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Tim Tim is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 19,111
Default Ok, does anyone in actually boat?

On May 11, 9:27*pm, Wayne.B wrote:
On Tue, 11 May 2010 10:08:12 -0700 (PDT), jamesgangnc

What I have always wondered is if lurkers and
those who don't bother to post boating stuff would chime up if you got
rid of the idiots that post off topic all the time.

Absolutely yes. * We have lost a lot of good people who were serious
boaters because of all the BS that goes on. *Probably many more took
one look and never came back. *It might be interesting to start a list
of the MIAs. *Here's a beginning:

Chuck Gould
Tom Francis
NOYB from Naples, FL
Gene Kearns
Wayne (Clams) Canino
Lloyd Sumpter
Karl Denninger
Larry from Charleston
Karen Smith
Bill Grannis
Dave Brown
Vic Smith
Del Cecchi
Capt. Bill in Sarasota
Steve Weingart
Steven Shelikoff
Norm (N.L.) Eckert
Russ Glindmeier

I'm sure there are lots of others.

And that's just a fraction of the list.

There used to be some great boating stories and advice here.

Most of it in fact.