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Canuck57[_9_] Canuck57[_9_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
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Default Recovery

On 29/07/2011 8:56 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 22:33:53 -0400, L wrote:

wf3h wrote:
On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 21:31:13 -0400, L wrote:

Canuck57 wrote:
So fleabags, how is that Obama recovery working for ya all?

Over $4 trillion ****ed away and no real results, and you want to do
it again? See Einstein on insanity.

The only things growing in USA these days:

- more bull**** than ever before.
- more Bernanke money fraud print than ever before.
- more debt than ever before.
- more Michelle hand maids and fancy dresses than ever before.
- more debtor delinquencies han ever before.
- more mortgage forclosures.
- more bull**** to hide the above.
- more denial than ever before.

When real inflation is factored in, USA was never even close to a
recovery, it was more like hitting the steps 1/2 way down the stairs.

Only one sane way out of a debt free fall, pay you bills with real money.

Well said.

you guys in the same klavern?

WTF are you trying to say?

i'm pointing out that

1. bush created 5 TRILLION in debt
2. obama ddi 1.4 TRILLION mostly in safety net programs like the
stimulus and unemployment

so the OBJECTIVE evidence is that BUSH destroyed the economy

but you guys blame the darkie becasue BUSH IS WHITE. and you CANT
blame a WHITE man

I kicked Bushes ass when he didn't vetto TARP. Fact is, they are all
corrupt. That is why military cuts are not happening. Have to have the
US-Euro-Saudi military regime on the bacs of US taxpayers.

Hell, let the Euro or Saudi spend their own damned money.

First thing Obama should do on Tuesday is recall all the troupes, cancel
the 10's of billions in bombs and corruption and elimiate all forms of
foreign aide in its entirty. Even have a chat with the UN-regime
treating US politicians like puppet and get a fair share deal.

Problem is, like we saw tonigh with the democrats, they answer to the
war machine, not the people. Reid couldn't even remember the name of
the bill, senile, stupid and corrupt. Didn't even read it as his puppet
masters said no.

Yep, just corruption.
USA, can't and refuses to pay their bills with real money, Bernanke has
to create the no-value fraud QE inflation moneys out of thin air and buy
the US treasuries in a ruse that no one else in the world will buy.