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Hank©[_3_] Hank©[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jun 2013
Posts: 144
Default So, can he shoot your daughter?

On 7/22/2013 10:22 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 21:26:26 -0400, "F.O.A.D." wrote:

So, if your daughter is walking home from the store…
…and a man she does not know who is in a car starts following her
and gets out of the car and chases her…

If she stops running and knees him, or pepper sprays him, or trips him...

...She is the aggressor, and he is justified in shooting her in
"self defense."

You left out the "get on top of and continue to pummel after the
threat was abated" part.

There is also absolutely zero evidence that Zimmerman actually
confronted Martin in the first place.

BTW if martin really felt threatened, why didn't he hang up on the
girl and dial 911?

Why are you two discussing hypothetical situations. Especially since the
matter has been resolved in a court of law.
Harry has some interesting unresolved situations he was/is involved in.
There's plenty of loose ends in his stories that you could assist him with.