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Default Ellen MacArthur, Tthe Reluctant Heroine

LOL...Neal, you have never been able to show any logical proof, or legal
proof to back up your claims about situations in fog. In all honesty,
you've never even been able to use the wording of the rules, to show
justification for your views.
I especially find it interesting that you always conveniently disappear
or stop posting, whenever the subject of a powerdriven vessel (engaged
in towing) and a sailing vessel making the same signal, in fog, arises.
..... i.e. you are totally unable to verify, prove, explain, document,
etc. any of your self professed nonsense.
You keep spouting about your license (is it current?)....personally, all
your license has ever proved to me, is that a "license" is no guarantee
as to a person's ability or professionalism .... you possess neither.
I did not expect you to try or in any way be able, to answer Shen's
questions and "kicker" about the tug in fog ..... your experience level
(as has become even more obvious with your statement about visibility in
fog) is on the low end of the "totem pole" .... problem is .... your
abilities appear even lower.
The only purpose you serve, in discussing "Rules" questions, is to show
others how easily the "rules" can be misinterpreted and how not knowing
their meaning and/or intent can lead to possible serious problems, from
viewing your responses.


Simple Simon wrote:
I tried my best to clue that clueless pair in on the
facts of the matter when it comes to the practical
aspects of the Rules and how they apply to sailboats
but to no avail. I'm afraid trying to instruct Shen44 and
Jeff is like teaching a special education class for Down's
syndrome children. Their attention span is way to
short and their IQ is way too limited. They even
attempted to start a discussion of court cases
and we all know there isn't a judge in the world
who knows what sailing is all about. The bottom
line and unfortunate fact is motorboat Captains
like Shen44 and Jeff have a mentality that makes
it dangerous for them to operate large motor
boats. There is no telling how many small boats
they have run down because of their insistence
that might makes right.

What kind of a fool does it take to deny there
is a pecking order in a fog when there is one
signal for a motor vessel and another different
signal for sailboats, and those above sailboats
in the pecking order. The fact of the matter
is upon hearing one prolonged and two short
blasts a motor boat captain must assume the
worst. He must assume he is hearing the
signal of a NUC until more information becomes
available. Since a NUC, by definition has some
sort of mechanical or operational problem that
makes it impossible for it maneuver according
to the Rules the motor vessel operator knows
the Rules require him to avoid causing a close
quarters situation. In other words the motor
vessel must give way and that makes the
motor vessel the give way vessel. When there
is a give way vessel there is a pecking order.
End of sentence. Period. End of discussion.

I have stated the facts in the above paragraph
until I am blue in the typing fingers and the
dense duo cannot get it through their thick
skulls that they are wrong and I am right.

There comes a point when it becomes pointless
to continue a discussion with such morons and
dunderheads as Jeff and Shen44. Until and
unless I ever meet them in person where I
can pound some sense into their block heads
and kick their scrawny asses halfway across
the barroom they will have to remain stupid
and ignorant.


"otnmbrd" wrote in message

EG See you bailed out of the "Rules" thread, when things got too hard
on ya ..... alas, twas expected.....