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L G[_45_] L G[_45_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2011
Posts: 20
Default Recovery

Canuck57 wrote:
So fleabags, how is that Obama recovery working for ya all?

Over $4 trillion ****ed away and no real results, and you want to do
it again? See Einstein on insanity.

The only things growing in USA these days:

- more bull**** than ever before.
- more Bernanke money fraud print than ever before.
- more debt than ever before.
- more Michelle hand maids and fancy dresses than ever before.
- more debtor delinquencies han ever before.
- more mortgage forclosures.
- more bull**** to hide the above.
- more denial than ever before.

When real inflation is factored in, USA was never even close to a
recovery, it was more like hitting the steps 1/2 way down the stairs.

Only one sane way out of a debt free fall, pay you bills with real money.

Well said.