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HK HK is offline
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The Anatomy of a Deception: How The McCains Changed Their Baby Adoption
Story Just Before 2008 Campaign Began

Posted August 21, 2008 | 12:32 PM (EST)

As was pointed out yesterday by the Christian Science Monitor, the
McCain campaign was called out for lying about the purported urging of
Cindy McCain by Mother Teresa herself to adopt two children at her
orphanage back in 1991. Turns out, McCain never met or even spoke with
Mother Teresa on that trip.

Once confronted by the Monitor about the deception, the campaign quickly
erased such claims from the website, as it did with Cindy's family
recipes, which were proved to be lifted from the Food Network.

But after doing some research, this deception was no careless accident,
but rather another shameless and deliberate attempt by the campaign to
reinvent and embellish the McCain family history in time for his 2008
presidential bid.

Here's how the McCain adoption was described by them prior to the 2008
presidential race:

Newsweek (Nov. 15, 1999, Cindy McCain's Own Story):

On finding a child while running a relief mission to Bangladesh
in 1991:

I was working in Dhaka, and a friend of mine from Arizona had
said to me, Look, while you're there, do me a favor. Mother Teresa has
an orphanage in Dhaka. Would you mind seeing if they need any help? And
I said, Sure. We finally found the orphanage, and we saw 150 newborns on
one floor. And a lot of them were sick. And the nuns said, [This little
girl with a cleft palate]--can't you take her and get her medical help?
And I thought, well, sure I can, I can do that.

CNBC (Feb 12, 2000, Tim Russert Interview with the McCains):

Mrs. McCAIN: She's--our daughter Bridget is eight years old. I
found her in Mother Teresa's orphanage when she was 10 weeks old in
Bangladesh. She has a cleft palate; she had some other problems. And the
nuns persuaded me to bring her home, and I did. I--I could do that. I
was able to do that. And literally on board the flight home from Bangkok
to Los Angeles, not having spoken to my husband, I decided I couldn't
c--I had to--I couldn't let her go. I had--she chose me. So she's ours
now. I came home and presented my husband with a new daughter that he
didn't know he had.

Vanity Fair (November 2004, The Trashing of John McCain):

In 1991, when Cindy McCain was on a relief mission to
Bangladesh, she was asked by one of Mother Teresa's nuns to help a young
orphan with a cleft palate. Flying her to the U.S. for surgery, Cindy
realized she couldn't give her up. At the Phoenix airport, she broke it
to her husband, and they eventually adopted the child. But few people
knew that story. In the words of McCain's national campaign manager,
Rick Davis, a smear doesn't have "to be true to be effective."

Now see how the story changed at the beginning of 2008:

The Sunday Mail (Feb. 3, 2008, Dark past no barrier for Cindy):

``While working at Mother Teresa's orphanage in the early
1990s, I stumbled upon the most beautiful little girl I'd ever seen,''
she said. ``She had a terrible cleft palate. She had problems with her
feet. She had problems with her hands. She had all kinds of problems.

``As only Mother Teresa can, she prevailed upon me to take this
baby and another baby to the United States for medical care.''

The Sunday Telegraph (Feb. 3, 2008, Cindy McCain: pills, ills, beer
and the White House)

It was on a trip to Bangladesh in 1991 that she adopted
Bridget. On Friday she recounted to voters in Missouri and Illinois how
Mother Teresa persuaded her to return home with the child. "I just could
not let her go. The only thing was, I had not told my husband. When I
got back, he asked me 'Where will she go?' and I said: 'I thought she
could come to our house.'

Digital Journal (Jun 15, 2008, Can We Trust Cindy McCain to
Represent American Women?):

Mrs. McCain has been involved in charity work from clearing
landmines, to starting a charity to help children who need facial
reconstruction. She has been inspired by her daughter she adopted from
Bangladesh who needed extreme care after being born with a cleft palate.
The adoption was prompted by Mother Teresa herself who implored Cindy to
adopt the little girl. She did so without first consulting John McCain
because of her compassion for the girl and her respect for Mother Teresa.

But the most damning evidence of a deliberate attempt to concoct this
story comes from cached versions of the McCain campaign website.

Here's how Cindy's campaign bio reads on the website as late as November
9, 2004:

As an advocate for children's health care needs, Cindy H. McCain
founded the American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT) in 1988. The AVMT
provided emergency medical and surgical care to impoverished children
throughout the world. Cindy led 55 medical missions to third world and
war-torn countries during AVMT's seven years of existence. During one of
those missions, on a visit to Mother Teresa's Orphanage Cindy agreed to
bring two babies in need of medical attention back to the United States.
One of those babies is now a happy and healthy little girl named Bridget

Now compare that to the change made on the website on February 3, 2008
-- the same day the stories above by The Sunday Mail and The Sunday
Telegraph were printed:

As an advocate for children's health care needs, Cindy founded and
ran the American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT) from 1988 to 1995. AVMT
provided emergency medical and surgical care to impoverished children
throughout the world. Cindy led 55 medical missions to third world and
war-torn countries during AVMT's seven years of existence. On one of
those missions, Mother Teresa convinced Cindy to take two babies in need
of medical attention to the United States. One of those babies is now
their adopted daughter, 15 year old Bridget McCain.

Notice the obvious change in the one sentence that depicts the
circumstances of the adoption.

The instances of the dishonest efforts to create a McCain family
portrait are growing. The campaign previously had to scrub its website
of Cindy's family recipes when it was discovered in April that they were
largely cut and paste from the Food Network.

At the time, they blamed an intern for the problem. I wonder who they
will now blame for Cindy McCain's own words?

Are these indicative of the McCain family values?

UPDATE: Seems that Rick Warren told Larry King on Monday night that the
Mother Teresa story was one of three times during Saturday's forum that
McCain teared-up. They're liars and actors.

Mark Nickolas is the Managing Editor of Political Base, and this story
was from his original post, "The Anatomy of a Deception: How The McCains
Changed Their Baby Adoption Story Just Before 2008 Bid"
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  #3   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2006
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Default So very...

"hk" wrote in message

The Anatomy of a Deception: How The McCains Changed Their Baby Adoption
Story Just Before 2008 Campaign Began

Posted August 21, 2008 | 12:32 PM (EST)

As was pointed out yesterday by the Christian Science Monitor, the McCain
campaign was called out for lying about the purported urging of Cindy
McCain by Mother Teresa herself to adopt two children at her orphanage
back in 1991. Turns out, McCain never met or even spoke with Mother Teresa
on that trip.

Once confronted by the Monitor about the deception, the campaign quickly
erased such claims from the website, as it did with Cindy's family
recipes, which were proved to be lifted from the Food Network.

But after doing some research, this deception was no careless accident,
but rather another shameless and deliberate attempt by the campaign to
reinvent and embellish the McCain family history in time for his 2008
presidential bid.

Here's how the McCain adoption was described by them prior to the 2008
presidential race:

Newsweek (Nov. 15, 1999, Cindy McCain's Own Story):

On finding a child while running a relief mission to Bangladesh in

I was working in Dhaka, and a friend of mine from Arizona had said
to me, Look, while you're there, do me a favor. Mother Teresa has an
orphanage in Dhaka. Would you mind seeing if they need any help? And I
said, Sure. We finally found the orphanage, and we saw 150 newborns on one
floor. And a lot of them were sick. And the nuns said, [This little girl
with a cleft palate]--can't you take her and get her medical help? And I
thought, well, sure I can, I can do that.

CNBC (Feb 12, 2000, Tim Russert Interview with the McCains):

Mrs. McCAIN: She's--our daughter Bridget is eight years old. I
found her in Mother Teresa's orphanage when she was 10 weeks old in
Bangladesh. She has a cleft palate; she had some other problems. And the
nuns persuaded me to bring her home, and I did. I--I could do that. I was
able to do that. And literally on board the flight home from Bangkok to
Los Angeles, not having spoken to my husband, I decided I couldn't c--I
had to--I couldn't let her go. I had--she chose me. So she's ours now. I
came home and presented my husband with a new daughter that he didn't know
he had.

Vanity Fair (November 2004, The Trashing of John McCain):

In 1991, when Cindy McCain was on a relief mission to Bangladesh,
she was asked by one of Mother Teresa's nuns to help a young orphan with a
cleft palate. Flying her to the U.S. for surgery, Cindy realized she
couldn't give her up. At the Phoenix airport, she broke it to her husband,
and they eventually adopted the child. But few people knew that story. In
the words of McCain's national campaign manager, Rick Davis, a smear
doesn't have "to be true to be effective."

Now see how the story changed at the beginning of 2008:

The Sunday Mail (Feb. 3, 2008, Dark past no barrier for Cindy):

``While working at Mother Teresa's orphanage in the early 1990s, I
stumbled upon the most beautiful little girl I'd ever seen,'' she said.
``She had a terrible cleft palate. She had problems with her feet. She had
problems with her hands. She had all kinds of problems.

``As only Mother Teresa can, she prevailed upon me to take this
baby and another baby to the United States for medical care.''

The Sunday Telegraph (Feb. 3, 2008, Cindy McCain: pills, ills, beer
and the White House)

It was on a trip to Bangladesh in 1991 that she adopted Bridget.
On Friday she recounted to voters in Missouri and Illinois how Mother
Teresa persuaded her to return home with the child. "I just could not let
her go. The only thing was, I had not told my husband. When I got back, he
asked me 'Where will she go?' and I said: 'I thought she could come to our

Digital Journal (Jun 15, 2008, Can We Trust Cindy McCain to Represent
American Women?):

Mrs. McCain has been involved in charity work from clearing
landmines, to starting a charity to help children who need facial
reconstruction. She has been inspired by her daughter she adopted from
Bangladesh who needed extreme care after being born with a cleft palate.
The adoption was prompted by Mother Teresa herself who implored Cindy to
adopt the little girl. She did so without first consulting John McCain
because of her compassion for the girl and her respect for Mother Teresa.

But the most damning evidence of a deliberate attempt to concoct this
story comes from cached versions of the McCain campaign website.

Here's how Cindy's campaign bio reads on the website as late as November
9, 2004:

As an advocate for children's health care needs, Cindy H. McCain
founded the American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT) in 1988. The AVMT
provided emergency medical and surgical care to impoverished children
throughout the world. Cindy led 55 medical missions to third world and
war-torn countries during AVMT's seven years of existence. During one of
those missions, on a visit to Mother Teresa's Orphanage Cindy agreed to
bring two babies in need of medical attention back to the United States.
One of those babies is now a happy and healthy little girl named Bridget

Now compare that to the change made on the website on February 3, 2008 --
the same day the stories above by The Sunday Mail and The Sunday Telegraph
were printed:

As an advocate for children's health care needs, Cindy founded and ran
the American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT) from 1988 to 1995. AVMT
provided emergency medical and surgical care to impoverished children
throughout the world. Cindy led 55 medical missions to third world and
war-torn countries during AVMT's seven years of existence. On one of those
missions, Mother Teresa convinced Cindy to take two babies in need of
medical attention to the United States. One of those babies is now their
adopted daughter, 15 year old Bridget McCain.

Notice the obvious change in the one sentence that depicts the
circumstances of the adoption.

The instances of the dishonest efforts to create a McCain family portrait
are growing. The campaign previously had to scrub its website of Cindy's
family recipes when it was discovered in April that they were largely cut
and paste from the Food Network.

At the time, they blamed an intern for the problem. I wonder who they will
now blame for Cindy McCain's own words?

Are these indicative of the McCain family values?

UPDATE: Seems that Rick Warren told Larry King on Monday night that the
Mother Teresa story was one of three times during Saturday's forum that
McCain teared-up. They're liars and actors.

Mark Nickolas is the Managing Editor of Political Base, and this story was
from his original post, "The Anatomy of a Deception: How The McCains
Changed Their Baby Adoption Story Just Before 2008 Bid"

I don't think that the changing of how the humanitarian deeds were
accomplished takes away from the apparent good,

Recipes? Come on now.

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HK HK is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: May 2007
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Default So very...

D.Duck wrote:
"hk" wrote in message

The Anatomy of a Deception: How The McCains Changed Their Baby Adoption
Story Just Before 2008 Campaign Began

Posted August 21, 2008 | 12:32 PM (EST)

As was pointed out yesterday by the Christian Science Monitor, the McCain
campaign was called out for lying about the purported urging of Cindy
McCain by Mother Teresa herself to adopt two children at her orphanage
back in 1991. Turns out, McCain never met or even spoke with Mother Teresa
on that trip.

Once confronted by the Monitor about the deception, the campaign quickly
erased such claims from the website, as it did with Cindy's family
recipes, which were proved to be lifted from the Food Network.

But after doing some research, this deception was no careless accident,
but rather another shameless and deliberate attempt by the campaign to
reinvent and embellish the McCain family history in time for his 2008
presidential bid.

Here's how the McCain adoption was described by them prior to the 2008
presidential race:

Newsweek (Nov. 15, 1999, Cindy McCain's Own Story):

On finding a child while running a relief mission to Bangladesh in

I was working in Dhaka, and a friend of mine from Arizona had said
to me, Look, while you're there, do me a favor. Mother Teresa has an
orphanage in Dhaka. Would you mind seeing if they need any help? And I
said, Sure. We finally found the orphanage, and we saw 150 newborns on one
floor. And a lot of them were sick. And the nuns said, [This little girl
with a cleft palate]--can't you take her and get her medical help? And I
thought, well, sure I can, I can do that.

CNBC (Feb 12, 2000, Tim Russert Interview with the McCains):

Mrs. McCAIN: She's--our daughter Bridget is eight years old. I
found her in Mother Teresa's orphanage when she was 10 weeks old in
Bangladesh. She has a cleft palate; she had some other problems. And the
nuns persuaded me to bring her home, and I did. I--I could do that. I was
able to do that. And literally on board the flight home from Bangkok to
Los Angeles, not having spoken to my husband, I decided I couldn't c--I
had to--I couldn't let her go. I had--she chose me. So she's ours now. I
came home and presented my husband with a new daughter that he didn't know
he had.

Vanity Fair (November 2004, The Trashing of John McCain):

In 1991, when Cindy McCain was on a relief mission to Bangladesh,
she was asked by one of Mother Teresa's nuns to help a young orphan with a
cleft palate. Flying her to the U.S. for surgery, Cindy realized she
couldn't give her up. At the Phoenix airport, she broke it to her husband,
and they eventually adopted the child. But few people knew that story. In
the words of McCain's national campaign manager, Rick Davis, a smear
doesn't have "to be true to be effective."

Now see how the story changed at the beginning of 2008:

The Sunday Mail (Feb. 3, 2008, Dark past no barrier for Cindy):

``While working at Mother Teresa's orphanage in the early 1990s, I
stumbled upon the most beautiful little girl I'd ever seen,'' she said.
``She had a terrible cleft palate. She had problems with her feet. She had
problems with her hands. She had all kinds of problems.

``As only Mother Teresa can, she prevailed upon me to take this
baby and another baby to the United States for medical care.''

The Sunday Telegraph (Feb. 3, 2008, Cindy McCain: pills, ills, beer
and the White House)

It was on a trip to Bangladesh in 1991 that she adopted Bridget.
On Friday she recounted to voters in Missouri and Illinois how Mother
Teresa persuaded her to return home with the child. "I just could not let
her go. The only thing was, I had not told my husband. When I got back, he
asked me 'Where will she go?' and I said: 'I thought she could come to our

Digital Journal (Jun 15, 2008, Can We Trust Cindy McCain to Represent
American Women?):

Mrs. McCain has been involved in charity work from clearing
landmines, to starting a charity to help children who need facial
reconstruction. She has been inspired by her daughter she adopted from
Bangladesh who needed extreme care after being born with a cleft palate.
The adoption was prompted by Mother Teresa herself who implored Cindy to
adopt the little girl. She did so without first consulting John McCain
because of her compassion for the girl and her respect for Mother Teresa.

But the most damning evidence of a deliberate attempt to concoct this
story comes from cached versions of the McCain campaign website.

Here's how Cindy's campaign bio reads on the website as late as November
9, 2004:

As an advocate for children's health care needs, Cindy H. McCain
founded the American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT) in 1988. The AVMT
provided emergency medical and surgical care to impoverished children
throughout the world. Cindy led 55 medical missions to third world and
war-torn countries during AVMT's seven years of existence. During one of
those missions, on a visit to Mother Teresa's Orphanage Cindy agreed to
bring two babies in need of medical attention back to the United States.
One of those babies is now a happy and healthy little girl named Bridget

Now compare that to the change made on the website on February 3, 2008 --
the same day the stories above by The Sunday Mail and The Sunday Telegraph
were printed:

As an advocate for children's health care needs, Cindy founded and ran
the American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT) from 1988 to 1995. AVMT
provided emergency medical and surgical care to impoverished children
throughout the world. Cindy led 55 medical missions to third world and
war-torn countries during AVMT's seven years of existence. On one of those
missions, Mother Teresa convinced Cindy to take two babies in need of
medical attention to the United States. One of those babies is now their
adopted daughter, 15 year old Bridget McCain.

Notice the obvious change in the one sentence that depicts the
circumstances of the adoption.

The instances of the dishonest efforts to create a McCain family portrait
are growing. The campaign previously had to scrub its website of Cindy's
family recipes when it was discovered in April that they were largely cut
and paste from the Food Network.

At the time, they blamed an intern for the problem. I wonder who they will
now blame for Cindy McCain's own words?

Are these indicative of the McCain family values?

UPDATE: Seems that Rick Warren told Larry King on Monday night that the
Mother Teresa story was one of three times during Saturday's forum that
McCain teared-up. They're liars and actors.

Mark Nickolas is the Managing Editor of Political Base, and this story was
from his original post, "The Anatomy of a Deception: How The McCains
Changed Their Baby Adoption Story Just Before 2008 Bid"

I don't think that the changing of how the humanitarian deeds were
accomplished takes away from the apparent good,

Recipes? Come on now.

You mean, other than the lie about Mother Teresa? :)
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HK HK is offline
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It's just a placekeeper. We're all awaiting one of your many misspelled,
badly punctuated, not-connected-to-logic tirades or, perhaps, news
with photos of how one of your kids, with your encouragement, has taken
up gunfighting with live ammo for a hobby.

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On Aug 24, 7:20*am, "D.Duck" wrote:

I don't think that the changing of how the humanitarian deeds were
accomplished takes away from the apparent good,

Recipes? *Come on now.

You read it? Did you compare it with the origional to find the edits?
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On Sun, 24 Aug 2008 07:20:41 -0400, "D.Duck" wrote:

"hk" wrote in message

Unread **** snipped

I don't think that the changing of how the humanitarian deeds were
accomplished takes away from the apparent good,

Recipes? Come on now.

Since recipes were brought up, here's what's on the menu today.

Swiss Steak

2 pounds beef bottom round, trimmed of excess fat
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup vegetable oil or bacon drippings
1 large onion, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 stalks celery, chopped
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 cups beef broth
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
Cut the meat with the grain into 1/2-inch thick slices and season on both
sides with the salt and pepper. Place the flour into a pie pan. Dredge the
pieces of meat on both sides in the flour mixture. Tenderize the meat using
a needling device, until each slice is 1/4-inch thick. Dredge the slices on
both sides once more and set aside.
Add enough of the bacon drippings or vegetable oil to just cover the bottom
of a 4 to 5-quart Dutch oven set over medium-high heat. Once the oil begins
to shimmer, add the steaks to the pan, being careful not to overcrowd. Cook
until golden brown on both sides, approximately 2 minutes per side. Remove
the steaks to a plate and repeat until all of the steaks have been browned.
Remove the last steaks from the pot and add the onions, garlic, and celery.
Saute for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the tomato paste and stir to combine. Next
add the tomatoes, paprika, oregano, Worcestershire sauce and beef broth and
stir to combine. Return the meat to the pot, submerging it in the liquid.
Cover the pot and place it in the oven on the middle rack. Cook for 1 1/2
to 2 hours or until the meat is tender and falling apart.

I start off with cube steak, saves a lot of pounding.
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Jim Jim is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2008
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Default So very...

D.Duck wrote:
"hk" wrote in message

The Anatomy of a Deception: How The McCains Changed Their Baby Adoption
Story Just Before 2008 Campaign Began

Posted August 21, 2008 | 12:32 PM (EST)

As was pointed out yesterday by the Christian Science Monitor, the McCain
campaign was called out for lying about the purported urging of Cindy
McCain by Mother Teresa herself to adopt two children at her orphanage
back in 1991. Turns out, McCain never met or even spoke with Mother Teresa
on that trip.

Once confronted by the Monitor about the deception, the campaign quickly
erased such claims from the website, as it did with Cindy's family
recipes, which were proved to be lifted from the Food Network.

But after doing some research, this deception was no careless accident,
but rather another shameless and deliberate attempt by the campaign to
reinvent and embellish the McCain family history in time for his 2008
presidential bid.

Here's how the McCain adoption was described by them prior to the 2008
presidential race:

Newsweek (Nov. 15, 1999, Cindy McCain's Own Story):

On finding a child while running a relief mission to Bangladesh in

I was working in Dhaka, and a friend of mine from Arizona had said
to me, Look, while you're there, do me a favor. Mother Teresa has an
orphanage in Dhaka. Would you mind seeing if they need any help? And I
said, Sure. We finally found the orphanage, and we saw 150 newborns on one
floor. And a lot of them were sick. And the nuns said, [This little girl
with a cleft palate]--can't you take her and get her medical help? And I
thought, well, sure I can, I can do that.

CNBC (Feb 12, 2000, Tim Russert Interview with the McCains):

Mrs. McCAIN: She's--our daughter Bridget is eight years old. I
found her in Mother Teresa's orphanage when she was 10 weeks old in
Bangladesh. She has a cleft palate; she had some other problems. And the
nuns persuaded me to bring her home, and I did. I--I could do that. I was
able to do that. And literally on board the flight home from Bangkok to
Los Angeles, not having spoken to my husband, I decided I couldn't c--I
had to--I couldn't let her go. I had--she chose me. So she's ours now. I
came home and presented my husband with a new daughter that he didn't know
he had.

Vanity Fair (November 2004, The Trashing of John McCain):

In 1991, when Cindy McCain was on a relief mission to Bangladesh,
she was asked by one of Mother Teresa's nuns to help a young orphan with a
cleft palate. Flying her to the U.S. for surgery, Cindy realized she
couldn't give her up. At the Phoenix airport, she broke it to her husband,
and they eventually adopted the child. But few people knew that story. In
the words of McCain's national campaign manager, Rick Davis, a smear
doesn't have "to be true to be effective."

Now see how the story changed at the beginning of 2008:

The Sunday Mail (Feb. 3, 2008, Dark past no barrier for Cindy):

``While working at Mother Teresa's orphanage in the early 1990s, I
stumbled upon the most beautiful little girl I'd ever seen,'' she said.
``She had a terrible cleft palate. She had problems with her feet. She had
problems with her hands. She had all kinds of problems.

``As only Mother Teresa can, she prevailed upon me to take this
baby and another baby to the United States for medical care.''

The Sunday Telegraph (Feb. 3, 2008, Cindy McCain: pills, ills, beer
and the White House)

It was on a trip to Bangladesh in 1991 that she adopted Bridget.
On Friday she recounted to voters in Missouri and Illinois how Mother
Teresa persuaded her to return home with the child. "I just could not let
her go. The only thing was, I had not told my husband. When I got back, he
asked me 'Where will she go?' and I said: 'I thought she could come to our

Digital Journal (Jun 15, 2008, Can We Trust Cindy McCain to Represent
American Women?):

Mrs. McCain has been involved in charity work from clearing
landmines, to starting a charity to help children who need facial
reconstruction. She has been inspired by her daughter she adopted from
Bangladesh who needed extreme care after being born with a cleft palate.
The adoption was prompted by Mother Teresa herself who implored Cindy to
adopt the little girl. She did so without first consulting John McCain
because of her compassion for the girl and her respect for Mother Teresa.

But the most damning evidence of a deliberate attempt to concoct this
story comes from cached versions of the McCain campaign website.

Here's how Cindy's campaign bio reads on the website as late as November
9, 2004:

As an advocate for children's health care needs, Cindy H. McCain
founded the American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT) in 1988. The AVMT
provided emergency medical and surgical care to impoverished children
throughout the world. Cindy led 55 medical missions to third world and
war-torn countries during AVMT's seven years of existence. During one of
those missions, on a visit to Mother Teresa's Orphanage Cindy agreed to
bring two babies in need of medical attention back to the United States.
One of those babies is now a happy and healthy little girl named Bridget

Now compare that to the change made on the website on February 3, 2008 --
the same day the stories above by The Sunday Mail and The Sunday Telegraph
were printed:

As an advocate for children's health care needs, Cindy founded and ran
the American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT) from 1988 to 1995. AVMT
provided emergency medical and surgical care to impoverished children
throughout the world. Cindy led 55 medical missions to third world and
war-torn countries during AVMT's seven years of existence. On one of those
missions, Mother Teresa convinced Cindy to take two babies in need of
medical attention to the United States. One of those babies is now their
adopted daughter, 15 year old Bridget McCain.

Notice the obvious change in the one sentence that depicts the
circumstances of the adoption.

The instances of the dishonest efforts to create a McCain family portrait
are growing. The campaign previously had to scrub its website of Cindy's
family recipes when it was discovered in April that they were largely cut
and paste from the Food Network.

At the time, they blamed an intern for the problem. I wonder who they will
now blame for Cindy McCain's own words?

Are these indicative of the McCain family values?

UPDATE: Seems that Rick Warren told Larry King on Monday night that the
Mother Teresa story was one of three times during Saturday's forum that
McCain teared-up. They're liars and actors.

Mark Nickolas is the Managing Editor of Political Base, and this story was
from his original post, "The Anatomy of a Deception: How The McCains
Changed Their Baby Adoption Story Just Before 2008 Bid"

I don't think that the changing of how the humanitarian deeds were
accomplished takes away from the apparent good,

Recipes? Come on now.

Over time details of events seem to become fuzzy in folks minds. For
instance; Wasn't Hillery over in Rag Head land on a humanitarian fact
finding mission recently? Seems that she recalled bullets flying all
around her. She had some wild memories of that trip. Lies? Lapse of
memory? Harry never commented on her defective reccolector.
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Nov 2006
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Default So very...

So very...

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Mar 2008
Posts: 1,643
Default So very...

On Sun, 24 Aug 2008 08:07:19 -0400, Jim wrote:

Over time details of events seem to become fuzzy in folks minds. For
instance; Wasn't Hillery over in Rag Head land on a humanitarian fact
finding mission recently? Seems that she recalled bullets flying all
around her. She had some wild memories of that trip. Lies? Lapse of
memory? Harry never commented on her defective reccolector.


Oh - just read this morning that Pelosi is still on message - she's
going to save the planet.

Uh huh....
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