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Don White Don White is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Monday can't come too soon.

"hk" wrote in message
On 3/26/10 3:46 PM, jps wrote:
On Fri, 26 Mar 2010 12:13:07 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch

On Mar 26, 1:36 pm, wrote:
On 3/26/10 1:30 PM, jps wrote:

If you know what I mean...

Watch yer topknot...

Conservatives - just pretend Obama's health care legislation is another
unnecessary war and you'll feel better about it.

Now that we have shot down all the brain dead lefty BS, maybe someone
will talk about boats again.

You've shot yourself in the foot, the leg and the head. I don't
recall anywhere that you've shot anything down.

Perhaps brain dead is better than insane?

Righties like to declare victory when what they are posting is so untrue,
bizarre, weird, et cetera, that no one will engage them in a serious

I don't seriously "engage" most of the righties here (and loogy) because,
well, there is no reason to do so.

Froggy, on top of being a way out there kind of rightie also seems to
suffer from serious mental disorders. So...why bother, other than to toss
him a good doggy dog biscuit.

Conservatives - just pretend Obama's health care legislation is another
unnecessary war and you'll feel better about it.

Froggy & his ilk take after their former Exaulted Ruler, Georgie Boy. when
he declared "Mission Accomplished" about 4000 American lives ago.