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Harryk Harryk is offline
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Default Obama - Charge, attempted assassination

Canuck57 wrote:
On 23/03/2011 10:14 PM, wrote:
On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 20:38:57 -0600,

On 23/03/2011 8:02 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
Since no formal declaration of war exists, and no-fly zone does not
cover ground attacks, would not sending a cruise missile to someones
home be characterized as an assassination attempt?

I mean if Gadhafi sent a cruise missile to the Whitehouse I am sure the
Americans would call it an assassination attempt, act of war and so

So what has our society become where such levels of hypocrisy exist and
it is acceptable?

Just maybe, I mean maybe, our leaders are just as bad as the people we
attack. Just more polished in BS and herding our attitudes.

But clearly the president of the USA has too much power for one man.
Instigating war without provocation and without consultation makes him
as much of a tyrant as Chavez, Castro, Gadhafi and others in Yemen,
Syria, Hamas, Rwanda and others... but he does have more power....5th

If Harper, Ignatieff and Layton had any morals, they would have
entry into other peoples wars. So Canada, UK, France and otehrs with
vested interests in Libya are also deserving of blame.

But the question is, should Obama be impeached for attempted

But Ronald Reagan tried it too. So is one to assume assassination in
other countries is legal in the USA?

And more, maybe the charge should be treason. Turns out before US
involvement in Libya ....

WTF - Obama is supporting the 9/11 perpetratiors? Do the Bin Laden's
pull Obama's strings?

Look Knuckles, we all know you're a racist, stupid, and a coward, and
you hate Obama. Do you think you're going to be changing people's

So defumers supports 9/11 types. Go figure. So ae you Muslim?

Thank you, Scott Ingersoll...

Oh, wait...