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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Mar 2009
Posts: 17
Default I'm so smart . . .

Checkmate wrote:
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts
by Checkmate!

First check out what Ms. Kitty said:

"Checkmate" wrote:

Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading
posts by Checkmate!

First check out what Ms. Kitty said:

"Checkmate" wrote:
I keep plenty of bleach around, because you just never know...

Never know what, Check? When you "off" those that don't agree
with you?

MK curious

I never know when the **** will hit the fan and I'll be forced to
drink water out of my well, which probably hasn't been used in a
few decades. There's plenty of water in it, but I'm not drinking it
unless I have to.

I thought water wells were perfect water? Hmmm, I always like my
well water.

Besides... everybody knows the best way to dispose of a body is with

shudder Thankfully, I don't even *think* that way. . .


I know a lot of weird stuff. Some of it's "on the edge". Did you
know that sulfuric acid will completely dissolve a body, except for
gall stones, false teeth, etc? At least, that's what I've heard...

so does lime