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Default jobs afloat, supporting the addiction.

most everything worth worrying about in food is killed by getting the food temp
above 180*.

In fact, the FDA recommends boiling for 20 minutes as a safety factor for
suspect foods in times of emergencies.

I'd drink someone else's coffee if they were drinking it. If I were worried
about it, I would bring my own cup.

state health regulations are state health regulations, and violating them to
make a buck seems like trouble not needed.

i was cruising around a remote part of the coastline last week and struck
up a friendship with a couple who supplement their income by selling hot
coffee, from their yacht. their customers include kayakers and surfers,
and anyone else who happens to smell the roasting coffee. i manage to get
by fixing computers etc for folk afloat.

They can be arrested and fined heavily for not having a DHEC
restaurant permit in SC. It's about sanitation. I'm always hesitant
to drink from someone else's water tank, myself. You never know whos
water was put in there, how and the tank's unsanitary condition. I've
met many boaters who haven't a clue that deadly things can breed and
grow in there.....yecch.

what other novel ways do cruising folk help pay for the addiction?

I do electronics, electricals, batteries and charging for fun and
profit, here. I'll be doing a Catalina 47 that got hit by lightning
as soon as the electronics is back from the manufacturers. We'll be
replacing the melted cables, wiring and panels. Isn't pulling wire
through a boat with no conduits or pull strings and wire just pushed
behind panels fun?!....(c;

"Yacht Standards" my a$$. The cheaper boats look like they were wired
by Bubba in some garage behind a wrecking yard.

Larry W4CSC
POWER is our friend!