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jps jps is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Winning elections is not good enough

On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 10:38:16 -0800 (PST), Frogwatch

On Feb 18, 1:09*pm, jps wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 12:26:17 -0500, wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 09:00:23 -0800, jps wrote:

You think using a majority to supress the people and
votes of the opposition is fair play?

Oh like the 111th congress? You folks said the republicans should suck
it up and go along. When they didn't you said they were

They never went along with anything. *What R's do best is obstruct,
even when it's in the best interest of their constituents and the

Aren't the Wisconsin democrats shutting down the government?
Where is your outrage?

I like it when Gov't gets shut down. *It forces people to confront the

I wonder what their constitution says about legislators who abandon
their jobs? Perhaps the governor can simply replace them. In real
life, I imagine all they have to do is walk through and spit in the
lobby to demonstrate that they are still working.

The governor is using strong arm tactics to undermine collective
bargaining. *It's happening all over the country in areas where R's
only interest is in serving the wealthy and big business by
undercutting unions.

We are going to be entering uncharted territory though. Nobody really
knows what happens when a state files for bankruptcy. How do they
discharge their debts when they don't have the money and they can't
just print it like the federal government does. Will they try to print
some kind of scrip and see if people would take it? Are they just
going to tell their debtors to sue them?

It'll be good if it happens. *People will have to deal with the
reality of government going into complete disfunction. *All those who
believe that government is evil will be crying like little babies.

We better get used to questions like this because the whole country
has a "Greece" moment coming. I doubt our protests will be as peaceful
as Egypt or even Greece. It might be more like Warsaw 1944 except the
populace is better armed. *;-)

Oh, you mean the right wing is better armed. *This is what all the
jerks have been spoiling for. *We're going to do a little cleansing in
the USA?

There is going to be a counter protest at the Wis Capitol organized by
Breitbart. Union/Obama thugs should carefully consider before they
resort to violence the consequences of such.

I hope a union thug finds Breitbart, removes his balls (or what's left
of them) and stuffs them down his throat.

"Union/Obama thugs." Further proves your blind partisan idiocy.