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Jessica B Jessica B is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2011
Posts: 364
Default Cannibal

On Thu, 17 Feb 2011 15:38:35 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

"Jessica B" wrote in message
.. .
On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 12:22:02 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

"Jessica B" wrote in message

I have no idea where the Florida Bay is... is that on the west side?
I'm guessing, but it seems like there's ocean all around.

Florida Bay is the water between the Keys and the mainland peninsular.
of it is way too shallow except for canoes, kayaks, etc. It has lots of
little mangrove islands. But, closer to the Keys island chain the water is
deep enough to sail and the Intracoastal Waterway runs though it.

Oh... Fort Jefferson... I looked it up and it looks like it's the same
as the Dry Tortugas, which is what I was thinking of...

That looks beautiful! Can your boat go there?

Sure she can. I've never been out there but it would make a nice trip.
Probably would take a couple weeks to do a round trip right.

According to google maps it's about 60 or 70 miles away?

Sounds about right.

Well, if the boat sinks, there's always the dinghy! You could rig it
with a sail for just in case!

I guess you
have to be good at navigation! That would leave me out. :-(

Jessica, you'd make a good fisherman. LOL! Of course you'd never be left
out. I could give you a handheld GPS, chart navigation, private lesson you'd
understand in less than five minutes. All you'd have to do is make the
cursor (boat) follow the line to the waypoint(s). Bruce in Bangkok might
have trouble doing so as he's become somewhat feeble-minded in his dotage
but I'm sure you could handle it.

I had one of those units in my other car... "Turn left in 1.2
miles...." Maybe they should make one for a boat!

Or, you could go due south and go to Cuba! Even I could figure that

I wish the stupid U.S. government would allow citizens to take a sailboat
cruise to Cuba but they don't unless you jump though all kinds of ridiculous
hoops. I've looked at the charts and there is some fine sailing to be had
along the north coast of Cuba. Looks like thousands of little barrier
islands with a bay or sound between them and the big island. Can you speak
any Spanish?

I know... it would solve a lot of stuff if they were exposed to free
enterprise! I guess the Cuban expats are really a strong lobby in DC.

Maybe you can claim to be a journalist? I think there's an exception
for that. I also heard that things are a bit less restrictive these
days, but it might just be for sending money. I don't really follow it
much... wrong coast.

I took it in high school, but it's been a while.