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Default Obama endorses slavery

On Thu, 07 Apr 2011 19:41:01 -0400, wrote:

On Thu, 7 Apr 2011 14:03:12 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch

Apparently, it is up to the Prez to determine which govt personnel are
"essential" to get paid and Clinton paid the military during the '95
shutdown. Obama has decided military are "nonessential" yet they are
required to work for possible pay later. Basically, Obama has decided
to make them work as slaves without compensation. DOES THIS SURPRISE
ANYBODY? Statists, regardless of what they claim, all believe in
slavery to the state. For Obama, "L'etat et Moi"

No government employees have lost a dime in these shutdowns. If they
get a check, the check might be late but if it is a bank transfer it
will probably be right on time. They have always been given their back
pay, even though most stay home.

Think about that while you are locked out of the Smithsonian ... you
are still paying these people, to stay home.

Do you have any idea of the consequences of a gov't shutdown during a
recession like this???

no government-backed mortgages - 95% of the loans
no government student loans
delayed payment for the troops - so their families suffer, but the
troops still have to fight
delayed tax refunds - a week before tax day, you still have to pay
though if you owe money
no federal grants for roads, schools, or pretty much anything else
no new medical research at the National Institutes of Health
800,000 people who are furloughed - don't receive a dime until the
shutdown ends, so they can't spend money

Sure, they get paid eventually. Big deal. What happens if the shutdown
lasts more than a week or two? The economy takes a dive big time. And,
of course, this is the best time for that.

Oh, one thing you can do during the shutdown (besides pay your taxes
of course), you can go broke.