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iBoatMore iBoatMore is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2011
Posts: 237
Default English language

In article f846803e-d03a-4d05-8cf7-083dec96f3c2@, says...

On Aug 29, 4:44*pm, Canuck57 wrote:
Funny but true! * The English language has some wonderfully
anthropomorphic collective nouns for the various * groups of animals.

We are all familiar with a *Herd *of cows, a *Flock * of chickens, a
School *of fish and a *Gaggle *of geese. *Slightly less widely known is
a Pride *of lions, a * Murder *of crows (as well as their cousins the
rooks * and ravens), an *Exaltation *of doves and, presumably because
they look so wise, a *Parliament of owls.

A group of politicians is parties on the taxpayer.

But now consider a group of Baboons. They are the * loudest, most
dangerous, most obnoxious, most viciously aggressive and least
intelligent of all primates.

And what is the proper collective noun for * a group of baboons?

Believe it or not ....... a Congress.
If it is all Bush's fault, then how come Obama is doing much more of the
same and expecting different results?

What would they call a gathering of Dopers?

Hey, look, it's one half of the Cowardly Duo!