Thread: Disgusting
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Hank©[_3_] Hank©[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jun 2013
Posts: 144
Default Disgusting

On 6/15/2013 1:35 PM, F.O.A.D. wrote:
"Eisboch" wrote:
I've become totally disgusted with the current leadership of the USA.

Since the end of WWII the USA has been a symbol and beacon of hope for
countries subjected to tyrannical dictatorships. We've honored our
agreements with allies despite controversy. lose of national treasure and
mistakes. But we have been a country that others could depend upon.

For the first time in my lifetime that is no longer so.

The controlling leadership of this country is more interested in granting
Green Cards to the partners of gay illegal immigrants than using our
influence to curb the murder of over 100,000 people in Syria, now with
acknowledged chemical weapons in some cases.

We have truly become a paper tiger in just a short few years.

Your suggestions for resolving the situation in Syria . . . ?

So sorry that you aren't bright enough to pick up on Eisboch's message.

That's what you get when you let others do your thinking and reasoning
for you. Dumb asses like yourself who think the administration is doing
a bang up job.