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On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 18:20:26 -0800 (PST), Bob

Then you have some liberal like WayneB, who was probably born with a silver
spoon in his mouth, casting aspersions upon the character of his moral and
ethical betters. People who side with the bloated federal government are
worse than despicable.

Personally I was born a poor white boy. My moma at age 18 went to work
as a welder in WW2 building Liberty Ships.
My mom got knocked up when she was welding in the Bremerton shipyard
around teh Korean war.. Thats where I came about. I spent my child
hood in orchards cause she had to pick fruit and work in laundries
cause nobody would hire a woman welder. I had to work hard for evey
thing I got cause she OR the goventment couldnt/wouldnt give me ****.

Sooo I learned an an education was my way up and out and as my
education taught me how to be a:
1) Independent life long learner
2) critical consumer of media

I learnde the REpublican party does not want people education past
12th grade. Why?????????

I just did a quick google search and the average years of education in
the US is 12. In fact, we lead the world in that number. So, I don't
know why you're putting down the US and blaming the Republican party.
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On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 15:58:09 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

"Jessica B" wrote in message
.. .
On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 17:07:41 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

"Jessica B" wrote in message
On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 15:13:57 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

"Wayne.B" wrote in message
On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 11:16:57 -0800 (PST), Bob

CFRs require it for all people needing dock acess for thier job. But
since you dont sail your license you reall have no use for either a
TWIC or that master license (sutible for framing and display) Hang on
to that purdy license.

The latest CFRs actually go farther than that. They say that without
a TWIC card your Masters ticket or OUPV are no longer valid.

There will be lawsuits. The government sold you something you paid good
money for and invested good time for that gave you certain rights and
privileges and now they say it's no longer valid.

That is fraud in anybody's book.

I'm no lawyer, but it's changing the rules after the fact. That's

You're so lovable!

Wilbur Hubbard

You're really making a habit out that kind of comment!! I can live
with it.


Wilbur Hubbard

Hey, I respond well to compliments. I'm not some cold b.... :-)
  #293   Report Post  
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On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 14:17:26 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

"Bruce" wrote in message
.. .

Why don't YOU learn how to trim, Bruce?

As I previously posted, you demonstrate your ignorance of the Real
Cruising lifestyle yet again. the Real Cruiser, i.e., one who actually
makes cruises, rather then an aborted "voyage" around the harbour -
assuming that the wind isn't blowing too strong and nor to lightly -
by necessity requires more then your "minimal clothing".

Cruising is cruising. It is not defined by length of passage or time at
anchor. I think you are confusing cruising with voyaging. Probably because
you aren't intimately familiar with either. LOL!

Goodness, a Sunday ride around the harbor and you call it "cruising"?
What is next? Peddling a Swan Boat on the lake in the park to simulate
a world cruise?

Say a "cruise" from Singapore to Japan and onward through the
Aleutians, Alaska and onward, ultimately to Mexico and then through
the Canal to the Caribbean, north to Canada and so finally to England
and eventually returned to Asia.

Sounds like a voyage to me. . . Voyaging is going from a to b to c to d,
etc. Cruising is more often going from a to b to a, etc.

You are misquoting Lynn Pardey, who was making the point that The
Pardeys are different from other people - THEY make VOYAGES, while the
hoi polloi only cruse.

A Cruise made by a personal friend with his 36 ft. steel hull sloop,
over the past few years.

That's a voyage, PUTZ!

Well, Willie-boy, you are, of course, are quite capable of calling a
Spade a Diamond, but the people that actually do it call it

So Willie-boy, all your so called Sailorman experience is somewhat
lacking in both scope, and distance.

Says the ladyboy expert whose idea of "around the world" is some
sordid,transgendered sexcapade. LOL! Everybody knows why you remain in
Thailand, d00d!

Sorry Willie-boy, Got a wife, kids and grand kids and I stay in
Thailand because I like it..... Please note that this little,
backward, 3rd world, country, is cheaper to live in, has equal or
perhaps better medical care, and doesn't cancel my licenses....

And for what periods have you lived the "sailing life"? Was it last
Sunday when you planned the "cruise' around the bay.... and aborted
because the wind wasn't blowing the correct velocity for your
tastes.... I wonder what you'd do if you made a real voyage and hit a
period of little wind when half way from Langkawi to Kochi, say, as
another friend did a year ago?

Finally, you said it right. "A real voyage." Hey, I never claimed to be a
voyager as I've always said that crap is boring beyond belief and an
undesirable way to sail. The challenge of sailing is not isolation thousands
of miles from civilization but, rather, sailing along the fringes of
civililzation taking and leaving it as is one's heartfelt desire. It's not
being controlled and harassed by foreign bureaucrats and their dumb
restrictions, graft and corruption.

Goodness... the challenge of sailing. What challenge is that? You mean
that you forgot to turn on the GPS and are lost? Or that the wind got
up to 15 MPH and you had to run for shelter?

You certainly change your tune, don't you. Only a few messages ago you
were bemoaning the fact that the US Government had cancelled your
license. The Thais haven't cancelled mine... I made my annual trip to
the Thai Immigrations to renew my resident visa and was in and out in
less then an hour (including time for a doughnut and coffee). Handed
over the required documents, the lady officer smiled and said have a
nice day. If that is the "harassed" that you are talking about then I
might point out that it is far nicer treatment then one receives at
the US Embassy.

Again you exhibit your minimal experience in actually cruising, as
apposed to reading magazines. In the last 15 years I have rarely
anchored in a harbout where there were more then two or three boats
and never... let me repeat that NEVER .... anchored anywhere that I
could even hear a generator.

I don't read the 'tales of inept woe' magazines any more. I've had my fill
of them since they regularly portray sailing as some bumbleing cluster****
as the norm. Take Joe, for example. His tale of ineptitude and woe is
exactly the thing one would see in the sailing magazines. And, NEVER would
there be one word about WHY the ineptitude caused the entire embarrassing
and unnecessary scenario.

Willie-boy your so called "expertise" is derived from reading books
and your activities, as you have reported here, are on the level of
that neophyte.

Joe, to use your example, actually did something, he made a trip
somewhere. Yes he had his problems but as you weren't there you really
don't know a damned thing about any of the details or why anything
happened, so your comments about "ineptitude" are just the
blathering's of a totally uninformed spectator. You, on the other hand
made a trip out into the bay and, as reported, anchored overnight.

Ah Willie-boy, perhaps if you would get out into the world you'd
discover what a sailing life style is all about as apposed to your
overheated imagination.

If I have an overheated imagination lately it's probably because of
JessicaB. That girl is about as perfect as any I've run across in decades.
She has little or no trouble seeing you pretenders for what you are. That
alone makes her highly discriminating and ultimately desirable. If only I
were about 25-30 years younger I'd have to seriously pursue her.

Twist and turn some more. I said "...what a sailing life style is all
about as apposed to your overheated imagination" obviously referring
to your imagined sailing experience. You have no answer to my
statement so, in order to attempt to save face, you try an end-run
around the subject and start to talk about some woman who you've never
met and know very little about..

Wilbur Hubbard


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On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 16:06:21 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

"Jessica B" wrote in message
.. .
On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 16:56:11 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"


Sometimes I'm guilty of a little irony with some of the pretend sailors
for the most part, I try to be honest about my opinions.

There's nothing wrong with a little irony.. they probably don't get it

Didn't take you too long to figure them out. :-)))))))


NO! It's even more bizarre.. probably TMI, but I actually used to play
with sacks of potatoes.. it was like my favorite thing when we went to
my uncle's place (sort of gentleman farmer with 15 acres).

Doesn't sound so crazy to me. Funny thing, I grew up on a 15 acre farm and
we grew potatoes, among other things. But, I never got the urge to use them
as toys. What did you do with the sacks of potatoes? Make little forts and
houses out of them?

No fricken way! Where? He didn't grow them... just bought bags and fed
them to some cows (not sure, I was pretty young). It was near Spokane.

Yeah, I used to build forts, throw them at the cows (bulls?) which got
me in all sorts of trouble. I used to poke sticks in them then paint
them in water colors.

Totally blushing with that one.......... don't mind dirt, as long as I
can wash it off at some point.

See, that's special - for a girl.

Ok... wash it off sooner than later. I'm not much into gardening, but
I used to help my older brother change the oil on his bike and on help
with family car tuneups... not that they would ever really let me do

If you can believe it I wanted to be a princess when I was like 5.
Strange but true.

I wanted to be an astronaut. LOL!

So, you're fulfilling your dream of sailing among the stars!!

Wilbur Hubbard

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On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 15:52:54 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

"Jessica B" wrote in message
.. .
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 14:50:25 -0500, " Sir Gregory Hall, Esq."

"Jessica B" wrote in message

Oh.. whew.. I thought you thought I was thinking he was the reasonable

I did at first . . .

I get all confused any time I run into an intelligent woman who actually
makes sense. It happens so rarely these days. LOL!

Wilbur Hubbard

Hey so wait... are you Wil or are you Greg? Totally confused unless
you have a spoofer? The header info is different. I hate spoofers.

Sorry, Jessica, I forgot to switch accounts. I have an octanews account for
Wilbur and an Altopia account for Sir Gregory Hall, Esq.. Sir Gregory is the
troll-killer. He has the heavy artillery for beating up the sociopaths on
some of the Usenet's worst groups such as alt.usenet.kooks. Sir Gregory can
get away with more harsh and abusive language because Altopia is for free
speech. Octanews better suits Wilbur who is a kinder gentler iteration of
Sir Gregory which are both theater of the mind iterations of Captain Neal -
my real original identity. I used to have an Eternal September account when
they were Motzarella but the BananaBoi booted me (Wesley Mouch of Atlas
Shrugged infamy) for not agreeing with his politics.

Confused? LOL!

Actually, you told me this already.. so no, not confused any more. I
don't know much about the usenet stuff. A work friend set me up with
this account. It seems to work most of the time.

I was thinking about sailboats, since I see them cruising around in
the ocean a lot. I found this news group when I typed in boats in the
search box. It was one of the first ones to come up. The other seems
to have a lot of activity, but it's all name calling.. big turn off.

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On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 14:44:17 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

"Bruce in Bangkok" opined in message
.. .

Willie-boy, you really expose your lack of knowledge of the "Cruising"
world every time you post.

PKB! You don't even know what cruising is, apparently. You seem to confuse
voyaging and cruising.

As I said before Willie-boy. the people who actually sail a boat
somewhere don't talk much about cruising or voyaging they usually just
saw "we went". When you start to differentiate between cruising and
voyaging you, first of all, are quoting something that Lynn Pardey
wrote and if you had read the Pardey's to any extent you'd realize
that Lynn, particularly, is hell bent on proving that they, THE
PARDEYS, are just do much better then anyone else. Thus THEY voyage
while the rest of us commoners just cruise.

But now that you have seized on Lynn's statement to justify your live
then be happy. You aren't a cruiser, or a voyager, as the term is
commonly used and your boating knowledge is from the books in your
"extensive library".


  #297   Report Post  
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On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 14:17:26 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"
If I have an overheated imagination lately it's probably because of
JessicaB. That girl is about as perfect as any I've run across in decades.
She has little or no trouble seeing you pretenders for what you are. That
alone makes her highly discriminating and ultimately desirable. If only I
were about 25-30 years younger I'd have to seriously pursue her.

I wonder what that would be like... Flowers, candy (nah, well, a few),
cinnibons, help with a shampoo - like in that movie with Nicole Kidman
(without the rampaging murderer though)?

Ok, I'm really off to the gym...
  #298   Report Post  
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On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 15:39:45 -0800 (PST), Bob

He is ALWAYS on the internet typing. People with a life dont spend
this much time typing unless your 70+ an tird of cross word puzzels.
He is too old, his boat too small and has too little to cruise. Soooo
here he is.

And mostly he is just scared to cut the lines and just go.

You are absolutly true. that was my pitifal attempt at critisizing
Wilbur. I gues Im not very good at it. Ill keep working at the
personal attacks and maybe I get to be as Wilbur.

Your are right about small voyage boats. In my 20s I trailored my 15'
plywood sailing dory (sprit rig) down to Baja Mexico. I spent 4 months
living and sailing around the mid part of Sea of Cortez in 1978. It
was prety still pretty wild then.

Although people have made open boat cross ocean voyages I would have
passed that advenure up even at age 24.

Me Im stuck in hawaii now killing time. Humm I think Ill go snorkeling

Whacha doing in Hawaii?

Visiting a loved one. I usually spend 2-4 weeks here every 4-6 months.
Now that Im not working as an AB I have lots more oportunity for

Oh, an old friend of mine just finished building a house outside of
Udon. He isnt a boat person,,,, obviously. He seems to like i. Said
total cost of house constructoin was $5,000 USD. Its small and sparce
by US standards but looks pretty nice from the pics. His Thai gf is
pretty cute too. I may have to fly over and give him a visit. Mind if
I stop by your place for a cordial spot of tea?


Way back then I did a little canoe camping. A canoe and some camping
gear and off into the wilderness - just like the Indians. Not that
enjoyable in the Maine forests and swamps with the sketters and deer
flys as company. Fun while you're young but I guess you outgrow these
things (Thank God! :-)


  #299   Report Post  
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On Wed, 02 Feb 2011 16:17:36 -0800, Jessica B

On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 23:02:26 +0000, Justin C

In article , Jessica B wrote:
On Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:14:27 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

The very best way, however, when cruising is to just say no to clothes. If
you don't wear them then they don't get soiled. But, you still have to wash
sheets, towels, etc.

Well, minimal clothes... lol

It might be OK for the tropics...


Would you be planning on wearing a tux in the tropics? lol

Perhaps not, but you would be amazed how much better you are treated
by the various agencies you have to visit to clear your boat in or out
of foreign counties if you are wearing clean clothes that match the
normal attire worn in that country.

or perhaps looking at it from the other direction, it is amazing how
much better I get treated in my clean clothes then some dirty,
unshaven, stinking bloke who hasn't bathed, shaved or brushed his
teeth in the last month gets.

  #300   Report Post  
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"Bruce" wrote in message
On Wed, 02 Feb 2011 16:17:36 -0800, Jessica B

On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 23:02:26 +0000, Justin C

In article , Jessica B wrote:
On Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:14:27 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

The very best way, however, when cruising is to just say no to clothes.
you don't wear them then they don't get soiled. But, you still have to
sheets, towels, etc.

Well, minimal clothes... lol

It might be OK for the tropics...


Would you be planning on wearing a tux in the tropics? lol

Perhaps not, but you would be amazed how much better you are treated
by the various agencies you have to visit to clear your boat in or out
of foreign counties if you are wearing clean clothes that match the
normal attire worn in that country.

or perhaps looking at it from the other direction, it is amazing how
much better I get treated in my clean clothes then some dirty,
unshaven, stinking bloke who hasn't bathed, shaved or brushed his
teeth in the last month gets.

Your boyfriend told you that? LOL!

Gregory Hall

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