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X ` Man[_3_] X ` Man[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2011
Posts: 3,020
Default Many companies pay less in US taxes than they do on overseasprofits

On 11/3/11 5:50 PM, Wayne.B wrote:
On Thu, 03 Nov 2011 16:10:04 -0400, X ` Man

On 11/3/11 4:07 PM, Wayne.B wrote:
On Thu, 03 Nov 2011 14:53:59 -0400, wrote:

It's not that simple. A lot of Fortune 500 companies are
multi-nationals meaning that they do business internationally and
generate profits in different countries/currencies. If they
repatriate that money back to the US they get hit with double
taxation, first where they earned it, and again here when they bring
it back. A lot of them would like to bring profits back but not at
the cost of double taxation.

Beardsley's corporate apologetica continues.

Wayne made an intelligent assumption and you made a fool of yourself,
AGAIN. Way to go WAFA.


Proving once again that you can't educate those who already know
everything, or those who don't know what they don't know. :-)

The only thing that you've proven in all your corporationist posts,
Beardsley, is that no matter what excesses corporations commit, you'll
favor them.


Usually when I run into someone with attitudes similar to yours it
turns out that they were never able to get, or hold, a job with a
corporation. Frequently the reason is related to personality, skills
(lack thereof) or work ethic. I'd guess that in your case it's a
personality issue. Hopefully Ms. Greer will be willing to keep you on
a while longer as CEO job at Harry Krause& Associates. That would be
the pits getting fired from your own company.

Oh, Beardsley,...give it up. I'm simply not a fan of the sort of
corporate abuse that has been perpetrated on this country since the
1980's. I've worked for corporations, and I still have as clients
several corporations with whom I have been doing business for decades.
In fact, I just finished a draft of a speech one of my clients will be
presenting and will get paid in the five figures for it.

You seem to be "stuck" on a Florida corporation that hasn't been active
for well over a decade. That's your problem, not mine.