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Oscar Oscar is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2012
Posts: 880
Default New issue, new software for on-line boating magazine

On 7/1/2012 1:54 AM, Chuck Gould wrote:
There is at least a little interest at your site in the free on-line
boating publication, Pacific Nor'West Boating. It's available at

The July 1 issue (our fifth) ushers in some new software. Use the up,
down, left, and right keys to move around a page. Bumping the top of
the window with a mouse will bring up a menu for turning pages,
searching the content of the issue, etc. Bumping the bottom of the
window will allow a reader to adjust the zoom.

And hey, everybody, have a happy and safe Independence Day. Fly that
flag proudly- that variety of shapes and colors unites in a way that
is far more meaningful than if there were only one shape, one color,
or one symbol on the flag. We're a nation of different ideals and
opinions, but like the flag we are stitched together to form a whole
more perfect than the sum of its parts. :-)

Trivia for you:
Can any flag or pennant be flown, properly, higher than the US Flag?