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Secular Humorist September 24th 10 03:40 PM

the rich get richer and the middle class poorer
On 9/24/10 10:33 AM, I am Tosk wrote:
In ,

On 22-Sep-2010, wrote:

Sounds like you're the one who likes taking it up the ass...


No. Barney Frank is actually an intelligent, decent, and influential

Bawny Fwank is lower on the food chanin that most politicians who are below
cockroaches. Thinking like yours is why you vote the way you do, then
bellyache about getting it up the ass again. (Like Bawny)

After her last comment you must know she is just trolling, right? I
mean, anyone with a brain and any interest knows BF is one of the most
responsible for where we are today with the bailouts and the housing
market... But the racists in his district will in fact re-elect him, no

The "racists" in his district?

To whom are you referring, little man with little brain?

Colonel Kurtz September 24th 10 03:47 PM

the rich get richer and the middle class poorer

On 22-Sep-2010, bpuharic wrote:

Couldn't care less about political crime syndicates, or Darwin - it is
observable that when people do things to hurt themselves, they suffer.
"Americans" do, they suffer,

yeah. t hey keep voting right wing

and the more competent will modify their
behavior and survive. That portion makes up about 3% of the former U.S;
will be peasants. It's the individual's choice to decide their
Stop begging for handouts from the root of the problem.

meaningless cliche 1100.

Those comments are without substance. Do you have a solution to the demise
of the U.S? What is it? More help from "the government?"

Governments don't create or drive a successful economy - governments are
consumers of assets. They can only interfere (as they have since the 70's)
or enable multi level output, which they have crushed.

Can they drive everything out of the U.S? .............. "YES WE CAN!!!"
.... in the best tradition of Ford, Carter,Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush
again. The coffins been nailed - Hussein and congress is just throwing the
dirt on the casket. The incoming herd of scum will continue the trend, with
your money.

bpuharic September 24th 10 04:55 PM

the rich get richer and the middle class poorer
On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 14:26:18 GMT, "Colonel Kurtz"

On 22-Sep-2010, bpuharic wrote:

Use Vaseline, it's cheaper, and you don't have to vote to gain the

you know NOTHING of technology or economics. you have never taken ANY
coursework in any of these

Coursework?? Like the asshole in the White House?

oh. so you're against education? rush is all you need

no wonder you're a sheep.

I was a supplier to the automotive industry for nearly 40 years - I watched
steel become decimated by subsidized imports authorized by Nixon,

no, what you watched was steel being replaced by plastic. there isn't
alot of steel left in cars, you moron

There is no "recession." there is an economic adjustment to the core
economic output. Nothing can change that except the behavior of the U.S.
consumers, and they don't appear willing. The slime you elect couldn't care
less as long as you reelect them.

the slime YOU elected...the right wing...deregulated us into poverty
while enriching their buddies

bpuharic September 24th 10 04:58 PM

the rich get richer and the middle class poorer
On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 14:28:01 GMT, "Colonel Kurtz"

On 22-Sep-2010, bpuharic wrote:

True but you forgot the 4th Bush brother ... and the current one it
turns out.

you mean the ones who are bound by treaty obligations?

They weren't treaties, treaties have to be ratified by the scum in the
senate. They are merely trade agreements, and can be altered or quashed at
any time.

really? from the wikipedia site:

In 1988 Canada and the United States signed the Canada-United States
Free Trade Agreement after which the U.S. Congress approved
implementing legislation. The American government then entered into
negotiations with the Mexican government for a similar treaty, and
Canada asked to join the negotiations in order to preserve its
perceived gains under the 1988 deal.[1]

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1986 between the
three nations, the leaders met in San Antonio, Texas, on December 17,
1992, to sign NAFTA. U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime
Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each
responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially
signed it. The agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's
legislative or parliamentary branch.


see the word 'treaty' there?

bpuharic September 24th 10 05:01 PM

the rich get richer and the middle class poorer
On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 14:47:08 GMT, "Colonel Kurtz"

On 22-Sep-2010, bpuharic wrote:

Couldn't care less about political crime syndicates, or Darwin - it is
observable that when people do things to hurt themselves, they suffer.
"Americans" do, they suffer,

yeah. t hey keep voting right wing

and the more competent will modify their
behavior and survive. That portion makes up about 3% of the former U.S;
will be peasants. It's the individual's choice to decide their
Stop begging for handouts from the root of the problem.

meaningless cliche 1100.

Those comments are without substance. Do you have a solution to the demise
of the U.S? What is it? More help from "the government?"

yeah. strengthen unions. increase taxes on the wealthy. regulate the
banks and financial institutions to prevent their raping of the
economy. enter into worldwide labor agreements to ensure all workers
are at equal purchasing power parity, including healthcare, so that we
dont engage in a race to the bottom.

Governments don't create or drive a successful economy - governments are
consumers of assets. They can only interfere (as they have since the 70's)
or enable multi level output, which they have crushed.

wrong. they can also make investments, such as infrastructure,
educational institutions, hospitals, etc.

you simply dont know economics

Harry ? September 24th 10 05:04 PM

the rich get richer and the middle class poorer
"Colonel Kurtz" wrote in message ...

On 22-Sep-2010, "nom=de=plume" wrote:

I pay for advertising, there's no such thing as "free." Just keep
it home.

Sounds like you don't even pay for chewing gum. Sounds like you're a

60% of the population of the U.S. is a welfare class - I am the production
class, one of the evil rich (as classified by your rulers as people that can
afford to live without welfare) that hire the middle class (but not in the
U.S. any more.) Gum is cheap where I live; I don't pay U.S. inflated retail
prices while making Walmart wages. Never will. It's all up to you. If
you're looking for more handouts, go to the Salvation Army - they have a
great selection of cold weather clothes coming in for the new American
"middle class."

You can't tell Plume anything about the Salvation Army. They are her prime competition in the used clothing business. She takes pride in the fact that all of her product gets fumigated with DDT to kill the bed bugs.

nom=de=plume[_2_] September 24th 10 05:40 PM

the rich get richer and the middle class poorer

"Colonel Kurtz" wrote in message

On 22-Sep-2010, "nom=de=plume" wrote:

Then what is everyone complaining about? Your industries are gone,
marketing companies with minimum wage gum chewing clerks in ugly blue
are the new "middle class." All is rosy!

You're the complainer. You can't handle actual capitalism, so you quit.
Unless of course, you're just lying.

You speak as thought you're constrained in the former United States. NO
is, so you don't need to squeal and beg from your neighbors (taxpayers.)

I didn't enter this fray to complain, but merely to show the ignorant
how their behavior is trashing their well being.

Yet all you do is whine and complain. Sounds like you're afraid of your own

nom=de=plume[_2_] September 24th 10 05:40 PM

the rich get richer and the middle class poorer

"Colonel Kurtz" wrote in message

On 22-Sep-2010, "Harry ?" wrote:

Sounds like you're the one who likes taking it up the ass...


Here's hoping Bawney takes it up the ass in November.

He probably is right NOW! He'll be reelected - it's the natuie of the
voting nitwits.

I guarantee that he's done more for this country than you have or will.

nom=de=plume[_2_] September 24th 10 05:42 PM

the rich get richer and the middle class poorer

"I am Tosk" wrote in message
In article ,

On 22-Sep-2010, "nom=de=plume" wrote:

Sounds like you're the one who likes taking it up the ass...


No. Barney Frank is actually an intelligent, decent, and influential

Bawny Fwank is lower on the food chanin that most politicians who are
cockroaches. Thinking like yours is why you vote the way you do, then
bellyache about getting it up the ass again. (Like Bawny)

After her last comment you must know she is just trolling, right? I
mean, anyone with a brain and any interest knows BF is one of the most
responsible for where we are today with the bailouts and the housing
market... But the racists in his district will in fact re-elect him, no

OH, I could do the 105 footer, but I would hate to waste the last few
seconds of my life with my eyes closed, screaming like a little

One Congressman? Responsible for more than the President/Vice President/the
entire Wall Street establishment? Wow... you ARE deluded and very

nom=de=plume[_2_] September 24th 10 05:43 PM

the rich get richer and the middle class poorer

"bpuharic" wrote in message
On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 14:28:01 GMT, "Colonel Kurtz"

On 22-Sep-2010, bpuharic wrote:

True but you forgot the 4th Bush brother ... and the current one it
turns out.

you mean the ones who are bound by treaty obligations?

They weren't treaties, treaties have to be ratified by the scum in the
senate. They are merely trade agreements, and can be altered or quashed at
any time.

really? from the wikipedia site:

In 1988 Canada and the United States signed the Canada-United States
Free Trade Agreement after which the U.S. Congress approved
implementing legislation. The American government then entered into
negotiations with the Mexican government for a similar treaty, and
Canada asked to join the negotiations in order to preserve its
perceived gains under the 1988 deal.[1]

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1986 between the
three nations, the leaders met in San Antonio, Texas, on December 17,
1992, to sign NAFTA. U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime
Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each
responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially
signed it. The agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's
legislative or parliamentary branch.


see the word 'treaty' there?

He's a hateful little man, who apparently abandon his country and his

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