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Jessica B Jessica B is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2011
Posts: 364
Default Cannibal

On Wed, 9 Mar 2011 13:00:32 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

"Jessica B" wrote in message
.. .
On Tue, 8 Mar 2011 17:06:20 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"


Ewwww. I would never do a common hot tub anywhere. I've heard of women
actually getting pregant from sitting in one of those things. I certainly
would not trust the sanitation methods. If a not so tough spermatozoa can
survive I'd guess things like the herpes virus and the human papaloma
would absolutely thrive.

I doubt it... there is so much chlorine... lots of regulations out
here for that. I don't use it because of that and you can't have any
alcohol and there's a curfew. Too many rules.

You'd think that but it's not necessarily so. Didn't you hear the stories a
couple years ago where some of the VA hospitals were spreading HIV/AIDS and
Hepatitus C because they weren't sterilizing colonoscopy equipment properly?
And, that's a hospital. Who is responsible for health threats in a public
hot tub? Some janitor? Think about it.

Believe me... you can feel the chems in the pool. I don't go in unless
I'm desperate. Friends live down the street, so it's no big deal to
hop on the bike or even walk.

Red wine is good because of the anti-oxidants. But, beer has good stuff in
it as well. Hey, if you don't like foamy beer than stop shaking it or
it some more. LOL

LOL... I should be the servant for my brother, since he's got a nasty
habit of shaking it up before he hands it to me.

That guy's a real hoot! Well, at least he probably taught you caution.

Yeah... so funny. I especially loved it right after I took a shower.

I'm going to send you an email... got a couple of questions... I'll do
that when I get back from the gym.

Promises, promises! :-(

Didn't you get it?? I haven't seen a reply...

Never saw hide nor hair of it, Jessica. I even went back and checked the
junk mail in case it got put in there somehow and I checked the deleted mail
folder in case it got in there by mistake and there's no sign of a recent
e-mail from you at all. The last one I got was dated March 2nd and I
answered that one.

Yes... sorry...