Thread: Whale strikes
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Bruce[_4_] Bruce[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2009
Posts: 184
Default Whale strikes

On Sun, 16 May 2010 07:55:00 -0400, Wayne.B

On Sun, 16 May 2010 18:06:51 +0700, Bruce

On Sat, 15 May 2010 21:27:15 -0400, Wayne.B

On Sun, 16 May 2010 07:59:26 +0700, Bruce

After all, porpoise seem to be attracted to small boats and frequently
seem to play in he wake or dive under the boat.

We see that all the time, most recently yesterday at the SW corner of
Puerto Rico. We had two big ones playing in the bow wave for several
minutes, sometimes jumping at right angles to each other in front of
the boat. They are very fast and agile, never getting hit as far as I

Funny, Everyone bitches about jet skiers "wake jumping" but admires
the porpoise playing in the bow wave :-)

Have you ever been in an anchorage with a bunch of crazed jet skiiers
swarming around like mosquitos on steroids?

I'd also maintain that porpoises are smarter than jet skiiers since
they never seem to get hit or run into each other.

Nope. There is a small group of jet skiers that you see in the area
where I'm moored. Usually on a Sunday after noon but they stay away
from the moored boats and the Marina and don't bother anyone.

Over on the other side of the Island they are probably pretty crowded
but those are tourists and no one with any sense goes there.

I thought, from what I've read, that they were banned in many places??

