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North Star North Star is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: May 2011
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Default New issue, new software for on-line boating magazine

On Jul 1, 2:39*pm, Wayne.B wrote:
On Sun, 01 Jul 2012 12:45:45 -0400, Oscar wrote:
On 7/1/2012 10:34 AM, wrote:
On Sun, 01 Jul 2012 08:40:06 -0400, Oscar wrote:

On 7/1/2012 1:54 AM, Chuck Gould wrote:
There is at least a little interest at your site in the free on-line
boating publication, Pacific Nor'West Boating. It's available at

The July 1 issue (our fifth) ushers in some new software. Use the up,
down, left, and right keys to move around a page. Bumping the top of
the window with a mouse will bring up a menu for turning pages,
searching the content of the issue, etc. Bumping the bottom of the
window will allow a reader to adjust the zoom.

And hey, everybody, have a happy and safe Independence Day. Fly that
flag proudly- that variety of shapes and colors unites in a way that
is far more meaningful than if there were only one shape, one color,
or one symbol on the flag. We're a nation of different ideals and
opinions, but like the flag we are stitched together to form a whole
more perfect than the sum of its parts. :-)

Trivia for you:
Can any flag or pennant be flown, properly, higher than the US Flag?

Simply, No.

Unless you believe in a state religion and then what "church flag" do
you choose and which chaplain of what religion? It must be a "higher
ranking" flag, so which religions rank higher?

A bit more nautical trivia to support my position:

Article XI, Voted unanimously by the Senate(Nov., 1796) and signed by
the President.

Again, no.

Well lookie here


There are exceptions to every rule of course. *One of these occurs
when boating in a foreign country. * It is customary to fly a small
version of the foreign country's ensign as a courtesy flag after you
have cleared customs. * The proper location of the courtesy flag is
below the starboard spreader on a sailboat or high up on a starboard
verticle structure like a radio antenna for mastless powerboats.

We needed 14 different flags for our Caribbean cruise 2 years ago, one
of those hidden expenses until you are almost ready to go. and star
thinking about last minute details.

Seems to me that the club burgees and even Power and Sail Squadron
burgee are flown in that position.