Thread: Cannibal
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Jessica B Jessica B is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2011
Posts: 364
Default Cannibal

On Tue, 8 Mar 2011 17:06:20 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

"Jessica B" wrote in message
.. .
On Sat, 5 Mar 2011 11:41:28 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"


It's been howling - it's a real workout training on the bike. The bridges
are especially rough. The sides of the bridges tend to funnel the wind
straint down the bridge. It's like trying to go upwind (and up hill) in a
wind tunnel that's blowing in your face around 30-35 mph. It'll grow hair
your chest. LOL!

Not on my chest!! lol

Waldo seems to think you need to have 'something' there. LOL!

Go for it. Maybe the gas can guy has a hot tub and he sure has some wine.
Everybody in California is a wino, it seems. They don't seem to care a
lot for beer like us real men. ;-)

There's a common hot tub in the building where I live, but I have
friends who have them... Hey, I like a beer now and then. I don't like
all the foam though. Also, red wine is supposed to be good for you.

Ewwww. I would never do a common hot tub anywhere. I've heard of women
actually getting pregant from sitting in one of those things. I certainly
would not trust the sanitation methods. If a not so tough spermatozoa can
survive I'd guess things like the herpes virus and the human papaloma virus
would absolutely thrive.

I doubt it... there is so much chlorine... lots of regulations out
here for that. I don't use it because of that and you can't have any
alcohol and there's a curfew. Too many rules.

Red wine is good because of the anti-oxidants. But, beer has good stuff in
it as well. Hey, if you don't like foamy beer than stop shaking it or chill
it some more. LOL

LOL... I should be the servant for my brother, since he's got a nasty
habit of shaking it up before he hands it to me.


I never run out of wind, people don't call old Wilbur a blowhard for
nothing. LOL!

I think they just can't stand the heat!

They lack the mental lacunea to do so.

I'm going to send you an email... got a couple of questions... I'll do
that when I get back from the gym.

Promises, promises! :-(

Didn't you get it?? I haven't seen a reply...

Wilbur Hubbard