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  #11   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 480
Default He's toast!

The header crap is proof of what you wrote. I didn't want to have to post
twice after you denied ever having supported McCain.

So you were wrong on McCain, not on an issue but on character judgement.
Perhaps you need new metrics for determining character before you get into
the voting booth.

Of course Palin is a sick joke. I wouldn't expect anything greater from you.

You'll put me in the killfile (for "likely" troll behavior) and then read
everything I write afterwards.

"Capt. JG" wrote in message
I'm going to reply to both of your posts, then I'll likely put you in the
recycle bin, given your likely troll behavior.

Yes, things change. I had respect for McCain. I don't any more. Palin is a
good example of why. She's a sick joke from someone who should no better.

I'm not sure why you thought it was necessary to include all the header
crap... I'm sure it makes you feel superior somehow.

"Charles Momsen" wrote in message

"Capt. JG" wrote in message
"Keith nuttle" wrote in message

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can not fool
all of the people all of the time.

Has he said what he would do about the Wall Street situation yet or
have the old liberals democrat not yet told him what he thinks on that

So, you believe that the guy who's been in DC for 26 years and was part
of the problem is going to solve the problems by firing someone. Now,
that's what I call a decider.

My, how things change!

Are you feeling stupid? I like McCain because he's one of
the few honest politicos out there. What does conservative
mean to you? Rush?

"j" ganz @@

  #12   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 480
Default He's toast!

"Capt. Rob" wrote in message

It's amazing that after all that's happened that ANYONE could vote for
McCain or truly feel McCain is the face of change.

It's amazing that ANYONE would dare to vote for ANYONE.

No one, not a
single Bush detractor ever expected Bush to be so awful at his job.

I'm a Bush detractor from day one and Bush has done a bit better than I
expected. That still doesn't make him any good.

has nothing to do with party affiliation. Only the most ignorant or
gullible still believes Bush to be a republican. He's been nothing
short of a opportunist with virtually no US interests at the core.

Is this unique to Bush? Virtually all of Congress has their own self
interests at the core.

McCain will continue with this of course.

As will just about anyone elected.

Watching him on stage making
his speeches is just about painful.

You actually sit through political speeches?

He's too old. Not everyone his age
is. But McCain's hard life has left him weaker than many and the job
will kill him.

Problem solved then.

His VP is not capable at all.

But neither is anyone one else in the race.

So in the end we may have an even worse 4 years ahead because people
vote AGAINST candidates more than for them these days.

It will be a worse 4 years regardless of who is elected. People don't want
to fix problems, they simply want them to go away. I hope it gets bad enough
that the size of government actually gets deep, deep, cuts.

With McCain in
office the economy will fall deeper and deeper into the drink and the
days of Clinton will seem like the Roaring twenties.

The days of Clinton were the roaring 20's. Now we're entering into the
1930's. In the long term it may be good for America. The next generation or
two may hold the same values as those who grew up during the depression. I
see economy and frugality as virtues and excess consumption, self indulgence
as vices. So when are you getting the new Evo?

  #13   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 7,757
Default He's toast!

"Charles Momsen" wrote in message
The header crap is proof of what you wrote. I didn't want to have to post
twice after you denied ever having supported McCain.

Unlike you, I'm not a liar.

So you were wrong on McCain, not on an issue but on character judgement.
Perhaps you need new metrics for determining character before you get into
the voting booth.

God forbid someone is wrong about a person. Perhaps you need to get back on
your meds.

Of course Palin is a sick joke. I wouldn't expect anything greater from

You believe whatever your sick little heart desires.

You'll put me in the killfile (for "likely" troll behavior) and then read
everything I write afterwards.

As I suspected, you're the same troll we all thought you were. You're a

"Capt. JG" wrote in message
I'm going to reply to both of your posts, then I'll likely put you in the
recycle bin, given your likely troll behavior.

Yes, things change. I had respect for McCain. I don't any more. Palin is
a good example of why. She's a sick joke from someone who should know

Have at it sicko.

"j" ganz @@

  #14   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 834
Default He's toast!

Capt. JG wrote:
"Charles Momsen" wrote in message
The header crap is proof of what you wrote. I didn't want to have to post
twice after you denied ever having supported McCain.

Unlike you, I'm not a liar.

So you were wrong on McCain, not on an issue but on character judgement.
Perhaps you need new metrics for determining character before you get into
the voting booth.

God forbid someone is wrong about a person. Perhaps you need to get back on
your meds.

Of course Palin is a sick joke. I wouldn't expect anything greater from

You believe whatever your sick little heart desires.

You'll put me in the killfile (for "likely" troll behavior) and then read
everything I write afterwards.

As I suspected, you're the same troll we all thought you were. You're a

Watch out Jon! Ozzy will now likely insult you in ergot!

  #15   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 7,757
Default He's toast!

"Martin Baxter" wrote in message
Capt. JG wrote:
"Charles Momsen" wrote in message
The header crap is proof of what you wrote. I didn't want to have to
post twice after you denied ever having supported McCain.

Unlike you, I'm not a liar.

So you were wrong on McCain, not on an issue but on character judgement.
Perhaps you need new metrics for determining character before you get
into the voting booth.

God forbid someone is wrong about a person. Perhaps you need to get back
on your meds.

Of course Palin is a sick joke. I wouldn't expect anything greater from

You believe whatever your sick little heart desires.

You'll put me in the killfile (for "likely" troll behavior) and then
read everything I write afterwards.

As I suspected, you're the same troll we all thought you were. You're a

Watch out Jon! Ozzy will now likely insult you in ergot!


In a rye sense?

"j" ganz @@

  #16   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 480
Default He's toast!

"Capt. JG" wrote in message
"Charles Momsen" wrote in message
The header crap is proof of what you wrote. I didn't want to have to post
twice after you denied ever having supported McCain.

Unlike you, I'm not a liar.

Of course you're not a liar. You speak only the truth all the time. Also
you would never stoop to personal attacks.

So you were wrong on McCain, not on an issue but on character judgement.
Perhaps you need new metrics for determining character before you get
into the voting booth.

God forbid someone is wrong about a person. Perhaps you need to get back
on your meds.

So you thought McCain was an honorable man for leaving his first wife.

Of course Palin is a sick joke. I wouldn't expect anything greater from

You believe whatever your sick little heart desires.

As I said: "I wouldn't expect anything greater from you." It's not a matter
of belief, it's here for everyone to see for themselves.

You'll put me in the killfile (for "likely" troll behavior) and then read
everything I write afterwards.

As I suspected, you're the same troll we all thought you were. You're a

"We all thought you were", now who is "we"?

You're an honorable, reputable person who puts truth and principle above all
other things. You are respectful of others, regardless of their viewpoint
and are never disagreeable when you disagree. You are the very paragon of
what humanity strives to be. Never has a finer individual than you ever
walked the face of the earth. All who deal with you walk away better persons
from the exchange.

  #17   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jun 2007
Posts: 760
Default He's toast!

"Charles Momsen" wrote in message

"Capt. JG" wrote in message
"Charles Momsen" wrote in message
The header crap is proof of what you wrote. I didn't want to have to
post twice after you denied ever having supported McCain.

Unlike you, I'm not a liar.

Of course you're not a liar. You speak only the truth all the time. Also
you would never stoop to personal attacks.

So you were wrong on McCain, not on an issue but on character judgement.
Perhaps you need new metrics for determining character before you get
into the voting booth.

God forbid someone is wrong about a person. Perhaps you need to get back
on your meds.

So you thought McCain was an honorable man for leaving his first wife.

Of course Palin is a sick joke. I wouldn't expect anything greater from

You believe whatever your sick little heart desires.

As I said: "I wouldn't expect anything greater from you." It's not a
matter of belief, it's here for everyone to see for themselves.

You'll put me in the killfile (for "likely" troll behavior) and then
read everything I write afterwards.

As I suspected, you're the same troll we all thought you were. You're a

"We all thought you were", now who is "we"?

You're an honorable, reputable person who puts truth and principle above
all other things. You are respectful of others, regardless of their
viewpoint and are never disagreeable when you disagree. You are the very
paragon of what humanity strives to be. Never has a finer individual than
you ever walked the face of the earth. All who deal with you walk away
better persons from the exchange.

Yes, they get cash and Jon Boy gets a fix! :-)

Gregory Hall

  #18   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 480
Default He's toast!

"Capt. JG" wrote in message
"Charles Momsen" wrote in message

Joe Biden has been in the Senate for 36 years, but he's completely
qualified to deal with the crisis. That's because he's a Democrat. In
fact, don't you agree with Nancy Pelosi (only 20 years in office) that
not one single Democrat or the Democrats in general are to blame for any
of the mess. It's all the Republican's fault.

Biden is at least as qualified as McCain. However, there's a big
difference. His first reaction was not to want to fire someone. I love it
how McCain can actually stand there with a straight face in the face of
his bizarre and dangerous tendencies.

Have you ever considered McCain may have partial paralysis of the face and
is actually hysterically laughing?

Of course McCain has bizarre and dangerous tendencies. And Palin is a sick
joke. And Bush is the worst president in history who stole the election. And
the neocons are taking over the world. They are bizzare and dangerous, yes,
all of them.

It's just amazing that for you political affiliation alone is the
determining factor for good or evil and actually defines evil. Saves a
lot of unnecessary thought, understanding and analysis doesn't it?

Making stuff up, as the troll you are. I never said that, I've never
believed that, and you're just lying, which is a typical right-wing

You've never said that and certainly you never believed that. It's simply
that you do that, like right in the very sentence above where you declare
lying as a typical right wing tactic.

Martin Luther King was a Republican.

Not sure why you think this is significant. Do you think he would be now?
The Republican party, the party of Lincoln, championed freedom for his
people since the mid-1800s as I recall. The Democrats started the KKK as I
recall. Are you living in the past or are you just a troll... hmmmmm....

I never knew the KKK was started by the Democrats, are you sure? Is this
more or less significant than MLK being a Republican? Today, I think MLK
would be running the KKK.

troll bs removed

Psychologically healthy people manage their own lives, respect others,
leave others free to their own path of choice. They don't leave a path of
wreckage behind them, they can put themselves in the other guy's place,
they can see themselves as others see them - in other words the have
something called "emotional intelligence". They also realize that first
they must solve their own personal problems before they can go on to
solve the problems of the world (and all the world's problems are simply
a large collection of personal problems, the most dire come from those
with personal problems and power).

Yes, I agree. Perhaps you should give it a shot. My experience with you is
that you're a mean-spirited troll.

You have a good deal of negative experiences with many people. Are you in
any way familiar with Venn diagrams and their significance?

My experience with you is that you are always honest, respectful, logical,
truthful and would never resort to smears or personal attacks.

To judge people solely on their political affiliation, religion, skin
color, or any other classification falls short of judging the entire
person in what it takes to be a complete human being. Someday, though
highly unlikely, you may develop that capacity to see yourself and
others. Until then, it's all the Republican's fault.

Unfortunately for you, you have a long way to go to be a complete human

That may be true, I have a number of faults some of which I'm not even
cognizant of. I'll work on the ones I can one day at a time. With luck, I
may achieve the lofty level you have.

Ok. So, type all you want, I won't be reading it.

You are one of the greatest human beings to ever walk the face of the earth.
Your strength of character and integrity are shining examples for all
humankind. I have only admiration for you, as does all of us.

  #19   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jun 2007
Posts: 760
Default He's toast!

"Capt. JG" wrote in message

In a rye sense?

Bwwwwwhahhahahahahahahhahahahahha! Maybe you should have spelled it right.
Next time try "wry." Lordy, what a PUTZ!

Gregory Hall

  #20   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 480
Default He's toast!

"Capt. JG" wrote in message
"Martin Baxter" wrote in message
Capt. JG wrote:
"Charles Momsen" wrote in message
The header crap is proof of what you wrote. I didn't want to have to
post twice after you denied ever having supported McCain.

Unlike you, I'm not a liar.

So you were wrong on McCain, not on an issue but on character
judgement. Perhaps you need new metrics for determining character
before you get into the voting booth.

God forbid someone is wrong about a person. Perhaps you need to get back
on your meds.

Of course Palin is a sick joke. I wouldn't expect anything greater from

You believe whatever your sick little heart desires.

You'll put me in the killfile (for "likely" troll behavior) and then
read everything I write afterwards.

As I suspected, you're the same troll we all thought you were. You're a

Watch out Jon! Ozzy will now likely insult you in ergot!


In a rye sense?

"j" ganz @@


Is this the ergot to which you refer:

"Ergot contains no lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) but instead contains
ergotamine, which is used to synthesize lysergic acid, an analog of and
precursor for synthesis of LSD. Moreover, ergot sclerotia naturally contain
some amounts of lysergic acid. [4]"

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