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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2008
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Default Obama and Nuclear Weapons

His latest ad says Obama has passed a law to keep nuclear weapons out of
terrorist's hands.

Does Iran obey our laws now? Did I miss something here? ???

Or is the ad addressed to those who get their news from the Simpsons or
Beavis and Butthead, i.e., those who will gain from Obama's income
redistribution plans.
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HK HK is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: May 2007
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Default Obama and Nuclear Weapons

John H. wrote:
His latest ad says Obama has passed a law to keep nuclear weapons out of
terrorist's hands.

Does Iran obey our laws now? Did I miss something here? ???

Or is the ad addressed to those who get their news from the Simpsons or
Beavis and Butthead, i.e., those who will gain from Obama's income
redistribution plans.

You really, truly, are a dumb schitt...thank god you are no longer in
the military.

In 2005, U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar, then the chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, and Obama traveled to Russia, Ukraine and
Azerbaijan to examine the former Soviet Union's stockpiles of nuclear,
chemical and biological weapons. Lugar and former Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga.,
were the authors of legislation in 1991 to provide money and expertise
to those countries to safeguard and dismantle those stockpiles and their
delivery systems.

Obama and Lugar teamed up to sponsor legislation to expand the
Nunn-Lugar effort to intercept illegal shipments of weapons of mass
destruction and to help destroy conventional weapons stockpiles. The
legislation became law last year.

What's McCain done? Chant "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran?"
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Obama and Nuclear Weapons

HK wrote in news:6en9ruF814ofU1

In 2005, U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar, then the chairman of the CFL-controlled

Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, and Obama traveled to Russia, Ukraine and
Azerbaijan to examine the former Soviet Union's stockpiles of nuclear,

Text corrected to reflect who actually RUNS the FRC.....

They're all club members, including Lugar.

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Obama and Nuclear Weapons

John H. wrote in

His latest ad says Obama has passed a law to keep nuclear weapons out

terrorist's hands.

Does Iran obey our laws now? Did I miss something here? ???

Or is the ad addressed to those who get their news from the Simpsons

Beavis and Butthead, i.e., those who will gain from Obama's income
redistribution plans.

No matter who we vote for, the person with their finger on THAT BUTTON
will be a member of all the same secret societies as Bush W and his dad.

Banker cartels
Bohemian Society

We're not allowed to vote for anyone but the secret societies'

The election is a sham. It's already been decided by the CFR elite.

Haven't you seen the news?

The election may be saved, however, by an emerging third party group:

Here, you can see some of the terrible damage done by the last one
America picked....well, not exactly picked....the judges picked. Right,

If cable tv would give Onion News their own 24 hour news channel, I
might be tempted to buy cable tv service with my internet as there would
be something worth watching besides all those lies, drivel and
commercials on all the other news channels....Fox, CNN, MSNBC, QVC,
Weather Channel...all propaganda lies.
The highest rated videos on YouTube....Noone else is even close!

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Obama and Nuclear Weapons

Gene Kearns wrote in

Larry, as a Past Master and Past Patron, you have finally convinced me
that you are a nut case. Listing the above in the same sentence is
just unbelievable.... Banker Cartels? Bohemian Society? WTF is
that???? A bunch of coked out ex-rockers??? Jeeze. You are stuck in
some sort of time dilation of 1840's South Carolina politics.....

I'll play for a while.....

YOU took an oath to Freemasonry...many oaths if you got as high as you

By taking this oath, above all else, you have committed yourself,
totally, to the constitution, edicts, instructions, and dogma of this
secret society.

How can ANYONE who takes a solemn oath, with awful punishments for
simply revealing Freemasony outside the cult, take ANOTHER oath to
protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, in direct
conflict with his Freemasonry oath to obey whatever the Supreme Council,
CONVENIENTLY located a symbolic 13 blocks North of the front doof of the
White House, tells him to do?

Who do you obey? Suppose your Freemason Supreme Council tells you to
bomb Iraq, against the will of the American People, against the
constitution because no war against Iraq has been declared by the
Congress and a vast majority of the American people are against it? Who
do you obey? YOU are the Freemason President with all that power to
push that button as you see fit. So isn't your Freemason Vice
President, your Freemason Secretary of Defense, your Freemasons in the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, CIA, FBI, Justice Department, Homeland Security,
FEMA and every other important agency heads.

It's not just Freemasonry. It's ALL the secret societies. Skull and
Bones at Yale, Bohemian Society and their owl burning rituals for the
super elite in Northern California where the Atomic Bomb was dreamed up,
the Council On Foreign Relations secret society, the Trilateral
Commission secret society....where do all their LOYALTIES LIE? Who
pulls THEIR strings, too?

Freemasonry was infiltrated by the Banking Elite long before you walked
through that door. It's common knowledge. Hell, they were at the top
of the pyramid from the beginning of most lodges after the masons
screwed up and opened membership outside their guilds. Money took over.
It still controls it. What if some "other entity" took control, say,
for example, Zionists, which would explain why AIPAC has so much control
over our government and its policies and its purse strings vis-a-vis
Israel? They get into high places and tell the Freemason 32nd degree in
the Oval Office he must obey his oath and attack Zionism's
enemies...Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, other Arab states. Is it very
important WE, the people who will pay the price for his treachery, know
EXACTLY where his allegiance US or to THEM?

But that basic question of who are YOU, a Freemason, loyal to, having
taken that binding oath to follow the orders from above you in
Freemasonry....first, ahead of everything else....that SHOULD preclude
you from taking a solemn oath to hold office in any government level in
America...or any other civilized country who forces its politicians to
swear allegiance to the COUNTRY...ONLY.

I've only taken one oath in my life. I took an oath to defend the
Constitution and my country the day I went in the Navy. It didn't mean
a lot to me then, having the gun held to my head by the damned draft
board, but it means a lot to me now in my old age. I just don't see how
any man can take an oath to a religion or cult or secret society and
SERIOUSLY take an oath to defend the country. It's a clear conflict of
interest...especially given Freemasonry's murderous history to those who
violated their oath to it, once dragged into it.

Tell me now how crazy I am.....I've listened to Freemasonry's attack
before, even to my face by local politicians. This isn't about drunks
in Fezs riding around on expensive motorcycles making a lot of noise to
attract public attention in a parade. With his finger on THAT BUTTON,
it's deadly serious for the whole of humanity on this little blue planet
who that goddamned Freemason in the White House owes his allegiance
to....US or Freemasonry? Who's Number One?

Being an atheist, I'm not eligible to belong to most cults, including
yours. I'm just as afraid of some Christian nut with his finger on THAT
BUTTON, who thinks, dispite a mountain of evidence to the contrary, the
Earth is 8000 years old made by some superguy in the sky as I am of
Freemasons in that seat. What's REALLY scary is the ones that profess
to be BOTH, in direct conflict of Freemasonry and Christian or Jewish or
Islamic dogmas. The Christians' Bible tells them not to take any oaths,
like Freemasonry's or they're gonna pay the price. It says so in
several places. How can anyone be BOTH? Someone is a liar, to
themselves, to their cults, to America.....and, right now, he's got that
finger on THAT BUTTON!

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HK HK is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: May 2007
Posts: 13,347
Default Obama and Nuclear Weapons

Larry wrote:
Gene Kearns wrote in

Larry, as a Past Master and Past Patron, you have finally convinced me
that you are a nut case. Listing the above in the same sentence is
just unbelievable.... Banker Cartels? Bohemian Society? WTF is
that???? A bunch of coked out ex-rockers??? Jeeze. You are stuck in
some sort of time dilation of 1840's South Carolina politics.....

I'll play for a while.....

YOU took an oath to Freemasonry...many oaths if you got as high as you

By taking this oath, above all else, you have committed yourself,
totally, to the constitution, edicts, instructions, and dogma of this
secret society.

How can ANYONE who takes a solemn oath, with awful punishments for
simply revealing Freemasony outside the cult, take ANOTHER oath to
protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, in direct
conflict with his Freemasonry oath to obey whatever the Supreme Council,
CONVENIENTLY located a symbolic 13 blocks North of the front doof of the
White House, tells him to do?

Who do you obey? Suppose your Freemason Supreme Council tells you to
bomb Iraq, against the will of the American People, against the
constitution because no war against Iraq has been declared by the
Congress and a vast majority of the American people are against it? Who
do you obey? YOU are the Freemason President with all that power to
push that button as you see fit. So isn't your Freemason Vice
President, your Freemason Secretary of Defense, your Freemasons in the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, CIA, FBI, Justice Department, Homeland Security,
FEMA and every other important agency heads.

It's not just Freemasonry. It's ALL the secret societies. Skull and
Bones at Yale, Bohemian Society and their owl burning rituals for the
super elite in Northern California where the Atomic Bomb was dreamed up,
the Council On Foreign Relations secret society, the Trilateral
Commission secret society....where do all their LOYALTIES LIE? Who
pulls THEIR strings, too?

Freemasonry was infiltrated by the Banking Elite long before you walked
through that door. It's common knowledge. Hell, they were at the top
of the pyramid from the beginning of most lodges after the masons
screwed up and opened membership outside their guilds. Money took over.
It still controls it. What if some "other entity" took control, say,
for example, Zionists, which would explain why AIPAC has so much control
over our government and its policies and its purse strings vis-a-vis
Israel? They get into high places and tell the Freemason 32nd degree in
the Oval Office he must obey his oath and attack Zionism's
enemies...Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, other Arab states. Is it very
important WE, the people who will pay the price for his treachery, know
EXACTLY where his allegiance US or to THEM?

But that basic question of who are YOU, a Freemason, loyal to, having
taken that binding oath to follow the orders from above you in
Freemasonry....first, ahead of everything else....that SHOULD preclude
you from taking a solemn oath to hold office in any government level in
America...or any other civilized country who forces its politicians to
swear allegiance to the COUNTRY...ONLY.

I've only taken one oath in my life. I took an oath to defend the
Constitution and my country the day I went in the Navy. It didn't mean
a lot to me then, having the gun held to my head by the damned draft
board, but it means a lot to me now in my old age. I just don't see how
any man can take an oath to a religion or cult or secret society and
SERIOUSLY take an oath to defend the country. It's a clear conflict of
interest...especially given Freemasonry's murderous history to those who
violated their oath to it, once dragged into it.

Tell me now how crazy I am.....I've listened to Freemasonry's attack
before, even to my face by local politicians. This isn't about drunks
in Fezs riding around on expensive motorcycles making a lot of noise to
attract public attention in a parade. With his finger on THAT BUTTON,
it's deadly serious for the whole of humanity on this little blue planet
who that goddamned Freemason in the White House owes his allegiance
to....US or Freemasonry? Who's Number One?

Being an atheist, I'm not eligible to belong to most cults, including
yours. I'm just as afraid of some Christian nut with his finger on THAT
BUTTON, who thinks, dispite a mountain of evidence to the contrary, the
Earth is 8000 years old made by some superguy in the sky as I am of
Freemasons in that seat. What's REALLY scary is the ones that profess
to be BOTH, in direct conflict of Freemasonry and Christian or Jewish or
Islamic dogmas. The Christians' Bible tells them not to take any oaths,
like Freemasonry's or they're gonna pay the price. It says so in
several places. How can anyone be BOTH? Someone is a liar, to
themselves, to their cults, to America.....and, right now, he's got that
finger on THAT BUTTON!

What? You don't believe in the superguy in the sky?

Have you seen this?
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275
Default Obama and Nuclear Weapons

HK wrote in news:6eqabcF8de18U1

What? You don't believe in the superguy in the sky?

Have you seen this?

Ha! That's very funny.

Have you seen this?

Dawkins is right.....
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Nov 2007
Posts: 349
Default Obama and Nuclear Weapons


What can I say, other than well put. I'll admit, I know little about
"Freemasons," or any other secret cult, other than their existance. I guess
I don't have enough $$$ to be invited into such an organization whew.
Kinda like "Scientologists" I suppose. Thanks for the education!

I am an Elk though, and our only oath is, to believe in God, be a U.S.
citizen, and to defend the U.S. Constitution... no problem, I have that
covered. I guess we won't be influencing any elections anytime soon. g We
will however, help many needy children, and their families.


San Jose, CA
Lodge #522

"Larry" wrote in message
Gene Kearns wrote in

Larry, as a Past Master and Past Patron, you have finally convinced me
that you are a nut case. Listing the above in the same sentence is
just unbelievable.... Banker Cartels? Bohemian Society? WTF is
that???? A bunch of coked out ex-rockers??? Jeeze. You are stuck in
some sort of time dilation of 1840's South Carolina politics.....

I'll play for a while.....

YOU took an oath to Freemasonry...many oaths if you got as high as you

By taking this oath, above all else, you have committed yourself,
totally, to the constitution, edicts, instructions, and dogma of this
secret society.

How can ANYONE who takes a solemn oath, with awful punishments for
simply revealing Freemasony outside the cult, take ANOTHER oath to
protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, in direct
conflict with his Freemasonry oath to obey whatever the Supreme Council,
CONVENIENTLY located a symbolic 13 blocks North of the front doof of the
White House, tells him to do?

Who do you obey? Suppose your Freemason Supreme Council tells you to
bomb Iraq, against the will of the American People, against the
constitution because no war against Iraq has been declared by the
Congress and a vast majority of the American people are against it? Who
do you obey? YOU are the Freemason President with all that power to
push that button as you see fit. So isn't your Freemason Vice
President, your Freemason Secretary of Defense, your Freemasons in the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, CIA, FBI, Justice Department, Homeland Security,
FEMA and every other important agency heads.

It's not just Freemasonry. It's ALL the secret societies. Skull and
Bones at Yale, Bohemian Society and their owl burning rituals for the
super elite in Northern California where the Atomic Bomb was dreamed up,
the Council On Foreign Relations secret society, the Trilateral
Commission secret society....where do all their LOYALTIES LIE? Who
pulls THEIR strings, too?

Freemasonry was infiltrated by the Banking Elite long before you walked
through that door. It's common knowledge. Hell, they were at the top
of the pyramid from the beginning of most lodges after the masons
screwed up and opened membership outside their guilds. Money took over.
It still controls it. What if some "other entity" took control, say,
for example, Zionists, which would explain why AIPAC has so much control
over our government and its policies and its purse strings vis-a-vis
Israel? They get into high places and tell the Freemason 32nd degree in
the Oval Office he must obey his oath and attack Zionism's
enemies...Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, other Arab states. Is it very
important WE, the people who will pay the price for his treachery, know
EXACTLY where his allegiance US or to THEM?

But that basic question of who are YOU, a Freemason, loyal to, having
taken that binding oath to follow the orders from above you in
Freemasonry....first, ahead of everything else....that SHOULD preclude
you from taking a solemn oath to hold office in any government level in
America...or any other civilized country who forces its politicians to
swear allegiance to the COUNTRY...ONLY.

I've only taken one oath in my life. I took an oath to defend the
Constitution and my country the day I went in the Navy. It didn't mean
a lot to me then, having the gun held to my head by the damned draft
board, but it means a lot to me now in my old age. I just don't see how
any man can take an oath to a religion or cult or secret society and
SERIOUSLY take an oath to defend the country. It's a clear conflict of
interest...especially given Freemasonry's murderous history to those who
violated their oath to it, once dragged into it.

Tell me now how crazy I am.....I've listened to Freemasonry's attack
before, even to my face by local politicians. This isn't about drunks
in Fezs riding around on expensive motorcycles making a lot of noise to
attract public attention in a parade. With his finger on THAT BUTTON,
it's deadly serious for the whole of humanity on this little blue planet
who that goddamned Freemason in the White House owes his allegiance
to....US or Freemasonry? Who's Number One?

Being an atheist, I'm not eligible to belong to most cults, including
yours. I'm just as afraid of some Christian nut with his finger on THAT
BUTTON, who thinks, dispite a mountain of evidence to the contrary, the
Earth is 8000 years old made by some superguy in the sky as I am of
Freemasons in that seat. What's REALLY scary is the ones that profess
to be BOTH, in direct conflict of Freemasonry and Christian or Jewish or
Islamic dogmas. The Christians' Bible tells them not to take any oaths,
like Freemasonry's or they're gonna pay the price. It says so in
several places. How can anyone be BOTH? Someone is a liar, to
themselves, to their cults, to America.....and, right now, he's got that
finger on THAT BUTTON!

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HK HK is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: May 2007
Posts: 13,347
Default Obama and Nuclear Weapons

Mike wrote:

What can I say, other than well put. I'll admit, I know little about
"Freemasons," or any other secret cult, other than their existance. I guess
I don't have enough $$$ to be invited into such an organization whew.
Kinda like "Scientologists" I suppose. Thanks for the education!

I am an Elk though, and our only oath is, to believe in God, be a U.S.
citizen, and to defend the U.S. Constitution... no problem, I have that
covered. I guess we won't be influencing any elections anytime soon. g We
will however, help many needy children, and their families.

--Mike least Larry is entertaining. Mike is a loogy-class dimwit.

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Default Obama and Nuclear Weapons

HK wrote in news:6eqc5kF89lf3U2 least Larry is entertaining. Mike is a loogy-class dimwit.

Have you noticed how unusually quiet Harry has been on this subject?

Which secret societies do you belong to, Harry?

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