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Wilbur Hubbard Wilbur Hubbard is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,869
Default The major failings of today's so-called sailors

The major failings of today's so-called sailors are myriad. Among the more
grievous are the following:

1) Self-absorbed, selfish and self-serving

2) Ignorance of the Rules of the Road (COLREGS)

3) Slaves to technology

4) Highly dependent upon motors

Number one, hedonism, boils down to a total inconsiderate attitude towards
fellow sailors. You see these rude people all the time. They are the ones
who make a big production of arriving in an anchorage and finding a spot
upwind of the majority of boats where they make a HUGE commotion and run
noisy and stinky generators 24/7 because they are self-absorbed, selfish and
self-serving and to hell with anybody and everybody else. After all THEY are
the only ones who really matter in this world. These are the people who
refuse to slow down in a narrow channel when meeting or passing and will
discourteously produce the maximum wake possible to basically say to other
boaters, "**** YOU!"

Number two, ignorance, is evidenced regularly in that the majority of boats
these days don't have a clue as to which is the stand-on vessel and which is
the give way vessel. You will be regularly abused by these rude people who
think the larger or faster boat is always the stand-on vessel. The larger or
faster boat ALWAYS takes great pains to cut across your bow whether they are
the stand-on vessel or not. They often go well out of their way in order to
cut across your bow. They seem particularly confused by crossing situations
and can't seem to grasp the simple rule that a (motor) vessel with another
on its own starboard bow is the give-way vessel.

Number three, technology addiction, causes these stupid folks to constantly
stare at their digital displays while rarely keeping a proper look-out using
their eyes to frequently scan the area. It's gotten to the point where if
they don't see something on their radar screen it doesn't exist at all to
them. They will be seen following a course line from their GPS right onto a
shoal because they are too stupid to understand that plotting a course
involves avoiding any and all hazards. One long straight line is what they
want and what they plot and to hell with anything along the line that could
halt their progress.

Number four, motor heads, you can smell as well as see. Rarely does one see
anymore somebody actually sailing. Even if a sail or two are displayed one
can view them luffing because the environmentally unfriendly diesel is in
constant operation. These people use their diesel like a security blanket.
They are afraid they can't control a boat while using sails only and the sad
fact is this is one of the rare instances when they are correct.

So, dear readers, please take a close look at yourself. I bet one or more of
the above apply. Shame on you.

Wilbur Hubbard