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  #1   Report Post  
John Gaquin
Posts: n/a
Default Fair and Balanced

Nice troll. I wish I had that much time to waste.

  #2   Report Post  
Gary H
Posts: n/a
Default Fair and Balanced

I couldn't find the part where this has anything to do with anything I am
interested in.

"MadDogDave" wrote in message
Who is not outraged and upset that a certain comedian who shall remain
nameless that some call Al Franklin has had the nerve to call his new
book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look
at the Right." Well, I guess not the people who made it a best seller
before it is even published, but I am sure they are liberals and
moderates and other extremists.

Imagine the ordasity of this so-called person to attack such great
Americans as Rupert Murdoch and Sun Myung Moon.

Worst of all, he actually dared to say fair and balanced as if he had
the right to do so! What kind of country is it when just anybody can say
fair and balanced? Is that why our Foundling Fathers fought and died at
Little Big Horn, so that someone could just say fair and balanced
whenever they felt like it?

Everyone knows that fair and balanced is owned by Rupert Murdoch for his
Fox News Channel, which Mr. Padnavatham used to let me watch sometimes
when he was not looking at Hindu musicals or "Calling All Cooks" before
I got thrown out there and ended up here at the Daisyview Trailer Park
which is worse than communist Canada and I never get to see it any more.
But I am sure it is still fair and balanced even if I do not see it,
because I know just what Bill O. Reilly and Sean Hannity and the rest
would say even when I do not hear them say it. They are patriots like me.

Does Al Franklin not know that fair and balanced belongs to Fox? Or
worse yet, does he not care? Is it possible he thinks just anyone should
be able to say fair and balanced when ever they want to?

It is sad to report that Fox News has had to go to court to protect fair
and balanced from this jugglenot of terror. Which is not one of these
fribolous lawsuits that are such a problem in this country and need to
be stamped out.

Well I say it is time to draw a line in the sand! (There is only grass
and dirt at the trailer park, but you know what I mean.) I am not going
to say fair or balanced from now on, ever again to help out Fox News in
its hour of need. That means no fair, and no balanced and certainly not
the two of them together. And just to play it safe I am never going to
say you should decide what I report either. And I hope you will not say
fair and balanced too. Tell your friends and neighbors not to say fair
and balanced either. This could be another freedom fries if we do it
right, and look how that turned out!

I also hope we will all continue to support the troops in Iraq by not
making a fuss when they get their pay cut. Yes, they do not have enough
food or water but that is the miracle of privatization, and I am sure
they appreciate the sacrifices they are making for this great ideal.
After all that is why we are there, for ideals, and not for those
weapons of mass distraction which you cannot prove Our Great President
ever actually said were really there, which was the fault of the British
having intelligence. No one can prove Our Great President had
intelligence at any time.

But now that the hospitals are so filled with casualties that they are
being moved to hotels, some crybaby DemocRats are asking "What is the
exit strategy? When will our troops come home?"

Well it will take as long as it takes, Our Great President said while he
was on vacation, and that ought to be good enough for you and me,
especially you.

It was good to see George W. and his great economic disaster team
walking around in Texas the other day, and yes they were in 100 degree
sun without any hats, but that does not mean they have no sense. That
was just Mrs. Brown Rosenfeld trying to be funny, which she is not. Just
the other day, there was a report on the radio news saying the president
felt optimistic about the economy, and she said, "Well, hell, if I had
fat cats giving me millions during my 35 day vacation, I would be
optimistic too." That is not funny either. It is horrible to have
suspicious people thinking there is something underhanded about an
innocent barbecue for millionaires with campaign contributions just
because it was kept secret.

But my heart was beating with pride when a great toy company put out Our
Great Toy President in His Pilot Costume so we can all remember that
"mission accomplished" and how there is nothing to worry about in Iraq
anymore except the killing and so on. It is an action figure and not a
doll, too, so stop calling it a doll. I bet even Arnold Schwartzenabor
wishes he had an action figure like George W., and in fact I am sure he
did get one just as I did, and you cannot prove either one of us stole
it, either.

I was very proud to of got one of the very first ones, but while I was
showing it to Secret Service Agent Brown I lost my balance and dropped
it and the savage watchdog Cujo grabbed it and ran off with it.

It took a wile to chase him down, and Secret Service Agent Brown had to
hold the dog so I could get near it. And I am horrified and sad to
report that Cujo had chewed up Our Great President's little head and now
he only looks like old chewing gum instead of his handsome self. You
would think any patriotic American would be horror and struck, but Mrs.
Brown Rosenfeld just laughed and said "Stop sniveling about your stupid
dolly, you big sissy." Imagine, me who was shot in the ass defending
America from the tyrants of Grenada, a sissy! That was not fair.

Well, it is not a doll but an action figure, and when I went to sleep
that night I told it just what I would of told Our Great President
himself if I was going to bed with him: "I know that you will lead us to
a great new America where no one pays attention to dying soldiers or
what millionaires are up to, but keeps an eye on what is important, like
people who dare to say fair and balanced. And do not worry about your
head. Amen."

  #3   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default Fair and Balanced

Gary H wrote:

I couldn't find the part where this has anything to do with anything I am
interested in.

"MadDogDave" wrote in message
Who is not outraged and upset that a certain comedian who shall remain
nameless that some call Al Franklin has had the nerve to call his new
book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look
at the Right." Well, I guess not the people who made it a best seller
before it is even published, but I am sure they are liberals and
moderates and other extremists.

Imagine the ordasity of this so-called person to attack such great
Americans as Rupert Murdoch and Sun Myung Moon.

Worst of all, he actually dared to say fair and balanced as if he had
the right to do so! What kind of country is it when just anybody can say
fair and balanced? Is that why our Foundling Fathers fought and died at
Little Big Horn, so that someone could just say fair and balanced
whenever they felt like it?

Everyone knows that fair and balanced is owned by Rupert Murdoch for his
Fox News Channel, which Mr. Padnavatham used to let me watch sometimes
when he was not looking at Hindu musicals or "Calling All Cooks" before
I got thrown out there and ended up here at the Daisyview Trailer Park
which is worse than communist Canada and I never get to see it any more.
But I am sure it is still fair and balanced even if I do not see it,
because I know just what Bill O. Reilly and Sean Hannity and the rest
would say even when I do not hear them say it. They are patriots like me.

Does Al Franklin not know that fair and balanced belongs to Fox? Or
worse yet, does he not care? Is it possible he thinks just anyone should
be able to say fair and balanced when ever they want to?

It is sad to report that Fox News has had to go to court to protect fair
and balanced from this jugglenot of terror. Which is not one of these
fribolous lawsuits that are such a problem in this country and need to
be stamped out.

Well I say it is time to draw a line in the sand! (There is only grass
and dirt at the trailer park, but you know what I mean.) I am not going
to say fair or balanced from now on, ever again to help out Fox News in
its hour of need. That means no fair, and no balanced and certainly not
the two of them together. And just to play it safe I am never going to
say you should decide what I report either. And I hope you will not say
fair and balanced too. Tell your friends and neighbors not to say fair
and balanced either. This could be another freedom fries if we do it
right, and look how that turned out!

I also hope we will all continue to support the troops in Iraq by not
making a fuss when they get their pay cut. Yes, they do not have enough
food or water but that is the miracle of privatization, and I am sure
they appreciate the sacrifices they are making for this great ideal.
After all that is why we are there, for ideals, and not for those
weapons of mass distraction which you cannot prove Our Great President
ever actually said were really there, which was the fault of the British
having intelligence. No one can prove Our Great President had
intelligence at any time.

But now that the hospitals are so filled with casualties that they are
being moved to hotels, some crybaby DemocRats are asking "What is the
exit strategy? When will our troops come home?"

Well it will take as long as it takes, Our Great President said while he
was on vacation, and that ought to be good enough for you and me,
especially you.

It was good to see George W. and his great economic disaster team
walking around in Texas the other day, and yes they were in 100 degree
sun without any hats, but that does not mean they have no sense. That
was just Mrs. Brown Rosenfeld trying to be funny, which she is not. Just
the other day, there was a report on the radio news saying the president
felt optimistic about the economy, and she said, "Well, hell, if I had
fat cats giving me millions during my 35 day vacation, I would be
optimistic too." That is not funny either. It is horrible to have
suspicious people thinking there is something underhanded about an
innocent barbecue for millionaires with campaign contributions just
because it was kept secret.

But my heart was beating with pride when a great toy company put out Our
Great Toy President in His Pilot Costume so we can all remember that
"mission accomplished" and how there is nothing to worry about in Iraq
anymore except the killing and so on. It is an action figure and not a
doll, too, so stop calling it a doll. I bet even Arnold Schwartzenabor
wishes he had an action figure like George W., and in fact I am sure he
did get one just as I did, and you cannot prove either one of us stole
it, either.

I was very proud to of got one of the very first ones, but while I was
showing it to Secret Service Agent Brown I lost my balance and dropped
it and the savage watchdog Cujo grabbed it and ran off with it.

It took a wile to chase him down, and Secret Service Agent Brown had to
hold the dog so I could get near it. And I am horrified and sad to
report that Cujo had chewed up Our Great President's little head and now
he only looks like old chewing gum instead of his handsome self. You
would think any patriotic American would be horror and struck, but Mrs.
Brown Rosenfeld just laughed and said "Stop sniveling about your stupid
dolly, you big sissy." Imagine, me who was shot in the ass defending
America from the tyrants of Grenada, a sissy! That was not fair.

Well, it is not a doll but an action figure, and when I went to sleep
that night I told it just what I would of told Our Great President
himself if I was going to bed with him: "I know that you will lead us to
a great new America where no one pays attention to dying soldiers or
what millionaires are up to, but keeps an eye on what is important, like
people who dare to say fair and balanced. And do not worry about your
head. Amen."

Yeah, but I love the guy's "handle." Mad Dog Dave...hehehehe. And his
comments about the Great Bush-shipper are spot on.

* * *
email sent to will *never* get to me.

  #4   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Fair and Balanced

On Sat, 6 Sep 2003 08:22:22 -0400 (EDT), "MadDogDave"

Who is not outraged and upset that a certain comedian who shall remain
nameless that some call Al Franklin has had the nerve to call his new
book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look
at the Right." Well, I guess not the people who made it a best seller
before it is even published, but I am sure they are liberals and
moderates and other extremists.

Imagine the ordasity of this so-called person to attack such great
Americans as Rupert Murdoch and Sun Myung Moon.

Worst of all, he actually dared to say fair and balanced as if he had
the right to do so! What kind of country is it when just anybody can say
fair and balanced? Is that why our Foundling Fathers fought and died at
Little Big Horn, so that someone could just say fair and balanced
whenever they felt like it?

Everyone knows that fair and balanced is owned by Rupert Murdoch for his
Fox News Channel, which Mr. Padnavatham used to let me watch sometimes
when he was not looking at Hindu musicals or "Calling All Cooks" before
I got thrown out there and ended up here at the Daisyview Trailer Park
which is worse than communist Canada and I never get to see it any more.
But I am sure it is still fair and balanced even if I do not see it,
because I know just what Bill O. Reilly and Sean Hannity and the rest
would say even when I do not hear them say it. They are patriots like me.

Does Al Franklin not know that fair and balanced belongs to Fox? Or
worse yet, does he not care? Is it possible he thinks just anyone should
be able to say fair and balanced when ever they want to?

It is sad to report that Fox News has had to go to court to protect fair
and balanced from this jugglenot of terror. Which is not one of these
fribolous lawsuits that are such a problem in this country and need to
be stamped out.

Well I say it is time to draw a line in the sand! (There is only grass
and dirt at the trailer park, but you know what I mean.) I am not going
to say fair or balanced from now on, ever again to help out Fox News in
its hour of need. That means no fair, and no balanced and certainly not
the two of them together. And just to play it safe I am never going to
say you should decide what I report either. And I hope you will not say
fair and balanced too. Tell your friends and neighbors not to say fair
and balanced either. This could be another freedom fries if we do it
right, and look how that turned out!

I also hope we will all continue to support the troops in Iraq by not
making a fuss when they get their pay cut. Yes, they do not have enough
food or water but that is the miracle of privatization, and I am sure
they appreciate the sacrifices they are making for this great ideal.
After all that is why we are there, for ideals, and not for those
weapons of mass distraction which you cannot prove Our Great President
ever actually said were really there, which was the fault of the British
having intelligence. No one can prove Our Great President had
intelligence at any time.

But now that the hospitals are so filled with casualties that they are
being moved to hotels, some crybaby DemocRats are asking "What is the
exit strategy? When will our troops come home?"

Well it will take as long as it takes, Our Great President said while he
was on vacation, and that ought to be good enough for you and me,
especially you.

It was good to see George W. and his great economic disaster team
walking around in Texas the other day, and yes they were in 100 degree
sun without any hats, but that does not mean they have no sense. That
was just Mrs. Brown Rosenfeld trying to be funny, which she is not. Just
the other day, there was a report on the radio news saying the president
felt optimistic about the economy, and she said, "Well, hell, if I had
fat cats giving me millions during my 35 day vacation, I would be
optimistic too." That is not funny either. It is horrible to have
suspicious people thinking there is something underhanded about an
innocent barbecue for millionaires with campaign contributions just
because it was kept secret.

But my heart was beating with pride when a great toy company put out Our
Great Toy President in His Pilot Costume so we can all remember that
"mission accomplished" and how there is nothing to worry about in Iraq
anymore except the killing and so on. It is an action figure and not a
doll, too, so stop calling it a doll. I bet even Arnold Schwartzenabor
wishes he had an action figure like George W., and in fact I am sure he
did get one just as I did, and you cannot prove either one of us stole
it, either.

I was very proud to of got one of the very first ones, but while I was
showing it to Secret Service Agent Brown I lost my balance and dropped
it and the savage watchdog Cujo grabbed it and ran off with it.

It took a wile to chase him down, and Secret Service Agent Brown had to
hold the dog so I could get near it. And I am horrified and sad to
report that Cujo had chewed up Our Great President’s little head and now
he only looks like old chewing gum instead of his handsome self. You
would think any patriotic American would be horror and struck, but Mrs.
Brown Rosenfeld just laughed and said "Stop sniveling about your stupid
dolly, you big sissy." Imagine, me who was shot in the ass defending
America from the tyrants of Grenada, a sissy! That was not fair.

Well, it is not a doll but an action figure, and when I went to sleep
that night I told it just what I would of told Our Great President
himself if I was going to bed with him: "I know that you will lead us to
a great new America where no one pays attention to dying soldiers or
what millionaires are up to, but keeps an eye on what is important, like
people who dare to say fair and balanced. And do not worry about your
head. Amen."

Harry loves ya, Dave, so you must be doing something right!

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD
  #5   Report Post  
JR North
Posts: n/a
Default Fair and Balanced

Geezus, Harry, you know better than to quote the whole
friggin TP roll when replying.

Harry Krause wrote:

Gary H wrote:

I couldn't find the part where this has anything to do with anything I am
interested in.

Yeah, but I love the guy's "handle." Mad Dog Dave...hehehehe. And his
comments about the Great Bush-shipper are spot on.

Home Page:

  #6   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default Fair and Balanced

Joe Parsons wrote:

On Sat, 6 Sep 2003 08:22:22 -0400 (EDT), "MadDogDave"

Who is not outraged and upset that a certain comedian who shall remain
nameless that some call Al Franklin has had the nerve to call his new
book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look
at the Right." Well, I guess not the people who made it a best seller
before it is even published, but I am sure they are liberals and
moderates and other extremists.

Imagine the ordasity of this so-called person to attack such great
Americans as Rupert Murdoch and Sun Myung Moon.

Couldn't you at least have put a "C&C" warning in the Subject: header,
fercrissakes? Now I have coffee all over my monitor and keyboard and cat
scratches on my lap!


I could be wrong, but I don't think there's supposed to be all that water in the
forward hold. Could it be the broken drain scupper through-hull?

Amazing how simple some of these problems turn out to be...

Joe Parsons

I'm waiting for the Rev. Moon to marry Ann Coulter and produce the next

* * *
email sent to will *never* get to me.

  #7   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Fair and Balanced

Subject: Fair and Balanced

On Sat, 6 Sep 2003 08:22:22 -0400 (EDT), "MadDogDave"

Who is not outraged and upset that a certain comedian who shall remain
nameless that some call Al Franklin has had the nerve to call his new
book "

Anybody with at least half a brain.

Capt. Bill
  #8   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Fair and Balanced

Harry Krause wrote in message ...

I could be wrong, but I don't think there's supposed to be all that water in the
forward hold. Could it be the broken drain scupper through-hull?

Amazing how simple some of these problems turn out to be...

Joe Parsons

I'm waiting for the Rev. Moon to marry Ann Coulter and produce the next

Thats fine with me... as long as he doesn't post OT in!

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