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YukonBound YukonBound is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Apr 2010
Posts: 1,865
Default Another boating hazard

"Larry" wrote in message
YukonBound wrote:

"Loogypicker" wrote in message
On May 3, 11:42 pm, "YukonBound" wrote:
"Wayne.B" wrote in message


On Mon, 03 May 2010 20:03:24 -0400, Larry

Say what? "She United Socialist States Of America"??
Lot of girliemen where you live?

You can make your point without the "Say what?". That sounds dumb.

Dumb is as dumb does. Don is still housing and feeding a middle aged

Why should that bother you, d'whine?

I would say that probably, like most people, Wayne thinks that a child
should be brought up to be self sufficient, not getting
transportation, insurance, food, living quarters and getting beer
fetched for him constantly.

I understand that I have to make allowances for your 'Georgia Bud' addled
brain....... son has just handed me a cheque to pay off that car TWO YEARS
Next month will be his 5 year anniversary of having his drivers I will sell him the car at that point and he will obtain his
own insurance.
He pays a monthly sum for his room & board and is now starting to make
his own more beer.
Oh yeah... since he has just been confirmed in his current job is looking
for his own apartment in this area.
So now you will have nothing to diss him for and you are still a looney
hillbilly redneck.

Say what? He paid off the car but you are going to sell it to him? You
should run for US Congress!

I'll be selling it to him for $1.00. He's paid 87.5% of the cost for his
occasional use of it.