Thread: Thanks Doug!
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Default Thanks Doug!

for what?

"Scotty" wrote in message
Now you've gone and ruined the bad reputation he's spent years
perfecting on this NG.

Aren't you gonna thank Bobspit?


"Scout" wrote in message
We have received your generous donation to our Katrina

Rebuilding Fund, and
all we can say is thank you, thank you, thank you!
I promise you that every penny will go directly to helping

school children
in a proud but devastated community in Mississippi. More than

60% of the
families in this community live at or below the poverty line,

and many have
lost everything, from clothes to books. Their school was

literally blown
away. They are now attending shared classes in a nearby school

(in shifts)
and will soon have FEMA trailers to use.

Our goal was to raise $25,000, and to purchase and deliver the

items most
needed as determined by the community. So far we are close to

half of that
goal. We've purchased classroom televisions, clothes, cafeteria

books, stationery, and other AV equipment. Those things are now

loaded on a
trailer, and next Sunday I will be leaving PA with 5 other

volunteers and
driving/delivering the supplies that you've helped to buy.

Doug, your willingness to reach out, to give, and to have faith

in us, have
touched us all, and mostly me, in a very profound way. God

bless you!