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Default Adjusting images for mood and effect

On Dec 3, 8:29*am, "Eisboch" wrote:
wrote in message

On Dec 3, 8:06 am, Tom Francis - SWSports

Ansel Adams and his classic explanation of the hows and whys of post

Not for Harry though - he's a Master and thus take perfect images
every time.

Harry also doesn't realize that the eye can adjust an image, hence his
theory that he takes pictures that are naturally natural is bull****!

Who determines what is natural? * I'll betcha we all "see" differently and
process images in our own unique way.
What one person has learned to call "sky blue" may be a completely different
hue (or color for that matter) to someone else.

Consider works of art in paintings. * Some see beauty and a complimentary
combination of colors. * Others view the same painting and get a completely
different reaction.


Exactly! Now, your eyes/brain also adjust to conditions. So, like you
say, what IS natural? What is the correct aperture and shutter speed
to use so that the image comes out exactly like your eye sees it at
that exact moment. Are you squinting? Has you pupils dialated? Are you
shielding the sun with your hat or hand?
And like you say above, I may not see the same thing as you. It goes
even further, brain as the processor. I may look at an old snail shell
and see a beautiful thing, you may see it as death....