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Eddie Eddie is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2007
Posts: 134
Default Boating Books For Sale

On Fri, 13 Aug 2010 16:25:06 -0700, "Tom Kunich"

I'm knocked out that I've been advertising these books and haven't gotten a
single reply!

Tom, if I buy another book my wife of 53 years might divorce me. But,
my interest in "boat" books is in tales of adventure such as my latest
read, "The Happy Isles Of Oceania" by Paul Theroux. Ok, it involves a
canoe, which in a way is a boat. I'm now reading "So noble a captain
the life and times of Ferdinand Magellan." (for the third time)
In fiction, the Bounty trilogy, all the Hornblower books, Melville,
So, got any books like that in your collection for sale? Or are they
all instructional type books?
I don't mind a few instructional but I gotta have some fiction
adventure and non-fiction stuff like what I've described.
I'm in SJ. SL is just up the road. Maybe we can deal. (?)