americans.

The liberal lefties up here are the same. Irrational zealots of telling
others they will pay for their welfare. Nosy types too.

I think you should move to Yemen immediately. I'm sure they'd welcome
your dislike of gov't.

Have more peaceful places to consider. I wouldn't move to a Muslim
country for any reason.

Socialism is a great ideal as long as someone else pays for it. And when
no one is left to pay for it, they all can share nothing.
  #82   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Default Winning elections is not good enough

On 18/02/2011 5:50 PM, wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 19:43:29 -0500, wrote:

On 2/18/2011 6:21 PM,
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:20:04 -0700,

On 18/02/2011 9:15 AM, Frogwatch wrote:
On Feb 18, 11:01 am, need wrote:
In , payer3389 says...

On 2/18/11 10:44 AM, Frogwatch wrote:
The Obamanations are not interested in democracy as shown by what is
happening in Wisconsin. When the other side wins the election, they
engage in an illegal walkout to prevent legislation. Remember "Card
Check" where they tried to deny people the right to vote on
unionization? They have no interest in Democracy, they are interested
in raw power.
Winning the election was not good enough because they do not recognize
who won. When that happens, the next step is..................
...right-wing racist-birthers like you move to another country?
Yes, we know you are trying to clear this group for your 2012 propaganda
run. Remember how each and every Progressive here answered Tim's call
for civility with a defined, NO, NO, NO!?

Here is your story.
Democrats, being thugs...

Here is another "brave" liberal, attacking old women...

Here is another advocate of "free speech"

I wonder if our friend Donnie was in this crowd?

Oh, did you notice Tim doesn't post here anymore?
The lefties do not recognize elections and routinely attack any
dissent and then blame everyone else. Their own shot Gifford and they
blamed Palin. Lefties eventually always resort to mass murder as
Obama's best friend Bill Ayers said he wanted when he said he wanted
to kill 20 million Americans.
The liberal lefties up here are the same. Irrational zealots of telling
others they will pay for their welfare. Nosy types too.
I think you should move to Yemen immediately. I'm sure they'd welcome
your dislike of gov't.

Are you the only fool that thinks government is doing a good job?

Please tell us which part of government you'd like to do without.

Where do I start....

- eliminate bailouts
- eliminate money for nothing programs
- 1/2 of military spending, chop (troops come home)
- wage roll back for all DC civis earning over $50k/year
- except for Social Security/Disability/Vets, the social programs get
hacked, no more "free" housing and kickbacks.
- want education spending, show results or try something different
- work towards outlawing government debt expansion
- SEC, start throwing corrupt into jail and confiscating their assets
(RICO). He Wagoner, bank CEOs watch this one.
- foreign aid, eliminated, US taxpayers should not be funding other
countries debts and dysfunction.

Did you know 74% of Whitehouse staff got a 9% raise last year? Piggies
are having a feast while others suffer.

Socialism is a great ideal as long as someone else pays for it. And when
no one is left to pay for it, they all can share nothing.
  #83   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2011
Posts: 11
Default Winning elections is not good enough

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In article ,

In article ,

On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 15:53:49 -0500, I am Perfect wrote:

In article ,

In article ,

On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 11:21:48 -0800 (PST), Frogwatch

On Feb 18, 2:17*pm, jps wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 11:11:29 -0800, wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 12:26:17 -0500, wrote:

On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 09:00:23 -0800, jps wrote:

You think using a majority to supress the people and
votes of the opposition is fair play?

Oh like the 111th congress? You folks said the republicans should suck
it up and go along. When they didn't you said they were
Aren't the Wisconsin democrats shutting down the government?
Where is your outrage?
I wonder what their constitution says about legislators who abandon
their jobs? Perhaps the governor can simply replace them. In real
life, I imagine all they have to do is walk through and spit in the
lobby to demonstrate that they are still working.

We are going to be entering uncharted territory though. Nobody really
knows what happens when a state files for bankruptcy. How do they
discharge their debts when they don't have the money and they can't
just print it like the federal government does. Will they try to print
some kind of scrip and see if people would take it? Are they just
going to tell their debtors to sue them?

We better get used to questions like this because the whole country
has a "Greece" moment coming. I doubt our protests will be as peaceful
as Egypt or even Greece. It might be more like Warsaw 1944 except the
populace is better armed. *;-)

There's no "Greece" or Egypt "moment" coming. That's a paranoid

For some it's a sexual fantasy involving their big guns.

A true liberal, jps wishes violence against those he disagrees with.
Do the Libs really want to incite violence against those who support
the constitution?

Ah, yes, wrap yourself in the flag and the constitution. You'd better
because you've got no clothes otherwise.

Accusing libs of wanting to incite violence is laughable. It's the
knee jerk wingers who resort to threats and violence when they can't
win. Who are the idiots who open carry when the president is coming
to visit? Are those liberals or "conservatives?"

Who marches with signs about blood being necessary to keep the tree of
freedom alive? Those are liberals? For someone with a brain, you
sure have some insane ideas. If you're an idiot savant, your gift is
surely not in understanding politics or people.

One guy with a long gun, compared to this?

Here is another "brave" liberal, attacking old women...

Here is another advocate of "free speech"

I wonder if our friend Donnie was in this crowd?

Plonk away, but these are the facts. Liberals including the one in the
Whitehouse are doing everything you have suggested above. Here it is in
full color. The best you have is Pelosi lying about something she said
happened on the steps of congress and one guy with a long gun that saw a
rally and stopped by as far as you know.

You keep saying the conservatives are the ones pushing violence and
destruction yet the video shows just the opposite.

Please show what facts you have that Pelosi lied.

I sure hope that was a joke.

No, I'd like you to tell me how you know that Pelosi lied about
something happening on the steps of congress.

There was at least a dozen cameras rolling, the slurs never happened. A
group even offered 150,000 dollars to anybody who could produce proof
beyond what Pelosi made up as she was threatening the folks at the
Capitol with the huge mallet, trolling for "B" roll.

That's not proof that she lied and you know it.

It is as much proof as Pelosi and the known activists she was with have
to the initial accusation. In fact, I believe the video tape(s) are
clear proof that she lied. Her story was destroyed several ways from
daylight, when the tapes came out.
  #84   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2011
Posts: 11
Default Winning elections is not good enough

In article ,

In article ,

On Sat, 19 Feb 2011 08:50:16 -0500, I am Perfect wrote:

In article ,

On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 15:53:49 -0500, I am Perfect wrote:

In article ,

In article ,

On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 11:21:48 -0800 (PST), Frogwatch

On Feb 18, 2:17*pm, jps wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 11:11:29 -0800, wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 12:26:17 -0500, wrote:

On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 09:00:23 -0800, jps wrote:

You think using a majority to supress the people and
votes of the opposition is fair play?

Oh like the 111th congress? You folks said the republicans should suck
it up and go along. When they didn't you said they were
Aren't the Wisconsin democrats shutting down the government?
Where is your outrage?
I wonder what their constitution says about legislators who abandon
their jobs? Perhaps the governor can simply replace them. In real
life, I imagine all they have to do is walk through and spit in the
lobby to demonstrate that they are still working.

We are going to be entering uncharted territory though. Nobody really
knows what happens when a state files for bankruptcy. How do they
discharge their debts when they don't have the money and they can't
just print it like the federal government does. Will they try to print
some kind of scrip and see if people would take it? Are they just
going to tell their debtors to sue them?

We better get used to questions like this because the whole country
has a "Greece" moment coming. I doubt our protests will be as peaceful
as Egypt or even Greece. It might be more like Warsaw 1944 except the
populace is better armed. *;-)

There's no "Greece" or Egypt "moment" coming. That's a paranoid

For some it's a sexual fantasy involving their big guns.

A true liberal, jps wishes violence against those he disagrees with.
Do the Libs really want to incite violence against those who support
the constitution?

Ah, yes, wrap yourself in the flag and the constitution. You'd better
because you've got no clothes otherwise.

Accusing libs of wanting to incite violence is laughable. It's the
knee jerk wingers who resort to threats and violence when they can't
win. Who are the idiots who open carry when the president is coming
to visit? Are those liberals or "conservatives?"

Who marches with signs about blood being necessary to keep the tree of
freedom alive? Those are liberals? For someone with a brain, you
sure have some insane ideas. If you're an idiot savant, your gift is
surely not in understanding politics or people.

One guy with a long gun, compared to this?

Here is another "brave" liberal, attacking old women...

Here is another advocate of "free speech"

I wonder if our friend Donnie was in this crowd?

Plonk away, but these are the facts. Liberals including the one in the
Whitehouse are doing everything you have suggested above. Here it is in
full color. The best you have is Pelosi lying about something she said
happened on the steps of congress and one guy with a long gun that saw a
rally and stopped by as far as you know.

You keep saying the conservatives are the ones pushing violence and
destruction yet the video shows just the opposite.

Please show what facts you have that Pelosi lied.

I sure hope that was a joke.

No, I'd like you to tell me how you know that Pelosi lied about
something happening on the steps of congress.

Prove she told the truth.

I never said she told the truth. The poster, however, said that she
lied. I want the poster to prove it.

The video tapes are clear, the audio is clear. There were no slurs, she
  #85   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Default Winning elections is not good enough

On 18/02/2011 7:18 PM, bpuharic wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 19:43:29 -0500, wrote:

Are you the only fool that thinks government is doing a good job?

and how's wall street doing after sucking 10 trillion out of the
economy in the last 3 years? we back at full employment?

You still do not get it do you?

Government, big governmetn including Obama are not the solution, they
ARE the problem.

The more government gets, the less the people get.

US Government is BROKE. Bankrupt. DC quite literally buys its own
bonds as not one else in the world, not even it's own citizens will buy
the toilet paper. It is like you loaning money you don't have to to

Markets are only up for one reason. Would you rather have stock in say
Kraft, Conoco Philips or something of *appreciating* value, or be
holding worthless US dollars that will depreciate rapidly?

Few know, UK tried this once. They devalued their currency by 30%
overnight because of DEBT. Took them over a decade to recover.

Socialism is a great ideal as long as someone else pays for it. And when
no one is left to pay for it, they all can share nothing.

  #86   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Default Winning elections is not good enough

On 18/02/2011 7:17 PM, bpuharic wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:20:04 -0700,

The liberal lefties up here are the same. Irrational zealots of telling
others they will pay for their welfare. Nosy types too

he's RIGHT! let's do what the conservatives say!

welfare ONLY for the RICH! starve the middle class!

Well, you keep voting for it. Ever wonder where all that Obama spend
really goes? I mean REALLY goes?

Socialism is a great ideal as long as someone else pays for it. And when
no one is left to pay for it, they all can share nothing.
  #87   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Default Winning elections is not good enough

On 19/02/2011 6:50 AM, BAR wrote:
In , payer3389 says...

On 2/18/11 10:44 AM, Frogwatch wrote:
The Obamanations are not interested in democracy as shown by what is
happening in Wisconsin. When the other side wins the election, they
engage in an illegal walkout to prevent legislation. Remember "Card
Check" where they tried to deny people the right to vote on
unionization? They have no interest in Democracy, they are interested
in raw power.
Winning the election was not good enough because they do not recognize
who won. When that happens, the next step is..................

...right-wing racist-birthers like you move to another country?

Venezuela has the political system that you like. The outgoing
legislature voted Chavez the ability to rule by decree. Too bad Pelosi
and Reed couldn't do that for Obama before Pelosi and crew move to the

Venezuela is Marxist. Capitalists would prefer Brazil.

Socialism is a great ideal as long as someone else pays for it. And when
no one is left to pay for it, they all can share nothing.
  #88   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Default Winning elections is not good enough

On 18/02/2011 10:26 AM, wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 09:00:23 -0800, wrote:

You think using a majority to supress the people and
votes of the opposition is fair play?

Oh like the 111th congress? You folks said the republicans should suck
it up and go along. When they didn't you said they were
Aren't the Wisconsin democrats shutting down the government?
Where is your outrage?
I wonder what their constitution says about legislators who abandon
their jobs? Perhaps the governor can simply replace them. In real
life, I imagine all they have to do is walk through and spit in the
lobby to demonstrate that they are still working.

We are going to be entering uncharted territory though. Nobody really
knows what happens when a state files for bankruptcy. How do they
discharge their debts when they don't have the money and they can't
just print it like the federal government does. Will they try to print
some kind of scrip and see if people would take it? Are they just
going to tell their debtors to sue them?

We better get used to questions like this because the whole country
has a "Greece" moment coming. I doubt our protests will be as peaceful
as Egypt or even Greece. It might be more like Warsaw 1944 except the
populace is better armed. ;-)

Unlikely USA will be quite like Greece. US will have a failing
currency, rapid inflation as the USD is debased as a worlds reserve.
Already happening really, as this week I saw the highest spread between
WTI and Brent prices I have ever seen. Which indicates the USD is
loosing its world reserve currency status.

Chinese are significantly reducing their USD held debt. DC is basically
borrowing its own money in a ponzi scheme. Create $600 billion in
bonds, then US Fed buys them as no one else will. I can assure you that
that will eventually lead to the destruction of the USD as a currency.

And I hear Obama be out of money in March. Best thing Congress can do
is let everyone's DC check bounce for a month or two, to send a message.
I mean this seriously. As DC liberals are delinquent debtors out of

Socialism is a great ideal as long as someone else pays for it. And when
no one is left to pay for it, they all can share nothing.
  #89   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Default Winning elections is not good enough

On 18/02/2011 11:44 AM, jps wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 10:38:16 -0800 (PST), Frogwatch

On Feb 18, 1:09 pm, wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 12:26:17 -0500, wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 09:00:23 -0800, wrote:

You think using a majority to supress the people and
votes of the opposition is fair play?

Oh like the 111th congress? You folks said the republicans should suck
it up and go along. When they didn't you said they were

They never went along with anything. What R's do best is obstruct,
even when it's in the best interest of their constituents and the

Aren't the Wisconsin democrats shutting down the government?
Where is your outrage?

I like it when Gov't gets shut down. It forces people to confront the

I wonder what their constitution says about legislators who abandon
their jobs? Perhaps the governor can simply replace them. In real
life, I imagine all they have to do is walk through and spit in the
lobby to demonstrate that they are still working.

The governor is using strong arm tactics to undermine collective
bargaining. It's happening all over the country in areas where R's
only interest is in serving the wealthy and big business by
undercutting unions.

We are going to be entering uncharted territory though. Nobody really
knows what happens when a state files for bankruptcy. How do they
discharge their debts when they don't have the money and they can't
just print it like the federal government does. Will they try to print
some kind of scrip and see if people would take it? Are they just
going to tell their debtors to sue them?

It'll be good if it happens. People will have to deal with the
reality of government going into complete disfunction. All those who
believe that government is evil will be crying like little babies.

We better get used to questions like this because the whole country
has a "Greece" moment coming. I doubt our protests will be as peaceful
as Egypt or even Greece. It might be more like Warsaw 1944 except the
populace is better armed. ;-)

Oh, you mean the right wing is better armed. This is what all the
jerks have been spoiling for. We're going to do a little cleansing in
the USA?

There is going to be a counter protest at the Wis Capitol organized by
Breitbart. Union/Obama thugs should carefully consider before they
resort to violence the consequences of such.

I hope a union thug finds Breitbart, removes his balls (or what's left
of them) and stuffs them down his throat.

"Union/Obama thugs." Further proves your blind partisan idiocy.

I don't think the left has a clue why investors are scared ****less
about investing the USA for jobs. Because the cost metrics are so
screwed up it make ZERO sense to invest new moneys in the USA right now.
None. High risk, tax greed, union greed, insolvent banks and currency
depreciation and a return rate not worth the ink as the return sucks.
If it is on the TSX or NYSE, I want lots of foreign content.

I quite routinely make 10-25%/year investing *outside* of USA and
Canada. If I didn't believe in diversification I wouldn't invest at all
in NA. But select non-union plays exist.

Socialism is a great ideal as long as someone else pays for it. And when
no one is left to pay for it, they all can share nothing.
  #90   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Default Winning elections is not good enough

On 18/02/2011 12:12 PM, wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 10:38:16 -0800 (PST), Frogwatch

On Feb 18, 1:09 pm, wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 12:26:17 -0500, wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 09:00:23 -0800, wrote:

You think using a majority to supress the people and
votes of the opposition is fair play?

Oh like the 111th congress? You folks said the republicans should suck
it up and go along. When they didn't you said they were

They never went along with anything. What R's do best is obstruct,
even when it's in the best interest of their constituents and the

Aren't the Wisconsin democrats shutting down the government?
Where is your outrage?

I like it when Gov't gets shut down. It forces people to confront the

I wonder what their constitution says about legislators who abandon
their jobs? Perhaps the governor can simply replace them. In real
life, I imagine all they have to do is walk through and spit in the
lobby to demonstrate that they are still working.

The governor is using strong arm tactics to undermine collective
bargaining. It's happening all over the country in areas where R's
only interest is in serving the wealthy and big business by
undercutting unions.

We are going to be entering uncharted territory though. Nobody really
knows what happens when a state files for bankruptcy. How do they
discharge their debts when they don't have the money and they can't
just print it like the federal government does. Will they try to print
some kind of scrip and see if people would take it? Are they just
going to tell their debtors to sue them?

It'll be good if it happens. People will have to deal with the
reality of government going into complete disfunction. All those who
believe that government is evil will be crying like little babies.

We better get used to questions like this because the whole country
has a "Greece" moment coming. I doubt our protests will be as peaceful
as Egypt or even Greece. It might be more like Warsaw 1944 except the
populace is better armed. ;-)

Oh, you mean the right wing is better armed. This is what all the
jerks have been spoiling for. We're going to do a little cleansing in
the USA?

There is going to be a counter protest at the Wis Capitol organized by
Breitbart. Union/Obama thugs should carefully consider before they
resort to violence the consequences of such.

Maybe he'll shoot some video, doctor it, then claim they've taken
control of the White House.

Should be renamed the Debt House.

Socialism is a great ideal as long as someone else pays for it. And when
no one is left to pay for it, they all can share nothing.
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