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Lloyd Sumpter
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Default Looks like new furnace time, hot dog!

On Thu, 05 Aug 2004 22:09:55 -0400, Harry Krause wrote:

Gould 0738 wrote:

The diesel furnace on my boat is a 22-year-old Eberspacher (Euro version of
Espar). I've considered replacing it a time or two, but something always comes
up that seems more pressing.......(like last winter's repower).

Ah...yup! I used to go without heat except in Jan-Feb, but the ol' bones
are wanting a little heat once in a while, even in Sept. I tossed the
Volvo and went with a Dickinson, and have enjoyed it immensely. I'd say
avoid Volvo at all costs! As for a furnace, those water-based ones (as
opposed to forced-air) look nice. And do you have cabin heat from your

When are you coming north? I'll be on my annual Desolation Sound trip the
first two weeks of Sept - maybe we can get together somewhere?

I've been apologizing and "making amends" to SWMBO ever since I bought a
brand-new outboard for the skiff a mere 6 mo after getting a brand-new
diesel for Far Cove. Now I'm wishing I had the money to replace the
15-yr-old headsail. Hope your SO is more understanding...

Lloyd Sumpter
"Far Cove" Catalina 36