Thread: Cannibal
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Jessica B Jessica B is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2011
Posts: 364
Default Cannibal

On Tue, 15 Feb 2011 12:23:53 -0500, "Wilbur Hubbard"

"Jessica B" wrote in message
.. .

I was enjoying his rant right up until he called me Jessie... don't
like that AT ALL!

I typed 'Jennifer' the other day by mistake instead of 'Jessica' but you
didn't seem to notice it. LOL! Jennifer is a girl I know who is a dolphin
trainer here in the Keys at Theater of the Sea. She used to ride bikes with
us training for triathlons but she came down with Crones disease or
something like that and can't do triathlons anymore because of her digestion
problems. She can't even run anymore or doesn't want to . . .

Really? I must have missed it, but Jennifer is a nice name... a
dolphin trainer? Wow... gets to work with dolphins all day... sounds
like a great life.


Genetically superior? Hmm.... well, except for my skin tone, I could
live with that!

Nothing wrong with light skin but I was thinking more along the lines of
genetic superiority that results in a superior mind and wholesome mentality.

Ok. I can accept that burden!

Face it! It's not like Jessica's here for any kind of physical
gratification. Any woman who looks as fine as she does most certainly has
plenty of real-life opportunities for that type of thing, wouldn't you
This newsgroup is strictly an abode of the imagination. It is a place
one can express one's self honestly and appreciate others with like

True... well, I've learned a few things about sailing, so if I ever go
again, I'll be able to say something and not look totally stupid.

Just ask away with the sailing questions if you have some and I will be
happy to provide my opinions or expertise on them. It might even make some
of the people who yell, 'take it to e-mail' less hostile.

Wilbur Hubbard

Ok, so I have a sailing question about anchors... obviously there are
different anchors for different situations, but you don't necessarily
know what you're going to find when you go someplace? So, how do you
decide what anchor to take with you? Clearly, as you said, you can
take two (or three?) but they must eventually get kind of heavy... I
guess there must be guides, but what if you're going to visit several
places and they're all different?

Hopefully, this question is good enough for Justin! Sheesh...