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YukonBound YukonBound is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Apr 2010
Posts: 1,865
Default Boating Tomorrow

"I am Tosk" wrote in message
In article ,

On 8/11/10 5:24 PM, YukonBound wrote:

"John H" wrote in message
Taking the kids out on Lake Anna, VA, again. They absolutely love that
and being pulled around on a tube.

The last tube required them to lay down on it to be comfortable, so
we'll try a different one. Got this one today. Hope it works!

I'll try to get some pictures. They won't be nearly as interesting as
doors, but they'll have to do.

John H

Maybe you can run some of your ethnic/woman basher jokes past the
I'm betting they have more sense than their Ompa and tell you to
smarten up

Herring's jokes to the grandkids schedule -

First hour:

anti-black jokes

Second hour:

anti-Jewish jokes

Third hour:

anti-Latino jokes

Fourth hour:

anti-gay jokes

WaaaaaahhhhhhHHHHHHhhhhhhhaaaaaaa quit'cher wailin'. You are such a
frekin' pussy... Just hurry up eat one of your widdew capguns so I can
take a little side trip and **** on your grave while I attend my
daughters wedding next spring... Get it off my bucket list

Rowdy Mouse Racing - We race for cheese!

Has anyone warned the new son-in-law what kind of family he's marrying into?