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Jere Lull
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Default Pourable transom?

Parallax wrote:

That little ad to the right of the Google groups reminds me of one day
when I ran aground and was asleep waiting for the tide to rise. My
friend had been talking to a powerboater who volunteered to pull us
off. I came out of the cabin just in time to see the powerboat get a
running start. As I frantically waved my arms for him to stop, he hit
the limit of the rope and pulled his transom off going about 25 kts.
Being too stunned to fall over laughing, I acted nice and gave him a
gallon of epoxy and some glass matting. We did help him recover his
engine and pushed him onto the beach.

You interfered with Darwin at work! That's stupid idea about #3739.... ;-)

At least you're distracting us from having to put our babies to bed for
the winter......

Had a reverse equivalent: 30' or so powerboat determined that the
creek's navaids weren't applicable to him, despite the obviously
grounded tree pretty much in front of him on the sandbar. He plowed into
it pretty hard, but it was a pretty steep-shouldered bar and It wouldn't
have taken too much more than he could apply to get off.

We took pity on him, unhooked from the comfy mooring, motored around to
the other side of the bar, and came up to his transom offering a tow.
His response was so condescending that I firewalled the throttle so that
our prop wash lifted his transom a good 6". His expressions (verbal and
visual) made my day as I returned to the comfy mooring on the other side
of the bar. I believe he spent the rest of the night bouncing on that bar.

Jere Lull
Xan-a-Deux ('73 Tanzer 28 #4 out of Tolchester, MD)
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