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Default Parts is Parts....

Signet finally sent us the new parts to fix out knotlog and the =
anemometer/apparent wind gizmo that our former boatyard knocked out of =
whack. We've been two years without them, so at least we'll be able to =
sail "techy" again this coming year (I missed the apparent wind =
apparatus...). Bought Mr Sails some of the Patrick O'Brien books for =
Christmas since he really liked "Master and Commandeer". Have to come =
up with a few other ideas though that don't cost a bazillion dollars. =
We've been sailing for so long that we have all the usual stuff that =
sailor's have. I was thinking about getting him a 2hp engine for the =
dinghy, except he really needs the rowing (and I don't mind rowing at =
all...) Would just be easier when having to row in to the yacht club =
against the wind with 2 foot chop (really wet trip...) We're pretty far =
out in the field, which is fine because then we don't get the night =
noise from landside.
s/v Chanteuse
Kirie Elite 32

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