Thread: Shoot em up!
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"Joe" wrote

The point is... if any cars driver is so dumb as to approch a military
check point hauling ass and failing to do as instructed he deserves to
be taken out, bullit ridden, killed. If I saw a vehicle failing to slow
down, or stop as instructed then I unload on it, that would be the
smart thing to do.

True - but not applicable to this discussion. Here a Bulgarian APC was
routinely patroling near a US checkpoint when fired upon, killing the
exposed gunner.

If you are so fearful you cannot let an APC approach your
position without firing on it, knowing that only friendlies have
APCs, then you shouldn't have a gun.

What APC can not be stolen? Are APC drivers immune to common sence?

Not very likely - certainly not likely enough to fire without warning. I
repeat ....

Did GIs in Nam shoot at every helo they saw? Helos can be stolen too.

Better safe than sorry

That's the attitude that gave us the Waco Massacre.

No what gave us waco is a bunch of yahoo ATF agents going up against a
group of well armed people. All the ATF had to do was take down Korish
in town and then serve a warrent, But no....... they felt better
kicking in windows like macho men.

The shooting began when an ATF agent getting out of the lead cattle trailer
accidentally fired; then the agent riding shotgun in the 2nd truck paniced
and hosed Koresh and the toddler he was carrying. It didn't stop til ATF
ran out of bullets.

Well most rural farm boys that joined up durin WW11 most likely never
killed anyone, or had more fist fights than the average kid that joins


Nonsense! Never killed anyone but had alot more fights. The after school
fight was a near daily occurrence in my day (post ww2). Any kid that got
thru school without a 'shiner' or fat lip was a sissy! Now schools have
"zero tolerence" - even a hint of aggression gets kids expelled.

I have no problem what so ever in our troops blowing away any vehicle
that fails to follow instructions. We know and everyone in Iraq knows
for a fact that the insurgents use vehicles of all types as suicide
kamakizi type bombs. If some brain dead retard want to committ suicide
by check point.... then Iraq is the place to be.

No, we do not know that insurgents use vehicles of "all types". AFAIK they
have never used an APC with Bulgarian markings. You keep trying to make this
a case where a vehicle charged a checkpoint. It was not. The APC had been
slowly patroling the street supporting US troops looking for terrorists. It
spotted some men running and fired a few rounds at them. The terrified kids
panicked like ATF agents and hosed down the APC. That's a far different
horse than you keep describing.