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Wilbur Hubbard Wilbur Hubbard is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,869
Default Wilbur Hubbard alert - he's a rapist

"Harryk" wrote in message
On 2/16/11 3:24 PM, Wilbur Hubbard wrote:
wrote in message
On 2/16/11 2:53 PM, Wilbur Hubbard wrote:
wrote in message
On 2/16/11 2:07 PM, Wayne.B wrote:
On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 12:53:27 -0500,

You'll still an asshole

As an unquestioned expert in such matters, who could ignore your
exalted opinion.

Gee, W'hine. You engage in the same sort of personal attacks as every
other right-wing dip**** in the usenet universe. So, why are you
about the behavior of others?

Seems to me, HarryK, that you are guilty of a substantial PKB! LOL!

Typical liberal, this HarryK, he accuses others of that which he is and
does. Harry is such a hypocrite that he cannot even see the hypocrisy.

This is why liberals are so roundly despised; liberals have no moral
compass, their ethics are entirely lacking and they are elitists,
they are better than everybody else but this thinking is based upon
ignorance as demonstrated by their closed minds and exclusive
upon the repetition of leftist propaganda.

Wilbur Hubbard

Wilbur, I've seen any number of your posts on the cruising newsgroup.
I'm really *not* interested in playing with you and your gaggle of
groupies or in seeing more photos of your decrepit little sailboat.

I don't blame you for opting out - it's plain you aren't intellectually
equipped to compete with the big boys.

Seems to me I recall seeing a photo or two of your run-down motor boat
parked in your driveway on the picture forum. Laughable little
thing, that!

Wilbur Hubbard

I don't recall which boat you are referring to, but if it was the SeaPro I
owned at that time, it was a year old and in perfect shape. Since then
I've owned a new 25' Parker, a new 21' Parker, and now own a new twin
engine diesel powerboat. All my boats have been kept in immaculate

When I was into sailing, I never owned a sailboat as decrepit as that
broken down p.o.s. you have.

Move on, Wilbur. Go play with Wayne. He's the same sort of snarky ass you


It was this ugly and tawdry thing:

Nothing but a pollution machine. A waste of space.

Wilbur Hubbard