Thread: Leaving Monday
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Frogwatch Frogwatch is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,163
Default Leaving Monday

Prop strut is fixed after my weird encounter with a crab trap near
Sarasota. Had to have a new strut made as the old one was sorta
corroded over time. I do not even want to think of the cost.
The yard had called and told me after they hauled her that they could
not even identify my prop so I asked them to take it off and send it
to me.
My prop is a PerfectPitch plastic one which is a massive plastic
casting, very lightweight and I really like it and I was afraid it had
been ruined. When it arrived, I could barely recognize it because it
looked melted. It was a mass of greyish melted plastic. I started
peeling off some of the melted crap. Whoa, there is a prop under all
that crap. Bit by bit, I removed all the melted plastic to find my
Plastic Perfectpitch prop in perfect condition underneath. Somehow,
the crab trap line had melted and then fused to the prop WHILE IN THE
WATER. No idea how this happed.
So, clean prop, new prop strut and new bottom paint (did you know
Trinidad is now $250/gallon) so I am ready to cruise past Cape Coral
and thru Lake Okechobee and to Stuart.
Wayne, I appreciate your offer for your dock but problems prevented me
from taking you up on it.
So, I f you happen to see the old 28' sailboat with the bizarro
hideous yellow nesting dinghy on the bow, it'll be me.