Thread: PFDs
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Bob Bob is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,300
Default PFDs

How about people just learn how to SWIM???? *If you can't swim then stay off
the water.

Jessibur has a very limited view of sailing. His post show a
fundamental lack conservative thinking.

Wayne B on the other had is the first person here that really hits the
nail on the head. Your equipment should fit the vessel and the area of

To make a blnket statment as Jsessibur does is nieve. Here in the PNW
with water tempratures 48-55F and sailing typically in 6-12 feet
swells it is very easy to drown befor a boat can come about... yes,
even excuting a Willimason Turn. basic law here is if single handed
and go over youre dead. If you go over with someone else on board
youre most likely dead.... maybe not if yore really fat had have a
capable crew.

Personnly single haded I tie off and wear a Sterns Type V Work Suit
and when in water temp above 70 F Ill substitute an inflatable
harness. When crossing a bar all passengers are inside. Only crew is
on deck.Once ouside pasangers are alowed on deck and must wear
inflatable harness.

People run out of energy very quickly in water less than 85 degrees
F., and if you can't deploy the swim ladder, where are you going to
swim to? *A lot of people have drowned trying to swim to shore in
cases where they'd have been just fine holding onto the boat.

Wayne, I comend your conservative and detaild response. To Willica I
say, u r 1 dum fool.