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mmc mmc is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2009
Posts: 891
Default Tall Ship Concordia sunk of coast of Brazil

"Roger Long" wrote in message
On Feb 21, 1:25 pm, Bob wrote:

White Squall
See the movie

You would suggest a Hollywood movie as having anything credible to
contribute to this question?

You never cease to amaze me Bob.

Reading this about the subject of the movie would be more useful:

Sorry, long link. Hope it works. You may have to cut and paste. If
it doesn't work, look for the "Read About it Here" link on this page:

The "Albatross" had just about the same stability characteristics as
the "Marques". In the big study I did for ASTA and the Coast Guard,
all the vessels we could get data on that hadn't capsized plotted in a
group up in the top right hand corner of the graphs. "Albatross",
"Marques", and another vessel that had also capsized were down in a
group in the lower left with lots of white space in between. There
were no other vessels down there that had not capsized. It didn't
take a microburst in those cases. When sailing at a normal heel angle
with the deckedge about at the waterline, the "Marques" only needed a
22% increase in wind speed to capsize her. "Albatross" was about the

Roger Long

Never saw the "Perfect Storm" either.
After reading the authors admissions that he knew nothing about the sea or
boats, reading his imaginary scenario about how the boat went down and his
less than respectfull descriptions of the people involved, I didn't just put
the book down but threw it in the trash.
If Hollywood followed reality they'd never sell any tickets.
How's it going Roger?