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Harry[_5_] Harry[_5_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 568
Default Shameless pandering....

On 8/14/10 9:25 PM, nom=de=plume wrote:

"W1TEF" wrote in message
President Obama says he supports the right to build it, but won't
comment on whether or not it should be built.


If I was a betting man, I could be convinced that the President is
tired of being President and is setting himself up for a Party
election defeat in 2010 and a general election defeat in 2012 -
assuming he decides to run again which, maybe, he might not. He can
blame it on all those folks who won't let go of their guns and bibles
and of course, all those racist 'tards who vote Republican.

We could be in for another Lyndon Johnson moment in the near future.

It would fit his MO of being at a job for a little while, then going
on to something different. There ain't much more to go to though
other than President of The World or some such. Maybe Secretary
General of the UN?

Stay tuned.

But, you're not a voting man. You're a voting (maybe) idiot.

Tell us please whether or not freedom of religion should or shouldn't
exist in this country? Tell us if there would be such a protest if it
was a Christian center?

I guess you forgot about GWB consulting with Islamic leaders right after

Never mind. You're just an idiot.

Tom's been out of sorts ever since Sarah Palin and that old fart she ran
with got their butts handed to them in 2008. Tom is a Palin fan.

It's funny he projects Palin's shortcomings onto Obama. Palin is the one
who walked away from her job to do something different. Obama was
promoted to a better job.

It's possible but unlikely Tom will engage you in any sort of serious
discussion. When posters challenge him on anything, he tends to run away
with his tail between his legs.

I'm the real Harry, and I post from a Mac, as virtually everyone knows.
If a post is attributed to me, and it isn't from a Mac, it's from an ID
spoofer who hasn't the balls to post with his own ID.