Thread: Cannibal
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Wilbur Hubbard Wilbur Hubbard is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,869
Default Cannibal

"Flying Pig" wrote in message
Wilbur, Wilbur...

Jessica must have made you go soft. The below is nothing as compared to
some of your earlier works. Wilbur, I thought I knew ye...

It's so insipid I can't even give you the usual satire points, let alone
riposte your egregious mistakes in your encyclopedic knowledge of us and
our fine home.. Who are you, and what have you done with Wilbur???


Skip, disappointed in your failure to deliver on your earlier promise :{))

PS I apologize, but as of tomorrow morning I'll be in work mode, so I may
not visit very often, computer time being reserved for after-hours only...

LOL, consider this fact: Anybody who can render Skippy speechless is doing
something right!

When Skippy has no valid response for the many valid points I made
concerning sail handling, it just might indicate Skippy has no defense for
the INVALID points he has proffered as stand operating procedure.

As for work mode, YES! Start by compiling a long list of lubberly items you
carry aboard - items which do little more than require your constant
attention because of maintenance issues which keep you from learning the
basics such as navigation and sail handling.

After you have completed the list, give serious consideration to lightening
the "Flying Pig" by several thousand pounds by removing said items and
gracing a nearby dumpster with them.

Simplify, simplify, simplify. And, while you are working hard you can send
Lydia down to the Keys where I shall be happy to give her a few sailing
lessons so she can teach you how it SHOULD be done on a lightened,
simplified and faster "Flying Pig." I'll even be pleased to give her an
informal class on plotting a course that takes advantage of wind and current
instead of a course that actually has the wind and current working against
the hapless occupants of aforementioned cruising yacht.

Wilbur Hubbard