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JohnH October 10th 03 10:28 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Just announced on WMAL radio in Washington, DC: Rush has admitted to being
addicted to pain killers and will be off the air for a month while undergoing

Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

jps October 10th 03 10:40 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
"JohnH" wrote in message
Just announced on WMAL radio in Washington, DC: Rush has admitted to being
addicted to pain killers and will be off the air for a month while


Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

Only if he agrees to give up his day job at Fox. You can have Alan Combes
too, milquetoast pseudo leftist.

JohnH October 10th 03 11:17 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 22:20:37 GMT, bb wrote:

On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 17:28:58 -0400, JohnH

Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

Rush noble? Isn't that sorta like Clinton celibate?


Did someone say Rush was noble?

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

bb October 10th 03 11:20 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 17:28:58 -0400, JohnH

Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

Rush noble? Isn't that sorta like Clinton celibate?


jps October 10th 03 11:31 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
"JohnH" wrote in message
On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 22:20:37 GMT, bb wrote:

On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 17:28:58 -0400, JohnH

Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

Rush noble? Isn't that sorta like Clinton celibate?


Did someone say Rush was noble?

I guess it's easy to separate a noble person from a noble cause, unless of
course the nobleness of the cause is as illusory as the nobleness of the

Gould 0738 October 10th 03 11:48 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Well, Rush did the right thing.

Step down, get treatment, and when he's a recovering addict it will be
appropriate for him to return.

It would have been really disappointing for him to continue on in denial,
especially as he has often stated he has less than no use for drug addicts.

Didn't hear it, but I understand he made a
"confession" of sorts on the air before signing off. That had to take some

Just because the guy is absolutley wrong on almost every position he espouses
doesn't mean he should suffer harm. I hope he gets treatment, and straightens

It would be nice if something medical could be done for the acute pain that he
says got him involved with the narcotic prescriptions he ultimately became
addicted to.

Then maybe when he's back behind the microphone, he might have a little
different perspective. He has preached that
behavior is strictly a matter of choice and that those who behave badly are
just lazily choosing not to exercise self control.
Life has a funny way of shoving our worst misperceptions right back at us,
doesn't it?

Guess some things can be bigger than an individual's ability to "bootstrap"
Rush's misfortune should be a lesson to us all.

Jim - October 11th 03 12:39 AM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction

"JohnH" wrote in message
Just announced on WMAL radio in Washington, DC: Rush has admitted to being
addicted to pain killers and will be off the air for a month while undergoing

Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

Do you have a link to the story?

Jim - October 11th 03 02:34 AM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 23:39:58 GMT, "Jim -"

"JohnH" wrote in message
.. .
Just announced on WMAL radio in Washington, DC: Rush has admitted to being
addicted to pain killers and will be off the air for a month while undergoing

Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

Do you have a link to the story?

Here's a really interesting piece about Rush and his drug habit.

Nice spin Harry, but where is the link to his admission of drug dependence.

I asked for proof, not speculation.

Gould 0738 October 11th 03 03:37 AM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Statement by Rush Limbaugh

(AP) - Conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh told his radio audience Friday
that he is addicted to painkillers and will enter rehab:

''You know I have always tried to be honest with you and open about my life. So
I need to tell you today that part of what you have heard and read is correct.
I am addicted to prescription pain medication.

I first started taking prescription painkillers some years ago when my doctor
prescribed them to treat post surgical pain following spinal surgery.
Unfortunately, the surgery was unsuccessful and I continued to have severe pain
in my lower back and also in my neck due to herniated discs. I am still
experiencing that pain. Rather than opt for additional surgery for these
conditions, I chose to treat the pain with prescribed medication. This
medication turned out to be highly addictive.

Over the past several years I have tried to break my dependence on pain pills
and, in fact, twice checked myself into medical facilities in an attempt to do
so. I have recently agreed with my physician about the next steps.

Immediately following this broadcast, I am checking myself into a treatment
center for the next 30 days to once and for all break the hold this highly
addictive medication has on me. The show will continue during this time, of
course, with an array of guest hosts you have come to know and respect.

I am not making any excuses. You know, over the years athletes and celebrities
have emerged from treatment centers to great fanfare and praise for conquering
great demons.

They are said to be great role models and examples for others. Well, I am no
role model. I refuse to let anyone think I am doing something great here, when
there are people you never hear about, who face long odds and never resort to
such escapes.

They are the role models. I am no victim and do not portray myself as such. I
take full responsibility for my problem.

At the present time, the authorities are conducting an investigation, and I
have been asked to limit my public comments until this investigation is
complete. So I will only say that the stories you have read and heard contain
inaccuracies and distortions, which I will clear up when I am free to speak
about them.

I deeply appreciate all your support over this last tumultuous week. It has
sustained me. I ask now for your prayers. I look forward to resuming our
excursion into broadcast excellence together.''

10-10-03 15:02 EDT

Copyright 2003 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news
report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed
without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active
hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.

Jack Rye October 11th 03 04:16 AM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Nicely done Harry, a good piece showing the two sides of his calling the
kettle black argument.

I wonder if now he will put all his efforts into the Florida Drug Treatment
Initiative. To keep from going to jail. Coming to a Florida ballot near
you in 2004.

If Rush Was a real Man, and believed in what he preaches. He would take the
full punishment for using an illegal controlled substance. Then ask his
republican friends. To keep him out of jail like Jeb Bush's daughter. But I
am willing to bet that he pleads not guilty if charges are brought forth.
But he won't be a stand up guy and plead nolo contendere.


"Harry Krause" wrote in message
On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 23:39:58 GMT, "Jim -"

"JohnH" wrote in message
.. .
Just announced on WMAL radio in Washington, DC: Rush has admitted to

addicted to pain killers and will be off the air for a month while


Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

Do you have a link to the story?

Here's a really interesting piece about Rush and his drug habit.

Rush Limbaugh is going in for detox, the third time. Previously he has
gone to the ARI in New York for overnight detox. This time he says he
is going in for 30 days - and this the guy that said of the ordinary
user: "Send them up." Always destructive, even self-destructive (he
destroyed his own hearing), Limbaugh has attempted to destroy others
for their vices; but he now blames "severe pain in my lower back and
also in my neck now due to two herniated discs" and tells us, "I'll be
back." It's just a good thing he isn't judging himself as he has
judged others - or he would be up the river for a long time.

This article attempts to forestall the lies Rush Limbaugh might tell
in answer to the National Enquirer story about his alleged criminal
drug abuse. It presents, as Paul Harvey would say, "the rest of the
story" that the Enquirer left out -- such details as the doctor's name
and location where he went for drug detoxification in New York, the
size of the OxyContin tablets he was abusing, the massive extent of
his doses, and how drugs caused his hearing problems instead of the
other way around. Rush is a Big Fat Crybaby who is going to claim
victimization by drugs after years of "send them up" rhetoric about
other drug abusers.

[LIMBAUGH ON JERRY GARCIA'S DEATH: When you strip it all away, Jerry
Garcia destroyed his life on drugs. And yet he is being honored, like
some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks."


Limbaugh was treated for drug use at least twice at the Addiction
Recovery Institute in New York City. His cleaning lady/drug pusher
told the Enquirer that, "Several months after she began supplying
him...she got a shock when he confided to her that he was leaving town
to undergo a rapid detox technique at a New York hospital." Actually,
it was not a hospital but a secret clinic location of the Addiction
Recovery Institute. The ARI operates two centers for detoxification.
Its web site gives the location of the one in New Rochelle, NY, north
of the city. The secret location on the exclusive upper-east side of
Manhattan is at 128 East 91st Street. There, Dr. Joel A. Nathan
performs Ultra-Rapid Opiate Detoxification.

If you were a celebrity drug abuser who could afford the price, you
would check in there and they would perform a full history, physical
examination, and laboratory tests. Then they would anesthetize you and
administer buprenorphine (an opiate, but milder than the opiate you
abused) to accomplish the detoxification. Being asleep, you would not
experience the worst effects of withdrawal. Two hours later, you would
be awakened and then monitored overnight. You would be given
medication to help with any lingering side effects and would be
discharged onto 91st Street at about 7 a.m. the next morning.

The story began when the multimillionaire radio host bummed a few
pills off his $370-a-week housekeeper in March 1998. She continued
supplying pills off a prescription for her husband until early 1999.
Then the prescription ran out and Rush bullied her into being his
pusher. Several months later Limbaugh went to Nathan for his first
detox. This time frame means that you could have seen Rush on E. 91st
some morning in the summer of 1999.

The Enquirer reported Cline as saying: "It lasted for a month. Then he
told me his left ear was acting up and he was in pain." Instead of
seeing Dr. Nathan for drugs or an otologist for his ear, he turned to
Dr. Wilma, who began supplying him with OxyContin (oxycontin
hydrochloride), which has a street name of "Hillbilly Heroin."

about drug use. We know it. It destroys individuals. It destroys
families. Drug use destroys societies. Drug use, some might say, is
destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs,
pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good
because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborheads
which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law
by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be
convicted and they ought to be sent up."

WILMA CLINE accused him, and Limbaugh promptly hired dream-team
attorney Roy Black, who won a rape acquittal for William Kennedy
Smith. Smith, ironically, was once a victim of Limbaugh's hypocritical


This will be the crux of the plea that Limbaugh cops with the public:
He acquired an ear disease that made his ear hurt and he took
prescription medicine for the pain. The medicine happened to be
addictive and he, inadvertently, became an addict. Of course he didn't
consult a physician but instead consulted his erstwhile pusher. And of
course he had never abused drugs before (except the ones he bummed
from Cline). Only the story won't wash.

Limbaugh said his hearing loss began on May 29, 2001. On October 11,
at the House Ear Clinic, there was a press conference with Dr. Antonio
De la Cruz and Dr. Jennifer Derebury, of House, and Dr. Michael
Weisman of Cedars-Sinai Hospital. Dr. Derebery said: "We are treating
Rush Limbaugh for hearing loss resulting from autoimmune inner ear
disease (AIED). We base our diagnosis on Mr. Limbaugh's medical
history and hearing tests. Other symptoms of AIED may include
fluctuating hearing, dizziness, ear fullness, rapidly progressive
Meniere's disease or sudden hearing loss. Mr. Limbaugh does not
display most of the symptoms associated with AIED, but he has suffered
rapidly progressive hearing loss since May 2001, which we are
currently treating with medication at the House Ear Clinic."
In other words, he didn't display most of the symptoms of AIED, but
the was the diagnosis regardless. She said it was based on his medical
history, and it is a safe bet he didn't tell them about Dr. Wilma.
House began treating him with prednisone (a steroid), methotrexate,
and entanercept (antiinflamitory).
In response to questions, his physicians explained that overuse of
medications was not a factor in Mr. Limbaugh's case, and while
noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is common among professionals in
radio broadcasting, Mr. Limbaugh did not demonstrate the symptoms of
NIHL. Of course he didn't demonstrate the symptoms of AIED either, but
that is the official line.
The symptoms of OxyContin abuse include somnolence, dilated pupils,
and slowed respiration. A physical exam may reveal these symptoms. Of
course the drug can be detected in the urine and blood. It stretches
credulity that these doctors did not test Limbaugh for ototoxic drugs
before treating him with more drugs.

This is especially incredible considering that the House Institute was
among the first to connect the painkiller Vicodin with hearing loss . Vicodin is a Schedule III drug
consisting of 9 percent hydrocodone bitartrate (a narcotic) and the
rest acetaminophen (active ingredient in Tylenol). "Lorcet" is another
trade name for the same thing and is a drug Limbaugh allegedly abused.
The Los Angeles Times reported on September 10, 2001, in an article on
Vicodin abuse, "Doctors at the House Institute reported the hearing
loss incidents to the Food and Drug Administration in 1999, and then
again last month." This (August 2001) was just before they treated

Dr. Richard Wiet, a professor of otology at Northwestern University,
said he began noticing cases of hearing loss tied to Vicodin use after
learning of the findings of House Institute researchers. "Then I
started watching for it and found two patients. There's definitely
something to this." Why didn't the House doctors watch for this
problem and why did they instead leave Limbaugh to his "house doctor"
(Wilma Cline)? If Limbaugh took the drugs House prescribed, wouldn't
they have dangerous interactions with the painkillers?

Limbaugh's preferred drug was the even more powerful Schedule III drug
OxyContin (ocycodone hydrochloride), which is mostly what Cline
supplied him with since at least after his first detox in summer 1999,
according to Cline. Oxycodone is an opiod analgesic that is about
twice as strong as morphine. He apparently was taking the 40- and
80-milligram versions, since in his emails to Cline on May 28 and May
29, he said he had been using the "little blues" and seldom had only
the 80s. "Blues" are OxyContin tablets, and 40s and 80s are the 40-
and 80-mg sizes. The Vicodin House had reported on contained about
half a milligram of hydrocone. The OxyCodins contain 80 to 160 times
as much narcotic. Limbaugh was reportedly buying them at the rate of
93 per day at one time. One wonders how he could have survived and
what the interactions with the AIED drugs would have been.

says to me is that too many whites are getting away with drug sales.
Too many whites are getting away with traficking in this stuff. The
answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail
because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The
answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it,
convict them, and send them up the river, too."

One of the most likely deceptions, once Limbaugh makes a statement
about drugs, is to argue about the time frame of the hearing loss.
Limbaugh says it took place over 4 months. According to Newsweek: "In
light of last week's news reports [originating with the National
Enquirer and Wilma Cline], the Institute reaffirmed Limbaugh's AIED
diagnosis and noted that he lost hearing over several months, while
hearing loss from Vicodin usually occurs over a period of days."
Actually, the first patient that House diagnosed with Vicodin-caused
hearing loss had lost his hearing over a period of one month.
Immune-mediated hearing loss occurs over a similar period -- weeks to
months. Also, AIED is rare, probably accounting for less than 1% of
all cases of hearing impairment or dizziness. It is diagnosed by
seeing if the patient responds to the drug therapy.
Limbaugh's case didn't respond, because it wasn't a case of AIED; and
two months after the news conference, in December 2001, Limbaugh
received a cochlear implant (an electronic transducer that converts
sound to electrical impulses that are applied to the auditory nerve by
tiny electrodes) at the House Institute.
One wonders whether, before this surgery, House did blood and urine
tests and whether they asked Limbaugh what medications he was on and
whether he told them. Surgery without this information would not be
standard medical practice and would be risky.
During the period of his hearing loss (June, July, August, and
September 2001) and the period of his steriod therapy, October and
November 2001, Limbaugh continued to take massive doses of OxyContin.
The chance for improvement under these conditions was nil.

RUSH ON TED KENNEDY: "Ted Kennedy, whose liver is said to be shaped
like a Chivas Rigas bottle..." AND WHAT IS RUSH'S SHAPED LIKE, A

Limbaugh might claim that pain drove him to painkillers, and he became
innocently addicted to them. However, according to House: "Autoimmune
Inner Ear Disease (AIED) is a disease that causes progressive hearing
loss or dizziness. The hearing loss usually affects both ears and
progresses over a period of just a few weeks to months. A ringing,
hissing or roaring sound in the ear often accompanies the hearing
loss. AIED is rare, occurring in less than 1% of all cases of hearing
loss and dizziness."
Pain is not one of the symptoms.

Over one 47-day period, Limbaugh was buying OxyContin tablets from
Cline at the rate of 93 a day. If these were 80-mg tablets, he was
ingesting 7440 mg a day! Even if he was taking 40-mg tablets, that's
3720 mg a day. The maximum therapeutic dose is two 80-mg tablets a
day, or 160 mg. Limbaugh was taking 465 times the maximum dose, if
Cline sold him that much and if he didn't give it away. At other
times, he was "only" using 30 tablets a day.

Even after he allegedly had destroyed his hearing with drugs and been
fitted with a cochlear implant, Cline says she continued to supply
OxyContin to Limbaugh. His email of May 29, 2002, told Cline that he
needed the drugs for just a little over 2 weeks more. Then he
apparently went back to Dr. Nathan's for his second detox. Around the
beginning of this year, the Clines reported Limbaugh to the Palm Beach
County Assistant State Attorney.

[RUSH ON LEGALIZING DRUGS, IN 1993: :I'm appalled at people who simply
want to look at all this abhorrent behavior and say, 'People are going
to drugs anyway - lets legalize it.' It's a dumb idea. It's a rotten
idea, and those who are for it are purely, 100 percent selfish."
RUSH IN THE WILMA CLINE ERA (1998): "What's missing in the drug fight
is legalization. If we want to go after the drugs with the same fervor
and intensity with which we go after cigarettes, let's legalize drugs.
License the Cali cartel. Make them taxpayers and then sue them. Sue
them left and right and then get control of the price and generate tax
revenue from it. Raise the price sky high and fund all sorts of other
wonderful social programs."

Calif Bill October 11th 03 04:46 AM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Even the law treats people different who get addicted to pain killers via a
prescription for them vs. recreational drug users. Most DA's decline to

"Gould 0738" wrote in message
Well, Rush did the right thing.

Step down, get treatment, and when he's a recovering addict it will be
appropriate for him to return.

It would have been really disappointing for him to continue on in denial,
especially as he has often stated he has less than no use for drug


Didn't hear it, but I understand he made a
"confession" of sorts on the air before signing off. That had to take some

Just because the guy is absolutley wrong on almost every position he

doesn't mean he should suffer harm. I hope he gets treatment, and


It would be nice if something medical could be done for the acute pain

that he
says got him involved with the narcotic prescriptions he ultimately became
addicted to.

Then maybe when he's back behind the microphone, he might have a little
different perspective. He has preached that
behavior is strictly a matter of choice and that those who behave badly

just lazily choosing not to exercise self control.
Life has a funny way of shoving our worst misperceptions right back at us,
doesn't it?

Guess some things can be bigger than an individual's ability to

Rush's misfortune should be a lesson to us all.

Calif Bill October 11th 03 04:47 AM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 17:28:58 -0400, JohnH

Just announced on WMAL radio in Washington, DC: Rush has admitted to

addicted to pain killers and will be off the air for a month while


Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

There's nothing noble about Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly or the rest of
the right-wing trash that stir up dim-witted angry white men with
their tales of hatred.

Just as there is nothing noble about left wing trash that stirs up young
angry men of color.

Gould 0738 October 11th 03 06:08 AM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Even the law treats people different who get addicted to pain killers via a
prescription for them vs. recreational drug users. Most DA's decline to

Unless they get a close up photo of Rush holding up a 7-11, there isn't a DA in
the country that would bring charges against him for anything.

I heard an interesting theory that might be medically valid.

Once addicted to the pain killers, the addict's body generates the sensations
of pain when the drug of choice is not readily available. Many of the addicts
feel that they *must* secure large quantities of these drugs illegally or
surreptitously to control the excruciating pain. However, once the addict goes
all the way through treatment and flushes the majority of the
narcotic out of his system, the psychosomatic "pain" mysteriously disappears.

Never personally had much of a problem, but I've been close enough to folks who
have had to fight various versions of the same demon to have some emphathy for
the ol' gas bag. Getting clean will be hell, but in the long run it will be
easier than staying clean. Nobody is ever completely cured. I wouldn't even
wish the misery on Rush Limbaugh.

Jack Rye October 11th 03 08:15 AM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
OxyContin Oxycodone DEA #9143 OxyContin, Percocet, Tylox,Roxicodone,
Roxicet, is considered a schedule II drug under federal sentencing. Our
buddy Rush could get anything from probation to a year in prison. For a
first offence. Now if they tack on conspiracy to acquire he could get
sentenced under the trafficking code and get up to 20 years. Forfeiture of
possessions, Home, car, boat and a 1 million $ fine. You ask how much does
a pill cost? When legally sold, a 10-mg tablet of OxyContinT will cost
$1.25 and an 80-mg tablet will cost $6. When illegally sold, a 10-mg tablet
of OxyContinT can cost between $5 and $10. An 80-mg tablet can cost between
$65 and $80.

Now for the good stuff that Rush's illicit use of the drug and some
consequences of use. Long-term usage can lead to physical dependence. A
large dosage can cause severe respiratory depression that can lead to death.
And my favorite Withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, muscle and bone
pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, cold flashes with goose bumps, and
involuntary leg movements.

Since we are talking a large amount purchased and consumed. I am sure the
DEA will have some questions for Rush, and his supplier. Unless our
favorite Republican U.S. Attorney steps in and waves any and all
prosecution. From what my sources say, "the deal has been made on the state
level, and the attorney a democrat has made a deal not to prosecute Rush.
For future advancement"


"WaIIy" wrote in message
On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 20:16:47 -0700, "Jack Rye"
.# wrote:

If Rush Was a real Man, and believed in what he preaches. He would take

full punishment for using an illegal controlled substance. Then ask his
republican friends. To keep him out of jail like Jeb Bush's daughter. But

am willing to bet that he pleads not guilty if charges are brought forth.
But he won't be a stand up guy and plead nolo contendere.


Blah, blah, blah. This is a non-story.
Unfortunately, too many of us or our families have been touched by drugs
in an adverse way.

It happens and if you can, you move through it and beyond it.

(No, I have never been addicted to drugs or alcohol-don't ask about

Woodchuck October 11th 03 12:20 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Just hope the slim ball practices what he has preached over the year! If
that's the case he will be spending a lot of time in jail!

"JohnH" wrote in message
Just announced on WMAL radio in Washington, DC: Rush has admitted to being
addicted to pain killers and will be off the air for a month while


Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

Jim - October 11th 03 01:54 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Thanks Chuck.

"Gould 0738" wrote in message
Statement by Rush Limbaugh

(AP) - Conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh told his radio audience Friday
that he is addicted to painkillers and will enter rehab:

''You know I have always tried to be honest with you and open about my life. So
I need to tell you today that part of what you have heard and read is correct.
I am addicted to prescription pain medication.

I first started taking prescription painkillers some years ago when my doctor
prescribed them to treat post surgical pain following spinal surgery.
Unfortunately, the surgery was unsuccessful and I continued to have severe pain
in my lower back and also in my neck due to herniated discs. I am still
experiencing that pain. Rather than opt for additional surgery for these
conditions, I chose to treat the pain with prescribed medication. This
medication turned out to be highly addictive.

Over the past several years I have tried to break my dependence on pain pills
and, in fact, twice checked myself into medical facilities in an attempt to do
so. I have recently agreed with my physician about the next steps.

Immediately following this broadcast, I am checking myself into a treatment
center for the next 30 days to once and for all break the hold this highly
addictive medication has on me. The show will continue during this time, of
course, with an array of guest hosts you have come to know and respect.

I am not making any excuses. You know, over the years athletes and celebrities
have emerged from treatment centers to great fanfare and praise for conquering
great demons.

They are said to be great role models and examples for others. Well, I am no
role model. I refuse to let anyone think I am doing something great here, when
there are people you never hear about, who face long odds and never resort to
such escapes.

They are the role models. I am no victim and do not portray myself as such. I
take full responsibility for my problem.

At the present time, the authorities are conducting an investigation, and I
have been asked to limit my public comments until this investigation is
complete. So I will only say that the stories you have read and heard contain
inaccuracies and distortions, which I will clear up when I am free to speak
about them.

I deeply appreciate all your support over this last tumultuous week. It has
sustained me. I ask now for your prayers. I look forward to resuming our
excursion into broadcast excellence together.''

10-10-03 15:02 EDT

Copyright 2003 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news
report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed
without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active
hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.

Jim - October 11th 03 01:57 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction

"Jack Rye" .# wrote in message
Now for the good stuff that Rush's illicit use of the drug and some
consequences of use. Long-term usage can lead to physical dependence. A
large dosage can cause severe respiratory depression that can lead to death.
And my favorite Withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, muscle and bone
pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, cold flashes with goose bumps, and
involuntary leg movements.

Good stuff? What a real shame that you are that hateful of the man.

Harry Krause October 11th 03 02:08 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Jim - wrote:

"Jack Rye" .# wrote in message
Now for the good stuff that Rush's illicit use of the drug and some
consequences of use. Long-term usage can lead to physical dependence. A
large dosage can cause severe respiratory depression that can lead to death.
And my favorite Withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, muscle and bone
pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, cold flashes with goose bumps, and
involuntary leg movements.

Good stuff? What a real shame that you are that hateful of the man.

Hateful of the man? Limbaugh is the personification of hate. He's built
his reputation and made millions as a purveyor of hate. He's nothing
more than angry white trash, the same as his audience of angry white
men, but just a bit more quick-witted.

Email sent to will never reach me.

JohnH October 11th 03 05:11 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 09:08:55 -0400, Harry Krause

Jim - wrote:

"Jack Rye" .# wrote in message
Now for the good stuff that Rush's illicit use of the drug and some
consequences of use. Long-term usage can lead to physical dependence. A
large dosage can cause severe respiratory depression that can lead to death.
And my favorite Withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, muscle and bone
pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, cold flashes with goose bumps, and
involuntary leg movements.

Good stuff? What a real shame that you are that hateful of the man.

Hateful of the man? Limbaugh is the personification of hate. He's built
his reputation and made millions as a purveyor of hate. He's nothing
more than angry white trash, the same as his audience of angry white
men, but just a bit more quick-witted.

And he doesn't even come close to you! Right, Harry?

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

JohnH October 11th 03 05:13 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 07:20:08 -0400, "Woodchuck"

Just hope the slim ball practices what he has preached over the year! If
that's the case he will be spending a lot of time in jail!

"JohnH" wrote in message
.. .
Just announced on WMAL radio in Washington, DC: Rush has admitted to being
addicted to pain killers and will be off the air for a month while


Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

So, if the prosecutors decide not to prosecute, will RL not be practicing what
he preaches?

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

Woodchuck October 11th 03 05:47 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Nope, just like all the other politicians out there who change the rules to
suit their own needs.

"JohnH" wrote in message
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 07:20:08 -0400, "Woodchuck"

Just hope the slim ball practices what he has preached over the year! If
that's the case he will be spending a lot of time in jail!

"JohnH" wrote in message
.. .
Just announced on WMAL radio in Washington, DC: Rush has admitted to

addicted to pain killers and will be off the air for a month while


Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

So, if the prosecutors decide not to prosecute, will RL not be practicing

he preaches?

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

Gould 0738 October 11th 03 05:53 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
So, if the prosecutors decide not to prosecute, will RL not be practicing
he preaches?

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

No. But the prosecutors will not be practicing what Rush has preached, "Throw
the book at 'em! Don't be soft on drug users!"

I can't wait to talk to my dad in the next few days. (He's been really sucked
in by Limbaugh). Last time we spoke, he was advocating death sentences for drug
pushers *and* users...(a position probably well beyond even RL's rantings). I
he'd make an "exception" for RL. :-)

Harry Krause October 11th 03 06:02 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Gould 0738 wrote:

So, if the prosecutors decide not to prosecute, will RL not be practicing
he preaches?

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

No. But the prosecutors will not be practicing what Rush has preached, "Throw
the book at 'em! Don't be soft on drug users!"

I can't wait to talk to my dad in the next few days. (He's been really sucked
in by Limbaugh). Last time we spoke, he was advocating death sentences for drug
pushers *and* users...(a position probably well beyond even RL's rantings). I
he'd make an "exception" for RL. :-)

My father-in-law, an otherwise nice fella, is a mind-rusted Republican,
politically, and a fan of Rush. I plan to push his face into Rush's delicious.

__________________________________________________ __________
Email sent to will never reach me.

Jack Rye October 11th 03 06:35 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Unfortunately Rush, has cut a deal. Not to be prosecuted for the crime of
conspiracy to use, obtain by illegal means a schedule II controlled
narcotic. The deal stated that Rush, makes " A public announcement that he
is addicted to OxyContin. That he has been illegally using the drug. That
he participated in an illegal action to obtain the narcotic. That Rush, will
attend drug rehabilitation. And that he will willingly speak to authorities
of his participation, knowledge of those people in obtained the narcotic."

If you listened to his well prepared statement you will probably feel pity
for the ruthless SOB. Instead of his guilt to be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law that he, and the other right winged fanatics demand. Rush
has made millions of $ preaching the right winged bible views. Condemning
those that would oppose his moral ideas.

I am only sorry that, SOB Rush, doesn't go to prison, and become bubba's
bitch. I have no patients for hypocrites.


"Woodchuck" wrote in message
Just hope the slim ball practices what he has preached over the year! If
that's the case he will be spending a lot of time in jail!

"JohnH" wrote in message
Just announced on WMAL radio in Washington, DC: Rush has admitted to

addicted to pain killers and will be off the air for a month while


Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

Harry Krause October 11th 03 06:48 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Jack Rye wrote:

Unfortunately Rush, has cut a deal. Not to be prosecuted for the crime of
conspiracy to use, obtain by illegal means a schedule II controlled
narcotic. The deal stated that Rush, makes " A public announcement that he
is addicted to OxyContin. That he has been illegally using the drug. That
he participated in an illegal action to obtain the narcotic. That Rush, will
attend drug rehabilitation. And that he will willingly speak to authorities
of his participation, knowledge of those people in obtained the narcotic."

If you listened to his well prepared statement you will probably feel pity
for the ruthless SOB. Instead of his guilt to be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law that he, and the other right winged fanatics demand. Rush
has made millions of $ preaching the right winged bible views. Condemning
those that would oppose his moral ideas.

I am only sorry that, SOB Rush, doesn't go to prison, and become bubba's
bitch. I have no patients for hypocrites.


I only feel contempt for Limbaugh, and I think it perfectly appropriate
for the right-wing p.o.s. to be referred to as Drug Addict Limbaugh in
the future.

Perhaps all the angry white men who are his followers will also get
themselves hooked on oxy...

__________________________________________________ __________
Email sent to will never reach me.

Harry Krause October 11th 03 09:04 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
WaIIy wrote:

On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 00:15:08 -0700, "Jack Rye"
.# wrote:

Since we are talking a large amount purchased and consumed. I am sure the
DEA will have some questions for Rush, and his supplier. Unless our
favorite Republican U.S. Attorney steps in and waves any and all
prosecution. From what my sources say, "the deal has been made on the state
level, and the attorney a democrat has made a deal not to prosecute Rush.
For future advancement"


Your "sources" ?

"My brother has a nose like a vacuum cleaner" - Who said that?

Wally, Wally, Wally. Are you going to go through your entire life being
the dumbest of d.f.'s?

Rush is white, Rush is rich, Rush is a conservative. That means Rush is
going to get a pass on his drug-related criminal activities.

This is Amerika, Wally. These rules don't apply to Rush:

893.13 Prohibited acts; penalties.--

(2)(a) Except as authorized by this chapter and chapter 499, it is
unlawful for any person to purchase, or possess with intent to purchase,
a controlled substance. Any person who violates this provision with
respect to:

1. A controlled substance named or described in s. 893.03(1)(a),
(1)(b), (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4., commits a felony of the
second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.

2. A controlled substance named or described in s. 893.03(1)(c),
(2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8.,
(2)(c)9., (3), or (4) commits a felony of the third degree, punishable
as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

3. A controlled substance named or described in s. 893.03(5) commits a
misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or
s. 775.083.

(b) Except as provided in this chapter, it is unlawful to purchase in
excess of 10 grams of any substance named or described in s.
893.03(1)(a) or (1)(b), or any combination thereof, or any mixture
containing any such substance. Any person who violates this paragraph
commits a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s.
775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

(3) Any person who delivers, without consideration, not more than 20
grams of cannabis, as defined in this chapter, commits a misdemeanor of
the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
For the purposes of this paragraph, "cannabis" does not include the
resin extracted from the plants of the genus Cannabis or any compound
manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of such resin.


(5) It is unlawful for any person to bring into this state any
controlled substance unless the possession of such controlled substance
is authorized by this chapter or unless such person is licensed to do so
by the appropriate federal agency. Any person who violates this
provision with respect to:

(a) A controlled substance named or described in s. 893.03(1)(a),
(1)(b), (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4., commits a felony of the
second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.

(b) A controlled substance named or described in s. 893.03(1)(c),
(2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8.,
(2)(c)9., (3), or (4) commits a felony of the third degree, punishable
as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

(c) A controlled substance named or described in s. 893.03(5) commits a
misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or
s. 775.083.

(6)(a) It is unlawful for any person to be in actual or constructive
possession of a controlled substance unless such controlled substance
was lawfully obtained from a practitioner or pursuant to a valid
prescription or order of a practitioner while acting in the course of
his or her professional practice or to be in actual or constructive
possession of a controlled substance except as otherwise authorized by
this chapter. Any person who violates this provision commits a felony of
the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or
s. 775.084.

(b) If the offense is the possession of not more than 20 grams of
cannabis, as defined in this chapter, the person commits a misdemeanor
of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
For the purposes of this subsection, "cannabis" does not include the
resin extracted from the plants of the genus Cannabis, or any compound
manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of such resin.

(c) Except as provided in this chapter, it is unlawful to possess in
excess of 10 grams of any substance named or described in s.
893.03(1)(a) or (1)(b), or any combination thereof, or any mixture
containing any such substance. Any person who violates this paragraph
commits a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s.
775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

(d) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary of the laws of this
state relating to arrest, a law enforcement officer may arrest without
warrant any person who the officer has probable cause to believe is
violating the provisions of this chapter relating to possession of cannabis.

(7)(a) It is unlawful for any person:

1. To distribute or dispense a controlled substance in violation of
this chapter.

2. To refuse or fail to make, keep, or furnish any record,
notification, order form, statement, invoice, or information required
under this chapter.

3. To refuse an entry into any premises for any inspection or to refuse
to allow any inspection authorized by this chapter.

4. To distribute a controlled substance named or described in s.
893.03(1) or (2) except pursuant to an order form as required by s. 893.06.

5. To keep or maintain any store, shop, warehouse, dwelling, building,
vehicle, boat, aircraft, or other structure or place which is resorted
to by persons using controlled substances in violation of this chapter
for the purpose of using these substances, or which is used for keeping
or selling them in violation of this chapter.

6. To use to his or her own personal advantage, or to reveal, any
information obtained in enforcement of this chapter except in a
prosecution or administrative hearing for a violation of this chapter.

7. To possess a prescription form which has not been completed and
signed by the practitioner whose name appears printed thereon, unless
the person is that practitioner, is an agent or employee of that
practitioner, is a pharmacist, or is a supplier of prescription forms
who is authorized by that practitioner to possess those forms.

8. To withhold information from a practitioner from whom the person
seeks to obtain a controlled substance or a prescription for a
controlled substance that the person making the request has received a
controlled substance or a prescription for a controlled substance of
like therapeutic use from another practitioner within the previous 30 days.

9. To acquire or obtain, or attempt to acquire or obtain, possession of
a controlled substance by misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, deception,
or subterfuge.

10. To affix any false or forged label to a package or receptacle
containing a controlled substance.

11. To furnish false or fraudulent material information in, or omit any
material information from, any report or other document required to be
kept or filed under this chapter or any record required to be kept by
this chapter.

(b) Any person who violates the provisions of subparagraphs (a)1.-7.
commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s.
775.082 or s. 775.083; except that, upon a second or subsequent
violation, the person commits a felony of the third degree, punishable
as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

(c) Any person who violates the provisions of subparagraphs (a)8.-11.
commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s.
775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

(8)(a) Notwithstanding subsection (9), a prescribing practitioner may not:

1. Knowingly assist a patient, other person, or the owner of an animal
in obtaining a controlled substance through deceptive, untrue, or
fraudulent representations in or related to the practice of the
prescribing practitioner's professional practice;

2. Employ a trick or scheme in the practice of the prescribing
practitioner's professional practice to assist a patient, other person,
or the owner of an animal in obtaining a controlled substance;

3. Knowingly write a prescription for a controlled substance for a
fictitious person; or

4. Write a prescription for a controlled substance for a patient, other
person, or an animal if the sole purpose of writing such prescription is
to provide a monetary benefit to, or obtain a monetary benefit for, the
prescribing practitioner.

(b) If the prescribing practitioner wrote a prescription or multiple
prescriptions for a controlled substance for the patient, other person,
or animal for which there was no medical necessity, or which was in
excess of what was medically necessary to treat the patient, other
person, or animal, that fact does not give rise to any presumption that
the prescribing practitioner violated subparagraph (a)1., but may be
considered with other competent evidence in determining whether the
prescribing practitioner knowingly assisted a patient, other person, or
the owner of an animal to obtain a controlled substance in violation of
subparagraph (a)1.

(c) A person who violates paragraph (a) commits a felony of the third
degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

(d) Notwithstanding paragraph (c), if a prescribing practitioner has
violated paragraph (a) and received $1,000 or more in payment for
writing one or more prescriptions or, in the case of a prescription
written for a controlled substance described in s. 893.135, has written
one or more prescriptions for a quantity of a controlled substance
which, individually or in the aggregate, meets the threshold for the
offense of trafficking in a controlled substance under s. 893.15, the
violation is reclassified as a felony of the second degree and ranked in
level 4 of the Criminal Punishment Code.

(9) The provisions of subsections (1)-(8) are not applicable to the
delivery to, or actual or constructive possession for medical or
scientific use or purpose only of controlled substances by, persons
included in any of the following classes, or the agents or employees of
such persons, for use in the usual course of their business or
profession or in the performance of their official duties:

(a) Pharmacists.

(b) Practitioners.

(c) Persons who procure controlled substances in good faith and in the
course of professional practice only, by or under the supervision of
pharmacists or practitioners employed by them, or for the purpose of
lawful research, teaching, or testing, and not for resale.

(d) Hospitals that procure controlled substances for lawful
administration by practitioners, but only for use by or in the
particular hospital.

(e) Officers or employees of state, federal, or local governments
acting in their official capacity only, or informers acting under their

(f) Common carriers.

(g) Manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors.

(h) Law enforcement officers for bona fide law enforcement purposes in
the course of an active criminal investigation.

(10) Notwithstanding any provision of the sentencing guidelines or the
Criminal Punishment Code to the contrary, on or after October 1, 1993,
any defendant who:

(a) Violates subparagraph (1)(a)1., subparagraph (1)(c)2., subparagraph
(1)(d)2., subparagraph (2)(a)1., or paragraph (5)(a); and

(b) Has not previously been convicted, regardless of whether
adjudication was withheld, of any felony, other than a violation of
subparagraph (1)(a)1., subparagraph (1)(c)2., subparagraph (1)(d)2.,
subparagraph (2)(a)1., or paragraph (5)(a),

may be required by the court to successfully complete a term of
probation pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in s.
948.034(1), in lieu of serving a term of imprisonment.

(11) Notwithstanding any provision of the sentencing guidelines or the
Criminal Punishment Code to the contrary, on or after January 1, 1994,
any defendant who:

(a) Violates subparagraph (1)(a)2., subparagraph (2)(a)2., paragraph
(5)(b), or paragraph (6)(a); and

(b) Has not previously been convicted, regardless of whether
adjudication was withheld, of any felony, other than a violation of
subparagraph (1)(a)2., subparagraph (2)(a)2., paragraph (5)(b), or
paragraph (6)(a),

may be required by the court to successfully complete a term of
probation pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in s.
948.034(2), in lieu of serving a term of imprisonment.

History.--s. 13, ch. 73-331; s. 1, ch. 76-200; s. 1, ch. 77-174; s. 2,
ch. 79-1; s. 3, ch. 79-325; s. 5, ch. 80-30; s. 2, ch. 80-70; s. 490,
ch. 81-259; s. 2, ch. 82-16; s. 52, ch. 83-215; s. 1, ch. 84-77; s. 5,
ch. 85-242; s. 4, ch. 87-243; s. 2, ch. 88-381; s. 4, ch. 89-281; s. 1,
ch. 89-524; ss. 1, 6, ch. 90-111; s. 1, ch. 93-59; s. 2, ch. 93-92; s.
1, ch. 93-194; ss. 22, 23, ch. 93-406; s. 2, ch. 96-360; s. 2, ch. 97-1;
s. 1, ch. 97-43; s. 1827, ch. 97-102; s. 22, ch. 97-194; s. 106, ch.
97-264; s. 1, ch. 97-269; s. 47, ch. 97-271; s. 1, ch. 98-22; s. 1, ch.
99-154; s. 14, ch. 99-186; s. 3, ch. 2000-320; s. 11, ch. 2002-78; s. 2,
ch. 2002-81; s. 3, ch. 2003-10; s. 1, ch. 2003-95.

__________________________________________________ __________
Email sent to will never reach me.

Harry Krause October 11th 03 09:05 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
WaIIy wrote:

On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 09:08:55 -0400, Harry Krause

Jim - wrote:

"Jack Rye" .# wrote in message
Now for the good stuff that Rush's illicit use of the drug and some
consequences of use. Long-term usage can lead to physical dependence. A
large dosage can cause severe respiratory depression that can lead to death.
And my favorite Withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, muscle and bone
pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, cold flashes with goose bumps, and
involuntary leg movements.

Good stuff? What a real shame that you are that hateful of the man.

Hateful of the man? Limbaugh is the personification of hate. He's built
his reputation and made millions as a purveyor of hate. He's nothing
more than angry white trash, the same as his audience of angry white
men, but just a bit more quick-witted.

Ever wonder why white men get angry?

Never mind.

Sooner or later, angry white trash like Wally here reveal themselves.

Poor Wally. His idol Rush is a drug addict. But when Rush is back on the
air, Wally will listen again, and Rush "I Got a Pass" Limbaugh will be
his hero. Again.

__________________________________________________ __________
Email sent to will never reach me.

Harry Krause October 11th 03 10:16 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
WaIIy wrote:
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 16:04:14 -0400, Harry Krause

WaIIy wrote:

On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 00:15:08 -0700, "Jack Rye"
.# wrote:

Since we are talking a large amount purchased and consumed. I am sure the
DEA will have some questions for Rush, and his supplier. Unless our
favorite Republican U.S. Attorney steps in and waves any and all
prosecution. From what my sources say, "the deal has been made on the state
level, and the attorney a democrat has made a deal not to prosecute Rush.
For future advancement"


Your "sources" ?

"My brother has a nose like a vacuum cleaner" - Who said that?

Wally, Wally, Wally. Are you going to go through your entire life being
the dumbest of d.f.'s?

Rush is white, Rush is rich, Rush is a conservative. That means Rush is
going to get a pass on his drug-related criminal activities.

This is Amerika, Wally. These rules don't apply to Rush:

Hey, thanks for the info.

Maybe you missed my question, here it is again....

Who said the following...........?

"Got to get some for my brother. He's got a nose like a vacuum cleaner."

Jeb Bush?

__________________________________________________ __________
Email sent to will never reach me.

Jack Rye October 11th 03 11:27 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
My high ranking REPUBLICAN friends in Washington DC., and high ranking
political members of the DNC in Palm Beach county. Who know for a fact that
the state attorney in Palm Beach county a DEMOCRAT was told not to pursue
the charges against Rush for a favor to be later named. Such as a federal
STATE ATTORNEY (Primaries & General) (4 year term) (2001-2005) Barry E.
Krischer (DEM) 561-355-7100/FAX: 561-355-7274 - 401 North Dixie Highway,
West Palm Beach, FL 33401 WEBSITE:


Not to be prosecuted for the crime of conspiracy to use, obtain by illegal
means a schedule II controlled narcotic. The deal stated that Rush, makes A
public announcement that he is addicted to OxyContin. That he has been
illegally using the drug. That he participated in an illegal action to
obtain the narcotic. That Rush, will attend drug rehabilitation. And that
he will willingly speak to authorities of his participation, knowledge of
those people in obtained the narcotic."

Not bad for fragrantly flaunting the law. All the time telling his
listeners to lock up the druggies like him.

George Bush Sr. said "My children have noses like a vacuum cleaner"

"WaIIy" wrote in message
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 00:15:08 -0700, "Jack Rye"
.# wrote:

Since we are talking a large amount purchased and consumed. I am sure the
DEA will have some questions for Rush, and his supplier. Unless our
favorite Republican U.S. Attorney steps in and waves any and all
prosecution. From what my sources say, "the deal has been made on the

level, and the attorney a democrat has made a deal not to prosecute Rush.
For future advancement"


Your "sources" ?

"My brother has a nose like a vacuum cleaner" - Who said that?

Joe Here October 12th 03 11:39 AM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 10:35:40 -0700, "Jack Rye"
.# wrote:

Unfortunately Rush, has cut a deal. Not to be prosecuted for the crime of
conspiracy to use, obtain by illegal means a schedule II controlled
narcotic. The deal stated that Rush, makes " A public announcement that he
is addicted to OxyContin. That he has been illegally using the drug. That
he participated in an illegal action to obtain the narcotic. That Rush, will
attend drug rehabilitation. And that he will willingly speak to authorities
of his participation, knowledge of those people in obtained the narcotic."

If you listened to his well prepared statement you will probably feel pity
for the ruthless SOB. Instead of his guilt to be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law that he, and the other right winged fanatics demand. Rush
has made millions of $ preaching the right winged bible views. Condemning
those that would oppose his moral ideas.

I am only sorry that, SOB Rush, doesn't go to prison, and become bubba's
bitch. I have no patients for hypocrites.


Coming soon to a dictionary near you.

Hypocricy .......... Fasle claim to virtue.
Hypocrite.............Rush, Dr. Laura.
Boat.....................Floating structure for throwing money at.

JohnH October 12th 03 03:55 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 10:35:40 -0700, "Jack Rye"
.# wrote:

Unfortunately Rush, has cut a deal. Not to be prosecuted for the crime of
conspiracy to use, obtain by illegal means a schedule II controlled
narcotic. The deal stated that Rush, makes " A public announcement that he
is addicted to OxyContin. That he has been illegally using the drug. That
he participated in an illegal action to obtain the narcotic. That Rush, will
attend drug rehabilitation. And that he will willingly speak to authorities
of his participation, knowledge of those people in obtained the narcotic."

If you listened to his well prepared statement you will probably feel pity
for the ruthless SOB. Instead of his guilt to be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law that he, and the other right winged fanatics demand. Rush
has made millions of $ preaching the right winged bible views. Condemning
those that would oppose his moral ideas.

I am only sorry that, SOB Rush, doesn't go to prison, and become bubba's
bitch. I have no patients for hypocrites.


Yes Jack. But would you have patience for hypocritical patients? That is the

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

Jack Rye October 12th 03 04:13 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Only if they where given electroshock treatments on a daily basis. With
large doses of Chlorpromazine ( Thorazine ), and an OxyContin chaser.

"JohnH" wrote in message
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 10:35:40 -0700, "Jack Rye"
.# wrote:

Unfortunately Rush, has cut a deal. Not to be prosecuted for the crime of
conspiracy to use, obtain by illegal means a schedule II controlled
narcotic. The deal stated that Rush, makes " A public announcement that

is addicted to OxyContin. That he has been illegally using the drug.

he participated in an illegal action to obtain the narcotic. That Rush,

attend drug rehabilitation. And that he will willingly speak to

of his participation, knowledge of those people in obtained the


If you listened to his well prepared statement you will probably feel

for the ruthless SOB. Instead of his guilt to be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law that he, and the other right winged fanatics demand.

has made millions of $ preaching the right winged bible views.

those that would oppose his moral ideas.

I am only sorry that, SOB Rush, doesn't go to prison, and become bubba's
bitch. I have no patients for hypocrites.


Yes Jack. But would you have patience for hypocritical patients? That is


On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

Jack Rye October 12th 03 04:26 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Chlorpromazine ( Thorazine ) is an anti psychotic drug of low-potency. Used
in the treatment of disorganized and psychotic thinking. Also used to help
treat false perceptions (e.g. hallucinations or delusions.)
"Jack Rye" .# wrote in message
Only if they where given electroshock treatments on a daily basis. With
large doses of Chlorpromazine ( Thorazine ), and an OxyContin chaser.

"JohnH" wrote in message
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 10:35:40 -0700, "Jack Rye"
.# wrote:

Unfortunately Rush, has cut a deal. Not to be prosecuted for the crime

conspiracy to use, obtain by illegal means a schedule II controlled
narcotic. The deal stated that Rush, makes " A public announcement that

is addicted to OxyContin. That he has been illegally using the drug.

he participated in an illegal action to obtain the narcotic. That Rush,

attend drug rehabilitation. And that he will willingly speak to

of his participation, knowledge of those people in obtained the


If you listened to his well prepared statement you will probably feel

for the ruthless SOB. Instead of his guilt to be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law that he, and the other right winged fanatics demand.

has made millions of $ preaching the right winged bible views.

those that would oppose his moral ideas.

I am only sorry that, SOB Rush, doesn't go to prison, and become

bitch. I have no patients for hypocrites.


Yes Jack. But would you have patience for hypocritical patients? That is


On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

Calif Bill October 12th 03 06:17 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction

"Jack Rye" .# wrote in message
Chlorpromazine ( Thorazine ) is an anti psychotic drug of low-potency.

in the treatment of disorganized and psychotic thinking. Also used to help
treat false perceptions (e.g. hallucinations or delusions.)

Send some over to Harry.

Doug Kanter October 12th 03 09:52 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
"JohnH" wrote in message
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 07:20:08 -0400, "Woodchuck"

Just hope the slim ball practices what he has preached over the year! If
that's the case he will be spending a lot of time in jail!

"JohnH" wrote in message
.. .
Just announced on WMAL radio in Washington, DC: Rush has admitted to

addicted to pain killers and will be off the air for a month while


Sure hope someone takes up the noble battle! (Come on Hannity!)

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

So, if the prosecutors decide not to prosecute, will RL not be practicing

he preaches?

Yes, if he does not rip them five ways from Sunday once he's back on the
air. Remember: If you are a patriot, and heaven knows Rush says he is, you
must do everything in your power to abide by the law, uphold the law, and
yell when the law is not upheld.

Doug Kanter October 12th 03 09:55 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
"Gould 0738" wrote in message
So, if the prosecutors decide not to prosecute, will RL not be practicing
he preaches?

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

No. But the prosecutors will not be practicing what Rush has preached,

the book at 'em! Don't be soft on drug users!"

I can't wait to talk to my dad in the next few days. (He's been really

in by Limbaugh). Last time we spoke, he was advocating death sentences for

pushers *and* users...(a position probably well beyond even RL's

rantings). I
he'd make an "exception" for RL. :-)

Chuck, please DO let us know what your father says about all this. :-)

Sounds like my dad in 1967 or so, ranting about what a great thing it was
that our soldiers were slogging through Vietnam. Then, in 1971, when I
registered for the draft, he said "Ya know...I have friends in my business,
in Canada, and I'm SURE I could get you a job up there....." And, this was
from a guy who flew TBF Avengers, dropping torpedoes at Japanese ships.

Doug Kanter October 12th 03 09:58 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
They're dropping like flies, these right wing radio monkeys. Here in
Rochester, we had a Rush clone named Bob Lonsberry until a couple of weeks
ago. Then, he made some comments about the black mayor who's running for
country executive, calling him an orangutan and saying he recently escaped
from our zoo. He was suspended and then fired, to the chagrin of quite a few
knuckleheads who picketed the radio station, claiming Lonsberry was not a
racist, and that his dismissal was an infringement on his first amendment

Harry Krause October 12th 03 10:33 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
Doug Kanter wrote:

They're dropping like flies, these right wing radio monkeys. Here in
Rochester, we had a Rush clone named Bob Lonsberry until a couple of weeks
ago. Then, he made some comments about the black mayor who's running for
country executive, calling him an orangutan and saying he recently escaped
from our zoo. He was suspended and then fired, to the chagrin of quite a few
knuckleheads who picketed the radio station, claiming Lonsberry was not a
racist, and that his dismissal was an infringement on his first amendment

There's no way to prove it, but I'd bet you that at least 75% of those
who call themselves Conservatives in this country have the same racist
feelings towards blacks, Latinos and other non-whites. Betcha.

__________________________________________________ __________
Email sent to will never reach me.

Charles October 12th 03 11:57 PM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction

Harry Krause wrote:

My father-in-law, an otherwise nice fella, is a mind-rusted Republican,
politically, and a fan of Rush. I plan to push his face into Rush's delicious.

Whoa, easy boy. Wouldn't want to lose that second wife now like the
first, would you?

-- Charlie

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Jack Rye October 13th 03 01:05 AM

(OT) Limbaugh admits addiction
What's the matter Wally can't take a joke. I like bush bashing more than
clinton bashing.
Roger Clinton was said to tell a supplier jauntily, "Got to get some for my
brother. He's got a nose like a vacuum cleaner."

"WaIIy" wrote in message
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 15:27:27 -0700, "Jack Rye"
.# wrote:

George Bush Sr. said "My children have noses like a vacuum cleaner"


Well, so much for the rest of your "information".

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