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Tom Francis - SWSports Tom Francis - SWSports is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,326
Default How about that health care...

"A poll released Friday by the Harvard School of Public Health found
that two-thirds of parents and high-risk adults who want H1N1
vaccinations for themselves or their families have been unable to get
it. It's incredibly frustrating to be doing what we think we're
supposed to be doing -- taking responsibility for our health and
following government exhortations to get ourselves vaccinated -- only
to have our efforts thwarted by lack of supply.

But to me the most unsettling aspect of the whole mess is that nobody
seems to be in charge. The right hand has no idea what the left hand
is doing, and straight answers are hard to come by."

Heh - what a shock.