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Default Why Stevey Went Nuts

You guys have my premission to repost anything I write to the C&C list.

They would anyway. And do.

Not so. This is only the second time. After the 1st I was asked to let them
hang themselves if they trolled again. Scotty finally stopped after trying to
start trouble for a second time. He's a dead issue there. Now Stevey tried
again and I made not ONE post in response. It was PRICELESS. I don't really
understand why Stevey would troll a list where he had some respect, but
so-be-it. After he trolled he tried to pretend that the troll was a real
question. A few people sadly responded, defending the C&C 27, though mostly the
older better version.
Why anyone would want to troll the C&C owners list Steve only knows. He doesn't
own a C&C either, but there's zero chat about his boat.